Now that the thrill has worn off...

That was a pretty easy catch a shoot with .6 left. But I doubt it would have counted had it went in.

It definitely would not have counted. That has already been confirmed.

Tyler Cook was very honest in his post-game interview, and said the whole team was just relieved that they won. This was a very tired basketball team, arriving back from Indiana at 3 in the morning.

They will be a rested team when they play Rutgers in 6 days.

Enjoy this magical season. A team that went 14-19 last year is now 19-5. That is remarkable
Digging deeper, what concerns me is that NW flat out looked like the better, more athletic team for 37 minutes and will that often be the case in upcoming games? Seems like for 37 minutes, they had a great defensive plan against us as well, for the most part.
Most teams guard the inbounder since this play happened in 1992. :)

A lot of teams have guarded the inbound passer even before the Laettner shot but with .6 seconds left I would rather have an extra very athletic , taller defender down at the other end to tip the ball. You can barely catch and turn and shoot in that amount of time so just making the catch very hard .

I will relook at the end of the game and see what happended.

And refs do not want to blow the whistle in that situation as long as you dont totally clobber a guy, not even in the NFL anymore (see rams vs saints).
Digging deeper, what concerns me is that NW flat out looked like the better, more athletic team for 37 minutes and will that often be the case in upcoming games? Seems like for 37 minutes, they had a great defensive plan against us as well, for the most part.
To me their plan looked like

1) letting Iowa miss all kinds of bunnies,

2) Cook with his TM couple of missed dunks,

3) JBo not shooting in the first 35 minutes.

4) getting Garza to foul
Most teams guard the inbounder since this play happened in 1992. :)

Yes the hawks had a guy guarding the man inbounding the ball and it may have made the person put a little more air under the throw which you want .

But the clock doesnt start until it is touched so I would rather have an extra defender fronting someone who might catch the pass in order to steal or tip that pass.

I worked out but that guy got a good shot off.
Digging deeper, what concerns me is that NW flat out looked like the better, more athletic team for 37 minutes and will that often be the case in upcoming games? Seems like for 37 minutes, they had a great defensive plan against us as well, for the most part.

I don't really worry too much about this. The season, especially THIS season, is an absolute meat grinder. There are going to be nights when the guys aren't going all out and I think last night was one of them. I never played college ball, but with my high school team, I could tell in warmups what the temperature of the team was. On nights we got beat, I wasn't surprised. It is hard to flip a switch sometimes, but they sure did it last night. I know one thing, this game last year is a double digit loss.
I don't really worry too much about this. The season, especially THIS season, is an absolute meat grinder. There are going to be nights when the guys aren't going all out and I think last night was one of them. I never played college ball, but with my high school team, I could tell in warmups what the temperature of the team was. On nights we got beat, I wasn't surprised. It is hard to flip a switch sometimes, but they sure did it last night. I know one thing, this game last year is a double digit loss.

Pretty much the way I see it. Or hope it is, anyway. Seems most teams not named Duke, etc. can have an off night. Heck, I remember MSU losing at home to NW a few years ago, too. It happens. But man am I glad to not have absorbed this particular loss. Losing @OSU, @MN, etc. I can deal with, but losing at home to a team near the bottom would've been a kick in the nads. Especially right when it seemed everyone was finally starting to buy in.
Pretty much the way I see it. Or hope it is, anyway. Seems most teams not named Duke, etc. can have an off night. Heck, I remember MSU losing at home to NW a few years ago, too. It happens. But man am I glad to not have absorbed this particular loss. Losing @OSU, @MN, etc. I can deal with, but losing at home to a team near the bottom would've been a kick in the nads. Especially right when it seemed everyone was finally starting to buy in.

Good post and totally agree. It seems like we had a similar game at Minnesota, but came up a little short. I am hoping with having some time off leading up to the Rutgers game, they can rest and be ready. They will need to be sharp. Rutgers has beaten some solid teams at home this season.
I don’t over analyze trap games that we win despite not playing well. We scored 1 more point than they did. That works for me.
Yes the hawks had a guy guarding the man inbounding the ball and it may have made the person put a little more air under the throw which you want .

But the clock doesnt start until it is touched so I would rather have an extra defender fronting someone who might catch the pass in order to steal or tip that pass.

I worked out but that guy got a good shot off.

He didn't get the shot off in time. And, I would never let the inbounder have a free look for the pass in. It makes it much easier. We had Kriener (very tall/longest wingspan on the team). There may have been a defensive mistake, but I am OK with Pardon (not a 3 point shooter) catching the pass at that point.
Most teams guard the inbounder since this play happened in 1992. :)

I would have to say that MOST teams would have done that much earlier than 1992. When I was a freshman at Wartburg in 1975, we got beat by Augustana in the second round of the D3 tournament on a similar play - and we didn't guard the inbounds passer. I believe there is film from the 1960s that had similar results. It's a coach's choice as to guard or not guard the inbounds passer. Fran chose to guard it and actually chose the best player for us to do that - Kreiner. He's tall, fairly mobile and has very long arms.
Now that the shine has worn off a bit, it might also be added that Northwestern has some talent, and has been somewhat of an underachiever this year. They pretty much schooled a top 20 team, on the road, for 37 minutes. This team was no pushover as the players and others might have assumed. Thus, it is a good win, although a squeaky win.

Very good point about NW having some talent but I doubt Fran let his players think pushover. Indiana won in East Lansing just 8 days before and TCU just won at Hilton the day before. Law was due and had a fantastic game. There are no gimmes in the BT. Iowa has won 8 of their last 10 in the rough and tumble B1G and fatigue can be a factor. Fatigue can be overcome.
Digging deeper, what concerns me is that NW flat out looked like the better, more athletic team for 37 minutes and will that often be the case in upcoming games? Seems like for 37 minutes, they had a great defensive plan against us as well, for the most part.

Not sure about that. How many gimme's did we miss? How many missed layups? Missed 3 foot hook shots? Their defense gave up those short shots, and while we typically make those we just didn't make them this game for some reason. That's on us, not on their defense.

I just went back to the Play-by-Play on ESPN and counted 12 times that it says "Missed Layup" for Iowa.
Who gives a shit!?!!! They were tired and didn't play well, but they sucked it up at the end and gave us one of the most exciting two minutes of basketball I've seen in a very long time... and they WON! Holy shit... Just enjoy it!
The historic comeback occurred when Cook was avoided as the center of attack. Shooters could shoot, the offense was up tempo and flowing, rather the stuck in the mud look.

On Bohannon's game-winning shot, who did Northwestern double-team?

I'll give you a hint. It was Tyler Cook.

You don't like the kid. I get it. You qualify your statements by saying he's a good athlete and Iowa needs that but I don't think you really understand the value of an unstoppable post player.

And don't give me the "he just needs to stay on the low-block and shoot two-footers or get garbage points." It's a silly premise when the guy gets the guy draws double teams if he's within 15 feet of the hoop.
The historic comeback occurred when Cook was avoided as the center of attack. Shooters could shoot, the offense was up tempo and flowing, rather the stuck in the mud look.

JFC, Cook had 19 pts and 11 rebounds in a game where Garza was non existent and Jordan was MIA for the first 35 minutes.
On Bohannon's game-winning shot, who did Northwestern double-team?

I'll give you a hint. It was Tyler Cook.

You don't like the kid. I get it. You qualify your statements by saying he's a good athlete and Iowa needs that but I don't think you really understand the value of an unstoppable post player.

And don't give me the "he just needs to stay on the low-block and shoot two-footers or get garbage points." It's a silly premise when the guy gets the guy draws double teams if he's within 15 feet of the hoop.

It is unbelievabel the lack of any kind of sports knowledge is displayed on this board at times. Heck just a month ago, @Fryowa was saying Jordan should quit shooting 3's. I mean the guy is only a CAREER 42% 3pt shooter with 280 some 3 point baskets in under 3 years of playing, but he should STOP shooting so many 3's. LOLOL.

I'm sorry, but when he takes ridiculous shots from 6-7' beyond the three point line and they get turned around into easy fast breaks, it's negative points and none of that is reflected in stats. And it happens a ton.
Digging deeper, what concerns me is that NW flat out looked like the better, more athletic team for 37 minutes and will that often be the case in upcoming games? Seems like for 37 minutes, they had a great defensive plan against us as well, for the most part.
They had five full days to get ready for us. They looked refreshed and poised for much of the game.

We won't have five days to get ready for Maryland, but we have a game with Rutgers. As dangerous as they are at home, it's a lot easier than what Maryland has to tangle with this week; Purdue, @Michigan.

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