***OFFICIAL Iowa vs Derps NIT FINAL FOUR game thread***

If the silver lining of the NIT was that extra playing would help this team learn to finish - I think that's been accomplished.

I'm ready to watch and enjoy another game - but all I can really think about is how this will pay dividends next year.

Nice win ... and we have a fan in Raftery.


After Thursday's game....

I dont want to go off on a Kurt rant here but how can he not feel this excitement and not have any more emotion then he does? Fans want a reason to cheer and Fran and these kids are giving us that. Amazing night.
Nice, nice win against a good team. Kept fending off the runs.

And, again, NCAA Committee screw you! When Iowa makes the big show next year, the seed had better be very, very good you owe us one.
I dont want to go off on a Kurt rant here but how can he not feel this excitement and not have any more emotion then he does? Fans want a reason to cheer and Fran and these kids are giving us that. Amazing night.

I don't think I've seen this much excitement and anticipation for a sporting event on social networking sites and message boards (and I'm talking excitement, not pure anger and frustration) since, probably the 2010 football season. Pretty cool, and this is just the NIT. Iowa basketball is back (as far mattering to the fan base goes) and as a fan who had student tickets through the Lick years, I'm pretty happy about this.

If we are, indeed good next year (and I have a hard time seeing this not being the case) tickets are going to be tough to come by. I'm wondering if maybe we'll see some huge crowds for even the early season cupcake teams. That'd be sweet.
I don't think I've seen this much excitement and anticipation for a sporting event on social networking sites and message boards (and I'm talking excitement, not pure anger and frustration) since, probably the 2010 football season. Pretty cool, and this is just the NIT. Iowa basketball is back (as far mattering to the fan base goes) and as a fan who had student tickets through the Lick years, I'm pretty happy about this.

If we are, indeed good next year (and I have a hard time seeing this not being the case) tickets are going to be tough to come by. I'm wondering if maybe we'll see some huge crowds for even the early season cupcake teams. That'd be sweet.

So very well put. I havent sat and watch an entire basketball game in a long time. This season I tried to stay cool and calm and let what happens happen. I am so stoked now. These kids have turned a major corner. I know a lot of people were upset about the NIT bid but in my mind this is right where we needed to be. Get a good amount of games its still a tournament with some very good basketball teams. Teams in the same situation as us something to prove as they also were disappointed not to make the big dance. Fran has done an amazing job and Dev is a lot of fun to watch. Everyone plays real smart the turnover ratio tonight showed that. Way to be Hawks even when the refs seemed to be at Marylands dinner table they didn't back down or give in at all.
I dont want to go off on a Kurt rant here but how can he not feel this excitement and not have any more emotion then he does? Fans want a reason to cheer and Fran and these kids are giving us that. Amazing night.
"Ferentz doesn't show emotion" is the biggest myth in this fanbase...fans just need to come out and say it, they want Kirk to unleash his Paul Rhoads air guitar...despite making fun of PR and that dimwit in Lincoln when they do it.
"Ferentz doesn't show emotion" is the biggest myth in this fanbase...fans just need to come out and say it, they want Kirk to unleash his Paul Rhoads air guitar...despite making fun of PR and that dimwit in Lincoln when they do it.

LOL, ok we cant go from one extreme to the other I suppose :) He claps for a made FG or a missed FG the exact same way. Thats pretty emotionless. I don't need him running up and down the sidelines cussin and a fussin but he could turn that dial up from the 2 he maxes out on for sure.
LOL, ok we cant go from one extreme to the other I suppose :) He claps for a made FG or a missed FG the exact same way. Thats pretty emotionless. I don't need him running up and down the sidelines cussin and a fussin but he could turn that dial up from the 2 he maxes out on for sure.
Haha...well, in his defense, unless that FG is to win a game, there's no need to clap it out! (not that we've been close enough to have that happen lately)...I'm all for the fair game of criticizing his recruiting, stubborness when it comes to play calling and the losses...I just can't get myself to jump on the petty stuff, like the supposed lack of emotion, name calling and gum chewing smack. I do however, totally get the frustration that leads to it!
Haha...well, in his defense, unless that FG is to win a game, there's no need to clap it out! (not that we've been close enough to have that happen lately)...I'm all for the fair game of criticizing his recruiting, stubborness when it comes to play calling and the losses...I just can't get myself to jump on the petty stuff, like the supposed lack of emotion, name calling and gum chewing smack. I do however, totally get the frustration that leads to it!

Honestly on game day I do agree. It's his interviews and press conferences that bug me the most about his perceived lack of emotion. Either way lets not worry ourselves with it tonight. Fran and the boys were mad fantastic and they deserve our attention. Brought some major joy to Hawkeye Nation for sure.
Honestly on game day I do agree. It's his interviews and press conferences that bug me the most about his perceived lack of emotion. Either way lets not worry ourselves with it tonight. Fran and the boys were mad fantastic and they deserve our attention. Brought some major joy to Hawkeye Nation for sure.
Hell yeah!
After the game, Maryland fans were largely gracious in the loss. They didn't think the Terps played very well but credited Iowa with much of that. Several I spoke with said they thought this is a really good Iowa team -- very physical, fast, athletic without resorting to dirty play or cheap shots. They'll be good to have in the conference next year.

a couple Terp fans I spoke with are really concerned about how their football and basketball teams will fare in the B1G. Big concern especially about football; they are worried about going up against the powerhouse programs -- Michigan, Ohio State, Penn State, Nebby and even the Hawks. They are worried they will be at or near the bottom of the conference, even below Rutgers.
After the game, Maryland fans were largely gracious in the loss. They didn't think the Terps played very well but credited Iowa with much of that. Several I spoke with said they thought this is a really good Iowa team -- very physical, fast, athletic without resorting to dirty play or cheap shots. They'll be good to have in the conference next year.

a couple Terp fans I spoke with are really concerned about how their football and basketball teams will fare in the B1G. Big concern especially about football; they are worried about going up against the powerhouse programs -- Michigan, Ohio State, Penn State, Nebby and even the Hawks. They are worried they will be at or near the bottom of the conference, even below Rutgers.

Well...thank goodness we'll be ahead of somebody!

Hope you had a great time at the game!

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