******Official Big Ten (and ISU) in Bowls thread********

Watching ISU lose was satisfying... To say I dislike them would be an understatement. WSUs QB is good he took what they gave him a lot and their game plan was sound. ISUs early TOs just beat themselves. Not to mention penalties and their coach going nuts. ISUs defenders (a whole lot of them still do this not just theirs) were going in with their heads down to try and tackle way too much. I figured it'd take a little while for coaching to try and change the habits of these players but it's almost lucky they don't have more targeting calls throughout these games really...
Watching ISU lose was satisfying... To say I dislike them would be an understatement. WSUs QB is good he took what they gave him a lot and their game plan was sound. ISUs early TOs just beat themselves. Not to mention penalties and their coach going nuts. ISUs defenders (a whole lot of them still do this not just theirs) were going in with their heads down to try and tackle way too much. I figured it'd take a little while for coaching to try and change the habits of these players but it's almost lucky they don't have more targeting calls throughout these games really...
Linebacker Mike Rose, who otherwise had a solid freshman year, didn't look like he was much of a factor last night in the three quarters I was able to stay awake for. He seemed to be arriving to a lot of tackles just in time to clean up.
Watch the replay... the DB was making play on ball that’s why he launched to try knock it out.. and his helmet never touched the guy.. that wasn’t even close to targeting..

1st one was..2nd one idk the DE really couldn’t help it.. how do you tackle a guy laying out without your helmet hitting other guys helmet.. certainly wasn’t targeting imo..

Was good game.. isu beat themselves a lot.
I'd have to see the replay again to be sure. I thought the pass was uncatchable.
I'm certainly not a Clone fan but I give them credit as it was a good game against a quality opponent. Was surprised in the 4th when Campbell went for the field goal on 4th down and a couple yards to go deep in WSU territory. Montgomery had pretty much led that drive with good yardage on every carry and thought he could have picked it up for them. Could have been the difference in the game as it turned out.

Sure see the value of a mobile QB in this game for both teams.
Any of you guys watching this game (Fla/Mich) on ESPN skycam?
Seriously this is bizarre. Watching the game with no commentary just a nausea inducing camera directly over the players. Except for the physical side effects it's kinda fun. We'll see how long it takes for me to get bored with it.
I'm certainly not a Clone fan but I give them credit as it was a good game against a quality opponent. Was surprised in the 4th when Campbell went for the field goal on 4th down and a couple yards to go deep in WSU territory. Montgomery had pretty much led that drive with good yardage on every carry and thought he could have picked it up for them. Could have been the difference in the game as it turned out.

Sure see the value of a mobile QB in this game for both teams.

The difference turned out to be a FG that hit the upright.
I'll take the other side of the coin on this one, I thought the Clowns got screwed. That false start was so obvious and it may have been the difference in the game. The first hit was obviously targeting, but the 2nd one I felt was accidental.

If Iowa losses in this manner this board will be livid.
I'll take the other side of the coin on this one, I thought the Clowns got screwed. That false start was so obvious and it may have been the difference in the game. The first hit was obviously targeting, but the 2nd one I felt was accidental.

If Iowa losses in this manner this board will be livid.

That's why I mentioned I don't want those refs in any future Hawkeye games. I get the targeting ejections. I just don't like the direction college football is going. Taking TDs off the board for high-stepping - Halo rule - fair catch in the field of play and start at the 25 yard line. Too much time spent by announcers reminding me "we are trying to make the game injury-free"

Eff that, I want non-stop controlled violence for 60 minutes.
Florida keeps getting inside Michigan's 5yd line and coming away with FGs. Bodes well for Michigan.
Michigan's running back just made a huge play that won't show up in the box score. He alertly pounced on a loose ball after Peterson got hit and gained about four yards. Not a big deal, you say? Well it was third down and those four yards put the ball on the thirty yard line. Michigan made a FG that would have hooked left from four yards further out.

The little things that win football games!
The taunting penalty resulting in taking a TD off the board is the biggest bunch of bullshit in college football. It should be a 15 yard penalty assessed on either the extra point or the kickoff. Taking off a well earned TD is ridiculous.
Yes, if you don't want to be taunted, don't throw the pick.
Yes, if you don't want to be taunted, don't throw the pick.

And one man's taunting is another man's celebrating. AND WHY IS CELEBRATING A BAD THING? "somebody's feelings may get hurt"

So it's okay to damage a body, just not their feelings. Seriously, WTF happened to the USA?
The B1G is 2-1 in bowl games so far as long as they don't shit the bed the rest of the way I'm good.

2-1 ain't bad. Michigan down by a FG at the half. If they lose Harbaugh is gonna get a stern talking to by the board of regents. No to mention puts more pressure on the other B1G teams the rest of the way.
OT factoid.
Minny - bowl winning streak @ 3
Wisky - bowl winning streak @ 5
The things I learn when I pay attention to the commentators.

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