"Nobody gives a damn what Pat Angerer says, he does not even know the full story...

Re: "Nobody gives a damn what Pat Angerer says, he does not even know the full story.

I don't like to trash Hawk players ... but my impression from how things were looking early in the season ... it seemed like some Iowa DBs were "soft."

That's not to say that they didn't have talent ... but the guys didn't work like Hawks have typically done in the past.

This may in part be just my gut impression ... however, folks can "read between the lines" and take it for what its worth.
Re: "Nobody gives a damn what Pat Angerer says, he does not even know the full story.

I'll try to quote what Tim Dwight once said...may be a bit off....If you havent lifted the weights, studied the film, taken the heat....keep your mouth shut.

And this is exactly why I care about Angerer's point of view 10 times more than anyone who has discussed the issue in any sort of depth thus far. Until KF, Barta, Doyle, or any of the 13 players start talking (and even then it will likely be very heavily filtered by the UI legal team), I'm taking Angerer's word to the bank. Furthermore, Angerer was a distinguished leader on this football team just last year...a year in which he lead his team to a BCS win. Angerer's the man. A true worker. A true stud.
Re: "Nobody gives a damn what Pat Angerer says, he does not even know the full story.

gotta agree with HomerHawkeye on that one. thought the same thing
Re: "Nobody gives a damn what Pat Angerer says, he does not even know the full story.

I don't like to trash Hawk players ... but my impression from how things were looking early in the season ... it seemed like some Iowa DBs were "soft."

That's not to say that they didn't have talent ... but the guys didn't work like Hawks have typically done in the past.

This may in part be just my gut impression ... however, folks can "read between the lines" and take it for what its worth.

I think that might be a bit unfair. From the reported names it appears that lighter players were more likely to be inflicted than heavier players. It is possible the formula, 50% of maximum squat weight, is more difficult for lighter players.
Re: "Nobody gives a damn what Pat Angerer says, he does not even know the full story.

I think that might be a bit unfair. From the reported names it appears that lighter players were more likely to be inflicted than heavier players. It is possible the formula, 50% of maximum squat weight, is more difficult for lighter players.

I would say the opposite. Being a short and formerly lower weight fellow (the beer has added some pounds over the years), I can't imagine that it would be more difficult for the smaller guys. The smaller guys seem to be generally better at more reps at lower weights, which is the type of training done to "tone" guys. I don't know what the workout completely was, but from the time I weight less compared to what I weigh now, and thinking about what half of my max was from when I was in good shape from both perspectives, I would think the lower weight person would have the advantage.
Re: "Nobody gives a damn what Pat Angerer says, he does not even know the full story.


Twitter is another example of why just because you have the technology, it doesn't necessarily mean it should be employed.

Amen. Americans talk about 10 times as fast (and 10x as much) as they think. It's never been more apparent.
Re: "Nobody gives a damn what Pat Angerer says, he does not even know the full story.

He's not totally wrong. I watched the first interview with Pat (not the nice statement he prepared) and he essentially said no one has had a problem with this workout before so these guys must have done something wrong. I'm paraphrasing but it was a crappy comment to make and seemed a bit lowbrow. I was surprised he made it about former teammates.
Re: "Nobody gives a damn what Pat Angerer says, he does not even know the full story.

He means Pat doesn't know about this particular situation. Does anybody really think Pat is going to beat him up or something?
What are you 15? I will give Pat much more credibility than anyone with Cy in their name. Nathan Prater has no connection to the Hawks other than second hand news. I would say Pat has hands on information. Please don't troll unless you have some valid points.
Re: "Nobody gives a damn what Pat Angerer says, he does not even know the full story.

Now, it's stupid of his brother to say that about Pat standing up for his coaches...but if Prater was one of those hospitalized, then his brother is correct (to a point) about Pat not knowing about what happened to land Shaun in the hospital.

I'd think Prater's brother would know more about what happened to Shaun than any of us would.
Re: "Nobody gives a damn what Pat Angerer says, he does not even know the full story.

PA is my favorite Hawk from at least the last 10 years. Somebody close to the program told me that he made Clayborn better. Don't know exactly what he meant by that???
Re: "Nobody gives a damn what Pat Angerer says, he does not even know the full story.

He's not totally wrong. I watched the first interview with Pat (not the nice statement he prepared) and he essentially said no one has had a problem with this workout before so these guys must have done something wrong. I'm paraphrasing but it was a crappy comment to make and seemed a bit lowbrow. I was surprised he made it about former teammates.

IOWuh -

Then why would Ballard have gone on the record explicitly stating that many of the guys impacted didn't do as required prior to the workout.

Guys who are close to the program know that many of the guys who ended up getting inflicted weren't "ready" for the workout like they were supposed to.

The FACT of the matter is that the coaches have been too classy to date to "call out" any of the players.

It appears that some of the problem is that maybe some of the parents of those involved ended up seeing "dollar signs" after all the crap hit the fan. The problem is that they're not necessarily taking in account the fact that they'll likely just end up making their kids look bad in the process.
Re: "Nobody gives a damn what Pat Angerer says, he does not even know the full story.

At the end of the day, the only thing PA did was say how well he was coached by his coaches. The former Iowa players who spoke out did the same. Not one of them spoke a word of negativity on the current players.

I can understand the players and family being upset with what happened, I think we all can. There is a review in place to find out what happened and to make any corrections necessary, which I am sure does not rule out firing anybody.

That being said, PA has just as much right to say what he said as his Prater's brother does. It doesn't change a thing. PA loves his Iowa coaches. Prater's brother is upset with them. That is all this is.

Pardon me for raining on the Angerer love-fest, but in his original interview not only did he stick up for Doyle, but he also basically called out the players and suggested that they may be at fault in some way (partying, supplements, whatever). I can't remember the exact quote, but he isn't the first former player to openly suggest this. Now I'm not saying he was right or wrong here, and I think that has been speculated by many, but this is undoubtedly where the Prater brother's anger is originating from. How would you feel if your brother just got out of the hospital for a medical problem caused by over-exertion, and former players, media, and the public were making suggestions that it was actually the players that surely must be at fault for taking unregistered supplements or partying too hard over the weekend. I think that open speculation by Pat was inappropriate, unless he had first hand knowledge that the players were partly to blame. That is part of the reason that we all love Pat, for the lack of a filter. But I don't blame the Prater brother one second for firing off at him, nor do I think he should be afraid to do so as some of you are suggesting.
Re: "Nobody gives a damn what Pat Angerer says, he does not even know the full story.

PA is my favorite Hawk from at least the last 10 years. Somebody close to the program told me that he made Clayborn better. Don't know exactly what he meant by that???

There are a number of factors that play into that. Here are a few ...

- Pat was the MIKE LB. Thus, he was responsible for the defensive calls for the front 7. Specifically, he made sure that the DL was lined up correctly (for what the O was doing). Thus, Clayborn is that much more effective at what he's lined up where we need him to be.

- Pat was easily the best MIKE LB we've had in coverage. Thus, short routes were MUCH more dangerous for QBs to throw when Pat was in coverage. That then gave the DL the extra moment (or two) that they'd need to get to the QB. And Edds definitely helped A LOT in that regard too. If you watch Iowa's LBs in coverage in 2010 ... our DL simply didn't have any time because the outlet routes were ALWAYS open (or open enough).

- Pat wasn't afraid to be an enforcer. That then allowed for Clayborn to be more of a field general.
Re: "Nobody gives a damn what Pat Angerer says, he does not even know the full story.

Pardon me for raining on the Angerer love-fest, but in his original interview not only did he stick up for Doyle, but he also basically called out the players and suggested that they may be at fault in some way (partying, supplements, whatever). I can't remember the exact quote, but he isn't the first former player to openly suggest this. Now I'm not saying he was right or wrong here, and I think that has been speculated by many, but this is undoubtedly where the Prater brother's anger is originating from. How would you feel if your brother just got out of the hospital for a medical problem caused by over-exertion, and former players, media, and the public were making suggestions that it was actually the players that surely must be at fault for taking unregistered supplements or partying too hard over the weekend. I think that open speculation by Pat was inappropriate, unless he had first hand knowledge that the players were partly to blame. That is part of the reason that we all love Pat, for the lack of a filter. But I don't blame the Prater brother one second for firing off at him, nor do I think he should be afraid to do so as some of you are suggesting.

Exactly. Now, I don't think Prater's brother should be super angry or rude to Angerer, but standing up for Shaun isn't something we should be condemning, nor is Angerer's statement we should be blindly supporting just because he isn't criticizing the coaches.

There are a number of factors that play into that. Here are a few ...

- Pat was the MIKE LB. Thus, he was responsible for the defensive calls for the front 7. Specifically, he made sure that the DL was lined up correctly (for what the O was doing). Thus, Clayborn is that much more effective at what he's lined up where we need him to be.

- Pat was easily the best MIKE LB we've had in coverage. Thus, short routes were MUCH more dangerous for QBs to throw when Pat was in coverage. That then gave the DL the extra moment (or two) that they'd need to get to the QB. And Edds definitely helped A LOT in that regard too. If you watch Iowa's LBs in coverage in 2010 ... our DL simply didn't have any time because the outlet routes were ALWAYS open (or open enough).

- Pat wasn't afraid to be an enforcer. That then allowed for Clayborn to be more of a field general.

As for this, I agree wholeheartedly. I don't think a lot of people realized exactly how valuable Angerer and Edds were at the LB position. I knew that we'd see a drop-off in skill and game decisions after they left, but both were actually the heart of a defense, and allowed the DL and the DBs to focus on their jobs a lot more. We all saw what happened when that experience left last season.
Re: "Nobody gives a damn what Pat Angerer says, he does not even know the full story.

Pardon me for raining on the Angerer love-fest, but in his original interview not only did he stick up for Doyle, but he also basically called out the players and suggested that they may be at fault in some way (partying, supplements, whatever). I can't remember the exact quote, but he isn't the first former player to openly suggest this. Now I'm not saying he was right or wrong here, and I think that has been speculated by many, but this is undoubtedly where the Prater brother's anger is originating from. How would you feel if your brother just got out of the hospital for a medical problem caused by over-exertion, and former players, media, and the public were making suggestions that it was actually the players that surely must be at fault for taking unregistered supplements or partying too hard over the weekend. I think that open speculation by Pat was inappropriate, unless he had first hand knowledge that the players were partly to blame. That is part of the reason that we all love Pat, for the lack of a filter. But I don't blame the Prater brother one second for firing off at him, nor do I think he should be afraid to do so as some of you are suggesting.

Guys even closer to the program DO know the story better than Angerer. And some of those guys have been suggesting the very same things that Pat has. Besides, how removed from the program do you believe Angerer is?

Lastly, do the math when it comes to such a rash of cases of kidney issues and then cross-correlate it to what has happened in the past.

If the culprit doesn't concern the preparation of the players involved ... then it likely concerns the possibility of a viral/microbial agent giving rise to the correlation.
Re: "Nobody gives a damn what Pat Angerer says, he does not even know the full story.

Does this mean the Prater family has some beef with Iowa? Kind of an odd situation for Shaun. Its not like he can go anywhere. I would tell my brother to STFU if I were him.
Re: "Nobody gives a damn what Pat Angerer says, he does not even know the full story.

...to what happen down in Iowa. He needs to shut his *** up!!!!" This per the brother of Shaun Prater.

And from Shaun himself "Everything in the Dark, comes to light!"

and plenty more on the twitter account of Nathan Prater.

Mr. Nathan (JustBeinHuman) on Twitter

THIS is inaccurate. Shaun did not say anything, and has not "tweeted" for over a week. His brother tweeted the "Everything in the Dark comes to light" TO Shaun.

Just wanted to clarify that one of our own guys was NOT trashing the program. Major detail that was twisted there.

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