Amazing how our backs can move the sticks when the d is afraid our qb might throw more than 7 yds downfield
I'm willing to bet most of the Iowa's Offensive players already knew who the better QB on this team was. :) Pretty Damn obvious!! WOW!
It looked under thrown to me, Vandenberg had to slow down and jump to catch it over the defenders head behind him. Had the Pitt guy got his arms up or jumped also a likely incompletion or interception.

It looked to me like Vandenberg bailed out Rudock on that one, just my .02

It looked that way because that's what you wanted to see. I've been very critical of Rudock this year, but the only way he completes a pass to Vandeberg on that play is to put the ball exactly where he did. You can't hit him in stride when he's that well-covered.

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