OC buzz in IC around Marv Cook


Well-Known Member
Hearing buzz in IC that there is some smoke re marv cook and Iowa around an OC job. Its coming from people in the "Regina Loop" and they don't have any UI connections. I found it interesting but take it FWIW.
I think he is a hell of a high school coach. For him to step into the oc position at a major university doesn't seem possible to me.
Another possibility is he becomes the OLine coach and that guy becomes the OC. Marv Cook joining the staff wouldn't surprise me.
Hearing buzz in IC that there is some smoke re marv cook and Iowa around an OC job. Its coming from people in the "Regina Loop" and they don't have any UI connections. I found it interesting but take it FWIW.

I like the smoke and hopefully it's coming from fire under the Captain's arse. Duff, does this mean GD is no longer employed by Iowa.
Need an outsider to come in kick KF in the nads. Another Ferrets era good ol' boy is not what we need.
Like likey likey (sorry it wouldn't let me post shorter than one word)( actually its a good move because he's already living in Iowa City and He can go to work right away)