Well-Known Member
Well when you don't recruit at the level of a blue blood, then you are going to have more growing pains than they are. Do you really think Iowa is gonna recruit at MSU's level? Of course their young team is gonna be better than our young team.
Just don't buy into the blue blood thing. The main difference is admin and base that doesn't settle for mediocrity. You think East Lansing has something over Iowa City? The 2 programs in 1980 were pretty on par with Iowa having the advantage most of the rest of the 80s. What happened? Intervenous blue blood? Vulcan? Mich was a blue blood. What is this blue blood in the Big? Maybe Indiana? Poor ole Iowa. Miserable average state. Nothing special. Indiana is such a better state. Ever been around Michigan? Maybe the Goofs might have an advantage due to a major metro area, and little D1 Competitiion? Who is this blue blood?