***OFFICIAL Iowa vs Virgina NIT FINAL 4 trip on the line Game Thread***

Yup. Officiating has clearly been fair and balanced so far.

Your complaining about the 5 fouls called on us? and the 3 called on UVA.. A total of 3 Free Throws were shot 1 by us and 2 by them.

A total of 8 fouls called. Cry me a river dude..

Yeah I'm watching LIKE EVERYONE ELSE, you sir do this EVERY damn game, Seriously your a BUZZKILL and way to over the top on the complaining..

I guess I shouldn't be surprised..

Says the Buzzkill King of HN.... I swear you only come on here to tear other posters down. Do yourself a favor and quit coming here.... it seems it makes you so miserable.
Sorry not buying that for one sec.. That is weak sauce Jack..

LOL. Your not buying obvious fouls? Terrific, thanks for the worthless input.

What about white getting raked across the arms or McCabe standing completely still, getting run into and getting an offensive foul. And I have no idea what that last offensive foul on the rebound was.
Sorry not buying that for one sec.. That is weak sauce Jack..
I am new to this site and hawkprdatr40 is perhaps the most pessimistic unhappy person on most every thread. I hope you are not married... If so, I pity your wife. Sometimes Iowa fans are over the top complaining about officiating, however tonight is definitely not one of them.
cant say this officiating has impressed me much... typical no call on tackling but like to call offensive fouls and illegal screens
If I bother you so much, put me on ignore. I should not have this big of an effect on you. Go for a walk or something. :)

I fine and very comfortable watching a very, very good game. That IMO has been officiated very well so far, thank you very much!!
Your complaining about the 5 fouls called on us? and the 3 called on UVA.. A total of 3 Free Throws were shot 1 by us and 2 by them.

A total of 8 fouls called. Cry me a river dude..


Dude. Just stop already. We get that you don't like him complaining about the refs. Just worry about the game, not other posters.

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