Not good news on Hampton and Davis

Is that an actual quote, Jon, or is Rob just throwing stuff at the wall to see if it sticks again?

I ask because if Kirk had said something like that, it probably would have been in the game story that ran in the Register this morning, and in that story, Kirk said he and the rest of the trainers were "cautiously optimistic."

All - These were Kirk's exact words from his 'Iowa football with K Ferentz' show that airs every Sunday night. Sounds like he thinks Jewel's might not be too bad, but he wasn't optimistic about Bruce.
You guys realize the Coaches Show is taped usually right after home games within 2-3 hours. For road games it is usually when they return home---was probably taped at 9am on Sunday. Dolphin was on the radio this morning in DM and said the team didn't get back to Iowa City until 8am.

Per the postgame notes-they said Jewel would get an MRI on Sunday. I don't think the results were known when they taped the show.

We won't know too much about Jewel's status until Tuesday. From the initial tests the trainers were doing on Saturday night it sounds like he passed the initial ACL, PCL, MCL tests. Hopefully it's nothing too serious.

Best case scenario-miss Ball State game
Worst case scenario-miss remainder of season
Time to run Robinson into the ground with Paki as the backup. We have seen this before and had a great year anyways, defense will step it up and Stanzi will make plays.
Paki came in from the lower left side to try and make a play on the kickoff...he got picked up by an Arizona defender and got blown up. It looked like a helmet to helmet but both sides were leading with it so no one to blame. You're right, there wasn't a replay but I did rewind it several times to see what happened.

The other Iowa player had nothing to do with Paki getting hurt. Paki got knocked out.
Bruce's was after the play, he was pulling up to head back to the sidelines & he simply hyperextended his own knee. Having had 2 ACL's in the last year & a half, I can tell you that's how I did mine the first time...Sick to my stomach just thinking about it...
Bruce's was after the play, he was pulling up to head back to the sidelines & he simply hyperextended his own knee. Having had 2 ACL's in the last year & a half, I can tell you that's how I did mine the first time...Sick to my stomach just thinking about it...

Just like the Jason White (Oklahoma) knee injuries. Both of his were non-contact.
Time to run Robinson into the ground with Paki as the backup. We have seen this before and had a great year anyways, defense will step it up and Stanzi will make plays.

I would be amazed if Paki plays next week or for PSU. That concussion was nasty. Props to him for getting up, but he took a hell of a hit.
I would be amazed if Paki plays next week or for PSU. That concussion was nasty. Props to him for getting up, but he took a hell of a hit.

Agreed, we probably don't see him for at least 2 weeks. Either Rogers is going to get some time at tailback, or Johnson/Coker is going to see action.
Drumming up traffic to twitter is not a good business model. I know Rob well, and he doesn't do stuff like that.

Okay, obviously I wasn't talking about getting traffic to twitter. The purpose of posting things on twitter is to get traffic to his Hawkeye Insider site, where, yes, he collects an income. This is why nearly every media person in America has a twitter account, and I'm cool with it. It's capitalism and I'm down with that.

Also, I don't think Howe was conciously thinking, this will get people to my site. It's more like, my business is to get people to read my stuff, people read my stuff because I get them inside info, therefore I need to get some inside info out there, even that info is so criptic it has no meaning. This is the bias towards speed over accuracy that I'm pointing out. Rob Howe is definitely guilty of it, as is almost every single other media person -- that's a fact. I think he's more guilty than others -- that's my opinion.

BTW, I'm not hating on Howe, and I'm not hating on the system. I like the system, even if it with it's limitations.

My whole point is that this tweet tells us nothing. "A while" could mean Ball St., could mean Penn St., could mean Mich., could mean our Bowl. We don't know.
I can't ever recall a player playing the week following a concussion in the KF era. The last concussion I remember was Greenwood I think, and he sat out 2-3 weeks if I recall.

One of two things happen here....

1) We get Coker and Johnson ready to go, and then try and avoid playing them by giving all carries to Arob and using the personel group of 3 WR's 1TE and 1FB like we did when Cervantes was around.

2) We pull the shirts off both Coker and Johnson and they start seeing duty on kick off coverage and other special teams squads.

The fact that we lost two key members of the special teams squad makes me thing 2 might be more likely.
I would be surprised if the Redshirts come off both Coker and Johnson.....probably use this week in practice to figure out who will play and help the team.
KF has said that Hampton will not play against Ball St, used the phrase, "gone for a little bit" and that he isn't optimistic long term for Davis.

Outside of that nothing has been announced. The title of this thread is what I would expect from a teenaged poster trying to get attention.
Two things.

1. Jewel / Jermelle - Similar names, similar histories. Sucks. Hopefully, Jewel can find a way to get healthy and stay healthy.

2. Never want a player to suffer a concussion, but Paki not being available may be a blessing in disguise for the Hawks. They will now have to get another back involved in the offense. This will most likely mean that a freshman will get involved. There are some seriously talented freshmen in the NCAA this year. So it might not be a bad thing to get another player involved, plus it will provide some insurance. If Paki was ready to go this week, I would expect KF to stick with the ARob and Paki combo.

Then if something happened to either of them, we would probably be calling on one of these new backs to get their first action against much stiffer competition.
Probably from his weekly show on Sunday night - the cautiously optimistic quote is from the postgame. You're giving the Rag too much credit if you think they would pick it up from his weekly show and get it in the paper. That would require a little extra work

I love how Rob gets a couple of things wrong and now many think he is not a source at all. Over the years Rob has been right waaaaay more than he's been wrong. If he says it is coming from KF I believe him

I talked to Strief after the game and he didn't think it was an ACL. He thought it was a bad bruise. Hopefully the tests came back negative.
Probably from his weekly show on Sunday night - the cautiously optimistic quote is from the postgame. You're giving the Rag too much credit if you think they would pick it up from his weekly show and get it in the paper. That would require a little extra work

I love how Rob gets a couple of things wrong and now many think he is not a source at all. Over the years Rob has been right waaaaay more than he's been wrong. If he says it is coming from KF I believe him

That isn't the point. Nobody knows what that quote means, or if Rob picked out the juicy part and ran with it. We've all been following this team long enough to know that Kirk plays it close to the vest; "awhile" could mean anything from two weeks to the rest of the year - nobody knows, but Rob Howe is going to put it out there as some talisman of doom? Please.
The doctors know. The coaches know. They knew yesterday. The MRI tells all and I guarantee those MRIs were studied and diagnosed in a stretch of time that could best be measured in minutes on Sunday.

We don't know and probably won't for a while. The only mystery in any of this is when we'll be told.
The doctors know. The coaches know. They knew yesterday. The MRI tells all and I guarantee those MRIs were studied and diagnosed in a stretch of time that could best be measured in minutes on Sunday.

We don't know and probably won't for a while. The only mystery in any of this is when we'll be told.

If Hampton is going to be out for any length of time (which seems likely) we'll all find out tomorrow. It wouldn't do Kirk any good to hold back information about an injured player.