Official PSU next loss to IOWA game thread.

Wilbon just took a shot at Fran and Iowa on PTI. They were showing a clip of Buzz Williams coaching a girl doing a free throw contest while his team was huddled up for a timeout down 1, and VT ended up losing by 10. Wilbon then said something along the lines of "too bad that wasn't Fran McAffrey. Did you see Iowa lost to Penn State today? That was great."
I'm predicting Iowa drops to a 10, maybe lower. This was a terrible loss to a bad team at absolutely the worst time of the season to be losing to bad teams.

I don't think they drop below an 8 seed, but they absolutely deserve to drop to a 10. Penn State is a BAD team. Newbill is their only good player. Iowa was playing for a 5 or 6 seed, and comes out and plays like crap. I guarantee you this loss kills their spirits because they are mentally weak and they lay a major egg in their first NCAA game. I will donate $100 to a local charity and post proof if I'm wrong.
Wilbon just took a shot at Fran and Iowa on PTI. They were showing a clip of Buzz Williams coaching a girl doing a free throw contest while his team was huddled up for a timeout down 1, and VT ended up losing by 10. Wilbon then said something along the lines of "too bad that wasn't Fran McAffrey. Did you see Iowa lost to Penn State today? That was great."
Once again Wilbon proves he's an idiot every time he opens his mouth. It's proven at the end of all the shows when they tell what mistakes they make. Wilbon needs to forget about Iowa and root for his alma mater in the NCAA Tournament, oh wait, lol.
Wilbon attended Northwestern at the end of the Bob Commings and beginning of the Hayden Fry era. He's still trying to get over there butt whooping Iowa put on NW for so many years. He's a joke of a so called journalist. He's a comedy act without trying to be one.
I don't think they drop below an 8 seed, but they absolutely deserve to drop to a 10. Penn State is a BAD team. Newbill is their only good player. Iowa was playing for a 5 or 6 seed, and comes out and plays like crap. I guarantee you this loss kills their spirits because they are mentally weak and they lay a major egg in their first NCAA game. I will donate $100 to a local charity and post proof if I'm wrong.

Most of us thought we'd drop to the last 4 in last year, myself included, but it happened. That said, I don't see us going down further than a 9. I hope an 8. Kentucky got to the final as an 8 last year. Silver lining????
I'm predicting Iowa drops to a 10, maybe lower. This was a terrible loss to a bad team at absolutely the worst time of the season to be losing to bad teams.
You are absolutely correct in your second sentence. And just as absolutely wrong in your first sentence.
I don't know. You'll have to tell us how it feels.

Seriously, my post was rational. You are just trollin'.

Yes, talking about how pathetic a loss this season is because Todd Lickliter's teams lost all the time is totally rational.

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