Official Iowa versus Illinois game thread

Illinois played a helluva game, maybe best of the yr, tough Iowa team to comeback and win this in illinois best game of the yr.
Wow. Marble's look to win in regulation against MSU was way better than it looked live.

I thought it was a good look live. As was Basabe's put back attempt and I don't want to think about it ever again.
If you'd would have told me before the game we'd win by 7 I would've said I'll take the points and the Illini....a team desperate like that is tough to hold on their home court. So I'm happy as hell with a win...we did the things we needed to at the end....heck Marble and Gesell even hit a couple Free Throws. As far as I'm concerned you gotta have Olaseni, and White on the floor at the end of the game. And for everyone beating up Gesell on his defensive play he made to unbelieveable blocks tonight and that last stand where he stood his ground and forced the miss was awesome. I am not happy with McCaffrey's substitution pattern. Oglesby cannot get an open shot against an active Man to Man...why on EARTH does he get that much playing time. Thought Clemmons did a good job on D tonight.
Coach groce said the 2nd half was the best his team has played in 2 yrs.

I can see it. Often Illinois just isos and chucks a three they don't too much. They were a team running at very, very high energy. It's not common to beat a team who brings it like that and the fact is, if Illinois brings it they can be a good team. They have some talent. We matched their energy and then deflated them by making some plays.
I'm pretty damned happy right now. How about you? Moron.

You guys all live for being cool on message boards and calling people out because I was wrong. I'm proud of you. Yes! 3 people liked what you said!! I bet you feel pretty sweet. I'm still shocked we won and I'm glad. Sorry for not being so awesome like you.

Signed, moron
You guys all live for being cool on message boards and calling people out because I was wrong. I'm proud of you. Yes! 3 people liked what you said!! I bet you feel pretty sweet. I'm still shocked we won and I'm glad. Sorry for not being so awesome like you.

Signed, moron

It's ok, blackngold, happens to us all sometimes. Just your turn to been the whippin boy tonight.:D
It's ok, blackngold, happens to us all sometimes. Just your turn to been the whippin boy tonight.:D

Just annoyed. Getting called out cause I honestly thought we were gonna choke when we fell behind by 5 which so many Iowa teams have done before. I guess this team must be a bit different and if they made me look stupid..well so be it I guess. I still have good self's ok. Thanks bud
I've seen Illinois follow this pattern since the ACC - B1G Challenge. They can't function in the last 5 minutes of a game. Street ball just doesn't get it done.

It's nice to get wins of this nature BUT this team is taking years off my life. I could really use a 21 point lead that never drops below 14 against Ohio State. I'm really tired of yelling at a TV...pretty sure it makes a difference so I can't stop doing it.
You guys all live for being cool on message boards and calling people out because I was wrong. I'm proud of you. Yes! 3 people liked what you said!! I bet you feel pretty sweet. I'm still shocked we won and I'm glad. Sorry for not being so awesome like you.

Signed, moron

so, he calls you out for being a chickenshit fan, and this is how you respond? by affirming that you are an incredibly fair-weather fan. good one man.

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