More terrible officiating. Lebron turned fullback completely runs over a stationary Chandler with no call. Previous play shows he nearly had his hand wrapped around Kidd's wrist on his release.
Sheagle officiating works both ways dumb a**

Nice to know you're capable of intelligent discourse :confused:. I'll play, too! I know how it works f*ck stick. However, if you'd quit slobbin' Lebron's knob for a second you might notice that your boyfriend gets away with murder; to a point beyond ridiculous.
Nice to know you're capable of intelligent discourse :confused:. I'll play, too! I know how it works f*ck stick. However, if you'd quit slobbin' Lebron's knob for a second you might notice that your boyfriend gets away with murder; to a point beyond ridiculous.

Hmmm, please find a post when I said I was a lebron fan. Go ahead Ill give you till the end of the series to look.

Watch the damn game instead of trying to find a reason to get mad at Lebron. Yes He does get away with fouls, but so does everyone else on the court. Stop being a little b*tch and whining and be a man, step up and enjoy the playoffs.
The blaming it on the officials sh*t is really starting to get old. That's what losers do

That is only what fans of the team who has the refs sucking their nobs game in and game out say....and right now they been sucking the HEAT hard for the past series plus.
Good, I thought "one more hater, and the power from all the haters towards the Heat will propel them to a sweep"...but not anymore haha
Ok guys, Whos winning game 5 tonight? Will Lebron let down, or show up big?

I have no clue at this point....So I ask the Nation.
Ok guys, Whos winning game 5 tonight? Will Lebron let down, or show up big?

I have no clue at this point....So I ask the Nation.

I'll go out on a limb and say solid showing with 25 pts. 8 boards and 7 assists, while Wade takes over another 4th quarter.
I used to like LBJ but after the side show move to Miami I fell off the band wagon. I will say this I do not follow NBA basketball to much anymore but this has been a very entertaining finals. Id like to see Dirk get a ring and Jason Kidd can still play some good basketball.
My brother and I were texting each other during the 4th qtr about LBJ. He texted a good comment "Yep. Miami didn't need him. He needed Miami" which I thought was on point. Can't believe there's even discussions about being compared to Jordan. I do like Charles Barkleys comments.
2 points in the 4th last night. And those came on a fed layup. Zero points in game 4. There's your Jordan comparison right there.
2 points in the 4th last night. And those came on a fed layup. Zero points in game 4. There's your Jordan comparison right there.

LeBrick went about 35 minutes worth of 4th quarter time in the NBA Finals between FG's. Dallas pretty much cleared the way and just didnt want to foul for his FG to end the futility.

Favorite play of the game was when freakin Brian Cardinal picked James' pocket :D. Usually I hate guys like Cardinal if they arent on my team but its kind of fun watching him play.

D- Wade goes down with an injury and Lebron still wants to just set other guys up. Take over a game and win a championship if you want to be considered the greatest player in the world. Biggest game of his life (his words) and he gets 17 points. After the game Stuart Scott said it was the quietest triple double in Finals history and I agree.

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