^ salty ^


I prefer to wait until someone is down before kicking them. :eek:
Seriously though, what the hell happened to him? When I was watching, he was tied for the lead, I check back in and he has fallen off the face of the earth. What went wrong?
I prefer to wait until someone is down before kicking them. :eek:
Seriously though, what the hell happened to him? When I was watching, he was tied for the lead, I check back in and he has fallen off the face of the earth. What went wrong?

He's not that far back, and play has been suspended. I think tiger has 11 holes left. Prolly a good thing. Gives him a chance to pull it back together tomorrow.
I prefer to wait until someone is down before kicking them. :eek:
Seriously though, what the hell happened to him? When I was watching, he was tied for the lead, I check back in and he has fallen off the face of the earth. What went wrong?

I tuned in, saw it was in delay, and tuned right back out. So I don't know what happened. Prolly typical 3rd round implosion by "the greatest evarrr". :rolleyes: ;)
I have no idea. Where did you hear that description? It's a new one to me.

I thought I heard someone once refer to Ian Poulter as "The Swedish Pimp." Since he isn't a swede, that makes little sense. Anyway, he has vaulted up the leader board.
A long cut off the tee is the most difficult shot for me to do on demand. I move the ball mostly right to left, but I have started to play a fade, and most recently a cut on demand.Not a lot of course locally that require a long cut off the tee. Actually St. Andrews, for all of its' other faults, is a shot makers course, and there are at least one long cut off the tee required, and several fades. St. Andrews in Cedar Rapids, not the other one.

Gardner calls for a hard cut off the tee on one (3wd), 6, 12, 14, and 15.

It calls for draws on 2, 3, 10, 11, and 16.

5, 9, and 18 are open for interpretation.
I have no idea. Where did you hear that description? It's a new one to me.

Perhaps I'm thinking of Jesper Parnevick? Looks like a pimp to me.
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Why do so many morons in the gallery always run to a ball hit off course and cluster around it like it's something magical from another world?
It's a friggen golf ball. What difference does it make who hit it there? It's a friggen golf ball.
i think it has more to do with being close to le tiger and getting on tv or si and having a chance of being the next photoshop sensation.
i think it has more to do with being close to le tiger and getting on tv or si and having a chance of being the next photoshop sensation.

Yeh, that's prolly it, but it's ghey nevertheless.
Americans constantly act like stooges in public. I just don't get why so many tards think it's "cool" to act like undignified rubes.

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