***Official Outback Bowl Game Thread***

as I said before, this game .... D is doing a reasonable job but the O is lacking

See 1982 Rose Bowl, 2011 Insight bowl,
Why again does everyone think we have a great running game? We can't run on any good defense....LSU offensive line is what we fantasize ours to be - its not
Jake needs to step up to the plate at this point in his career and he hasn't been doing it.
I think I am gonna take the dog for a long walk, who cares if its 8 below.......this game blows
JFC. Embarassing.

Where the hell are the Ferentz lovers today?

I support Ferentz. I also support fielding punts and not underthrowing open receivers.

We haven't played well but can we stop pretending that this is isn't the best team we've played all year.