Not to be a downer, but...


Well-Known Member
I'm feeling a little preemptively bummed out about the bowl game. For the first time in as long as I can remember, I'm going into a game anticipating that Iowa will lose by double digits. I don't know if I've felt this way at any point in the last five years.

The schemes Kirk runs have always kept the games close, but I just don't see it happening this time. After the Nebraska game, it just seems like a lack of talent and execution are going to kill the team before they get out of the locker room. Does anyone else feel this way?

The only thing keeping my hopes up a little is the fact that Iowa usually plays pretty well in their bowl games, so I definitely hope I'm wrong.
I'm not going to predict a win, Handsy, but a friend of mine who goes to OU told me that Stoops has lost this team for whatever reason...or maybe they're just in the same boat Iowa was in last year, where no NC hunt took their will away...but she thinks Iowa's going to beat them or come close to it, based on Iowa wanting it more...

I'm kind of taking that to be somewhat like Iowa vs Texas in the Alamo a few years ago...Iowa should've won, could've won, but didn't...

OU 24

I'm not going to predict a win, Handsy, but a friend of mine who goes to OU told me that Stoops has lost this team for whatever reason...or maybe they're just in the same boat Iowa was in last year, where no NC hunt took their will away...but she thinks Iowa's going to beat them or come close to it, based on Iowa wanting it more...

I'm kind of taking that to be somewhat like Iowa vs Texas in the Alamo a few years ago...Iowa should've won, could've won, but didn't...

OU 24


I'm hearing he lost some players. They have since left. The team seems to be rallying around each other now.

I'd say the REAL reason we have a shot is because OU is pretty beaten up. Lost Broyles and another receiver and Jones hasn't thrown a TD pass since. But they are better in the trenches, especially on the DL. We'll see.
I am feeling preemptively optimistic about this game, as I am every Hawkeye game. Im gonna get excited about seeing them play a top notch opponent, cheer them on as best as i possibly can and hope for the best, just like i do every game.

Feels a lot like the '93 Alamo bowl season Iowa did not beat anybody with a pulse that year everyone pretty much knew Iowa would get throttled by a good California team.

Only difference is back then hawkfans had hope Tavian Banks and Tim Dwight were on their way to help.
I'm hearing he lost some players. They have since left. The team seems to be rallying around each other now.

I'd say the REAL reason we have a shot is because OU is pretty beaten up. Lost Broyles and another receiver and Jones hasn't thrown a TD pass since. But they are better in the trenches, especially on the DL. We'll see.

OU may be beaten up, but unlike Iowa's "Next man in!" mantra, OU's "Next man in!" is done with more 4 and 5 star players...we better hope that I'm right and you're wrong...because if they're up for the game, their injuries shouldn't hurt like us losing McNutt or Reiff would or OU is thinner in the depth department than they should be.
I'm not going to predict a win, Handsy, but a friend of mine who goes to OU told me that Stoops has lost this team for whatever reason...or maybe they're just in the same boat Iowa was in last year, where no NC hunt took their will away...but she thinks Iowa's going to beat them or come close to it, based on Iowa wanting it more...

I'm kind of taking that to be somewhat like Iowa vs Texas in the Alamo a few years ago...Iowa should've won, could've won, but didn't...

OU 24


I could see a scenario where Iowa gets out to a early big lead, Okie rallys, KF's spincter hole gets tight and loses on a late FG.

We could very well call this the 'who wants to be there' bowl.
I'm hearing he lost some players. They have since left. The team seems to be rallying around each other now.

I'd say the REAL reason we have a shot is because OU is pretty beaten up. Lost Broyles and another receiver and Jones hasn't thrown a TD pass since. But they are better in the trenches, especially on the DL. We'll see.

they also lost whaley, their leading rusher, along with broyles and jaz
I think we have the emotional advantage in Norm's swan song. I see it being low-scoring, but we'll have more trouble moving the ball than them. 24-14 OU.
OU may be beaten up, but unlike Iowa's "Next man in!" mantra, OU's "Next man in!" is done with more 4 and 5 star players...we better hope that I'm right and you're wrong...because if they're up for the game, their injuries shouldn't hurt like us losing McNutt or Reiff would or OU is thinner in the depth department than they should be.

I get that, but we don't have injuries to those guys....they do. Jones has not thrown a TD pass since Broyles got hurt. The other guys are pretty obviously not as good. Hard to debate that.

Whether we can beat them or not is a different story.
I'm not going to predict a win, Handsy, but a friend of mine who goes to OU told me that Stoops has lost this team for whatever reason...or maybe they're just in the same boat Iowa was in last year, where no NC hunt took their will away...but she thinks Iowa's going to beat them or come close to it, based on Iowa wanting it more...

I'm kind of taking that to be somewhat like Iowa vs Texas in the Alamo a few years ago...Iowa should've won, could've won, but didn't...

OU 24


I very rarely get in threads like this……I only did for a couple reasons and the gentleman above encompassed all my thoughts in one post ….

1st there is a body of thought that this OU team quit and that spawns 2 other thoughts……..for one, that’s the typical kind of crap fans say and their fans are no different than ours. And 2…How the heck do they know…?!? They don’t…..but that’s what they decided because they didn’t perform up to their expectations. Oh and their play calling sucks, their schemes are bad, etc, etc….you know the same stuff we say.

Ultimately we have the talent to compete with OU and they have proven they can beat good teams and lose to poor ones, just like we have. For some reason or another we haven’t been able to be consistent enuff with our focus and execution in recent years. If that is good I expect we will win. If we start off like we did vs MSU I expect we will lose by double digits….

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I think that this Iowa team on any given day can play with anyone. However, on any given day, they can also lose to anyone. I'm going to probably go against the grain here, but I think Iowa wins this one. The defense will need to be better than they've been since the Michigan game. The offense will need to control time of possession, and make touchdowns in the red zone, and not field goals. If they can do that, they pull it off. Iowa has a history of winning the tough ones, while losing the seemingly easy ones. I think they win this one.
No worries, regular season in the books, great opportunity to make a splash especially with Norm going out and nothing to lose.
No expectations just looking forward to putting my feet up and getting another chance to watch the Hawks.
OU was in the hunt for the NC earlier in the year. They won't have their hearts in this game, which is our only hope.
OU was supposed to be playing for the NC (or at least that's what many people thought) + Norm's last game + Iowa's track record for bowl preparation = Hawks win!

IA 24
OU 17
I'm not going to predict a win, Handsy, but a friend of mine who goes to OU told me that Stoops has lost this team for whatever reason...or maybe they're just in the same boat Iowa was in last year, where no NC hunt took their will away...but she thinks Iowa's going to beat them or come close to it, based on Iowa wanting it more...

I'm kind of taking that to be somewhat like Iowa vs Texas in the Alamo a few years ago...Iowa should've won, could've won, but didn't...

OU 24


Sounds like somebody needs an e-hug!
"We could very well call this the 'who wants to be there' bowl"

This. If Iowa comes out flat, like they have played at times this year, it could get ugly. But if Iowa plays hard, and well (they usually play well with bowl prep time) then they could win. No doubt.
Was mentioned, but my biggest reason for hope is that Broyles is on the sideline. That guy would've killed us.

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