Official PSU next loss to IOWA game thread.

I can't tell which Iowa team showed up today - the Suckeyes or the Chokeyes. What a weak performance.
I see enough of this during the football season. To see it in basketball also... The past couple of years have been brutal.
We lost because we couldn't shoot. It's our Achilles heel. It happens. We're still in the tournament. You guys need to go jerk off or something.
For a while there in the first half into the early second half, PSU was begging Iowa to blow 'em out. Iowa just couldn't do it. They mistakenly slammed the brake pedal instead of the gas.

That was disappointing to say the least. We just have to hope this year's team is the opposite of the Horner/Brunner/Haluska team that won the BTT but sucked away the NCAA first round. If this Iowa team can win a game or two next weekend nobody will care about this loss.