***OFFICIAL Iowa vs Sparty Win and In BTT Game thread***

I read this as sarcastic. Not sure if it is but they hadn't been in there since 9:42. Also, the 1 thing Clemons needs to do in the offseason is work on his left had. You can't drive with traffic with 1 hand.

No sarcasm intended.....

Our interior D was absent......
There was a reason why Iowa had hardly any points in that 7 minutes, Iowa was getting mugged by the refs and MSU. Hard to score points when every time down the court your getting smacked around.

Cry me a river. lol.. Iowa was booting that ball all over the place.. What game you watch. Hey remember that pass by Clemmons to a wide open player for a layup that sailed out of bounds?? I do..
Cry me a river. lol.. Iowa was booting that ball all over the place.. What game you watch. Hey remember that pass by Clemmons to a wide open player for a layup that sailed out of bounds?? I do..

Let folks vent...it's half the reason for forums.

We were beat by a better team...
Clemmons choked but Fran deserves heat for playing McCabe and leaving out Olaseni/Woody during that stretch. McCabe got owned and MSU turned into the Globetrotters. It also opened up the outside for MSU.
each extra win for a BT top 4 seed ensures a higher NCAA seed. Not so much about Iowa NOT getting in but maximizing Big Ten placement in the big dance. - just my little conspiracy theory.
just 1 of 17 ref induced turnovers. ;)

Want another one or 2 or 14? Here I will give you one more without pulling up TIVO. How about Marble dribbling to the baseline with nowhere to go and stepping on the line. I could go on and on.. Iowa lost man up and accept that the Refs didn't cause this loss.

Not blaming anyone player. Iowa is close and I can't wait for the NIT and next year..

Want another one or 2 or 14? Here I will give you one more without pulling up TIVO. How about Marble dribbling to the baseline with nowhere to go and stepping on the line. I could go on and on.. Iowa lost man up and accept that the Refs didn't cause this loss.

Not blaming anyone player. Iowa is close and I can't wait for the NIT and next year..

How about the alley-oop pass to Payne that sailed into the stands where Payne jumps on Basabe who makes no move for the ball or Payne and a shooting foul is called. 2 fresh Spartan points.
because it was. This year was NCAA or bust, the NIT is like getting a free dinner of liver and onions. Sure, after starving for food for so long like Iowa was last year you'll eat anything but now it sucks.

This year was NCAA or bust??? OOOOOOKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK. lay off the crack
Look at the box score before we get all bent out of shape on playing Zach so much. TIA. I obviously no stats arent everything but just sayn
because it was. This year was NCAA or bust, the NIT is like getting a free dinner of liver and onions. Sure, after starving for food for so long like Iowa was last year you'll eat anything but now it sucks.

Ha ha good one.

I liken it to winning the "B" heat of a relay at the state track meet. Feels kinda good, until you realize you didn't place in the top 6.
Who picked up our last foul when Harris made the two free throws? Why in the heck did we foul? (I did not see the game just followed on gametracker)
Wouldn't it be great if we got an unexpected birth on Sunday and made a miracle run to the sweet 16 winning all close games in the final seconds?

Alright, I'll shut up now.

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