*****OFFICIAL GAME THREAD***** Iowa -v- Purdue

What the hell is wrong with the offensive line? They can't open holes when when Purdue doesn't load up the box.

Yeah, i don't get it. NFL 1st rounder and probably a couple of others that will make NFL rosters.... The zone blocking scheme Iowa runs is a little outdated....still there should be a lot more production than what they are getting.
Dangit. let that ball bounce and it likely goes in the endzone. Starting inside the 10 is not the recipe for success for this offense.
More I form on first down.

Wait...we're running a delayed handoff with WEISMAN? WEISMAN????

That's a play you run with Parker or Canzeri.
If we trade punts we will lose the field position game.

Kirk is just waiting for the other team to make a mistake, then then the field position game will flip t his advantage. He is ever the chess master; taking his time, setting his traps, surprising his opponent when they least expect it. He has them right where he wants them.
Running lanes are open when it looks like we are passing. Would be nice to see a draw play for Cenzari

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