"Nobody gives a damn what Pat Angerer says, he does not even know the full story...

Re: "Nobody gives a damn what Pat Angerer says, he does not even know the full story.

bean through the workout? or been through a similiar workout? PA was NOT there so has no idea what happened except based on past experiences (which may have been similiar). And N Prater, well lets think about this, heard first hand from his brother...........

So who has more insight to what happened THIS YEAR? first hand info from brother or judging based on previous similiar experiences. god forbid Doyle changes the workout after this horrific end to a season to make a point.

LOL, you really think Pat does not know? He is/was a very popular guy among the Hawkeye players. He talks with guys often, very often.
Re: "Nobody gives a damn what Pat Angerer says, he does not even know the full story.

PA talks to many of the current players quite often. He has not only done the workout (of one very similar that was actually considered tougher), but he has the same second-hand knowledge that NP would have (except, he has it from several different people - some that were in the hospital, some that weren't). Additionally, PA know the coaches and staff.

NP really only has one source (his brother). He doesn't know the staff, he doesn't know the workout, and we aren't even really sure how much his brother told him (or how much of it he truly understood).

Between those two sources, PA knows/understands a LOT more about the situation. That does not, of course, mean that he knows everything. I don't think anyone does at this point...

Excellent post.
Re: "Nobody gives a damn what Pat Angerer says, he does not even know the full story.

LOL, you really think Pat does not know? He is/was a very popular guy among the Hawkeye players. He talks with guys often, very often.

He doesn't really think, period.
Re: "Nobody gives a damn what Pat Angerer says, he does not even know the full story.

S. Prater needs to do 1 of 2 things...

1. Convince his brother to shut his loud mouth


2. Submit his name for the NFL's supplemental draft

He's not bigger than the program, so he's welcome to leave if he has even the smallest problem with the program that he would like to air in public.

So either Prater tells his brother to shut up or he's no longer welcome on your team? Nice, junior.
Re: "Nobody gives a damn what Pat Angerer says, he does not even know the full story.

I hope Prater does leave, that dude cant cover my grandma and she has two fake knees, listening to him run his mouth this year you would swear he is the second coming of Champ Bailey:rolleyes:
Re: "Nobody gives a damn what Pat Angerer says, he does not even know the full story.

The point is I don't know, which is why I said that different people involved in the situation may view the same thing differently. However, I do beleive that N. Prater has as much inside information on his brother's situation than anyone, including Pat Angerer. The fact that Pat went through the program and is in the NFL doesn't give him insight into S. Prater's ordeal.

So although you have made up your mind already, I think you should give everyone the benefit of the doubt, not just guys who paint the program in a favorable light. N. Prater has his right to his side of the story, and just because it is critical of the program doesn't make it untrustworthy.

Made up my mind as to what, who is more trustworthy. Yeah I have. Someone who has been there and actually been through it vs a guy's brother who tweets "nobody gives a damn what Pat Angerer says". That statement alone makes him an idiot because it is completely untrue. N. Prater doesn't even have a story because he isn't and hasn't ever been a part of the program.
Re: "Nobody gives a damn what Pat Angerer says, he does not even know the full story.

Ya know when Kirk Ferentz was telling the media and public to not make accusations or suggestions about wrongdoing until all the information was obtained? Well, I'm pretty sure that applies to PA making suggestions that players who just trained their butts off so much that they had extended hospital stays were at fault for their misfortune. Whether it turns out to be correct or not, fact is he just needs to keep his mouth shut. After all, you wouldn't throw your teammates under the bus to the media right? Isn't that some sort of team code? He could have repped for Doyle without suggesting the players were at fault. End of story.
Re: "Nobody gives a damn what Pat Angerer says, he does not even know the full story.

Ya know when Kirk Ferentz was telling the media and public to not make accusations or suggestions about wrongdoing until all the information was obtained? Well, I'm pretty sure that applies to PA making suggestions that players who just trained their butts off so much that they had extended hospital stays were at fault for their misfortune. Whether it turns out to be correct or not, fact is he just needs to keep his mouth shut. After all, you wouldn't throw your teammates under the bus to the media right? Isn't that some sort of team code? He could have repped for Doyle without suggesting the players were at fault. End of story.

When news broke of the players in the hospital every single media outlet in the area jumped on it and right away people like ******* doyel and ******* dodd were calling for someone with the program to be fired without knowing the facts. I can understand why PA may have taken offense to the way the media ran with this not understanding the circumstances. He contributed the past 5 yrs of his life to the program and the coaches, and it's understandable if he wants to stick up for them. He was a team captain for a reason and if he believes the player's who were hospitalized were at fault, well he's gonna call it like he sees it.

PA's teammates looked up to him and respected him and a large part of that was because you always know where you stand with him. He is as upfront as they come.

I do not have a problem with him calling out players if it was indeed their lack of preparation that lead to the problem, just as I wouldn't have a problem with him calling DJK a ******* for getting mixed up with drugs.

Anyone who acts in a way detrimental to the team deserves to be called out. Players not acting responsibly included.
Re: "Nobody gives a damn what Pat Angerer says, he does not even know the full story.

I have no problem with Angerer sticking up for his coaches, but why throw players that, at that time, were still in the hospital, under the bus?
Re: "Nobody gives a damn what Pat Angerer says, he does not even know the full story.

This thread is sofa king we Todd did.