No tyler cook


Well-Known Member
Seriously.... Why would you move away our main guy? He is a beast and so is Garza...dominance inside opens outside opportunities
This was a very physical game. Garza doesn’t typically play well in physical games. He didn’t get to work on his body last offseason...likely didn’t help. Moss likes these types of games.
Cook is not even close to being a beast on defensive boards. Doesn't block out. That hurts. Everyone seemed tentative against Fernando on O. He is a true beast.
Cook is not even close to being a beast on defensive boards. Doesn't block out. That hurts. Everyone seemed tentative against Fernando on O. He is a true beast.

So I guess drawing 8 fouls from the guys guarding him wasn't enough? And Fernando had 11 points - 7 of which came on free throws. We held him in check pretty much the whole game. We didn't lose this game because of Cook's bad play.

Our problems were on offense. As a team we shot 33% from the field. Garza 1-7, Wieskamp 0-5 and Bohannon 2-11 didn't help. Neither did Moss with 4-14. Cook was 3-4 (He also had only 1 turnover). When your starters shoot a combined 10-41 you know you're in trouble. I was amazed we shot so poorly and still had a shot at the end of the game.
So I guess drawing 8 fouls from the guys guarding him wasn't enough? And Fernando had 11 points - 7 of which came on free throws. We held him in check pretty much the whole game. We didn't lose this game because of Cook's bad play.

Our problems were on offense. As a team we shot 33% from the field. Garza 1-7, Wieskamp 0-5 and Bohannon 2-11 didn't help. Neither did Moss with 4-14. Cook was 3-4 (He also had only 1 turnover). When your starters shoot a combined 10-41 you know you're in trouble. I was amazed we shot so poorly and still had a shot at the end of the game.
I agree. I didn't say we lost game because of his bad play. But it is still frustrating. We are thin on the front line and he disappears on defense. He needs to be more aggressive. He still doesn't block out. Fundamentals and desire. Clay Hargrave was 6' 4"" and led the Big10 in rebounding.
My bet is that Cook has been told to play within himself and let the offense play out. And Fernandez was just plain too big and quick- even when TC was covered by Smith he couldn't get to the basket. Credit to him- forced them to foul and only had one TO.
So I guess drawing 8 fouls from the guys guarding him wasn't enough? And Fernando had 11 points - 7 of which came on free throws. We held him in check pretty much the whole game. We didn't lose this game because of Cook's bad play.

Our problems were on offense. As a team we shot 33% from the field. Garza 1-7, Wieskamp 0-5 and Bohannon 2-11 didn't help. Neither did Moss with 4-14. Cook was 3-4 (He also had only 1 turnover). When your starters shoot a combined 10-41 you know you're in trouble. I was amazed we shot so poorly and still had a shot at the end of the game.
But having no inside game ties in with bad outside shooting. Lots of Iowa's misses were after trying to get the ball inside and being forced to shoot the three while the clock was running out.
Anybody watch TC on the game winning tip in? Not only did he not come and help he stood and watched the entire play
Cook has really lost his aggressiveness, he had a chance late up one to make a move one on one and chose to pass it out. That was a crucial play, I would have liked to see him shoot a jump hook or drive on that play as the defender was inside the circle where you can't draw a charge. That's where not having a short jump shot in your game really hurts. On the Fernado go ahead tip in you clearly see him hold off the Iowa player as he tipped the ball. No need for him to do that should have been called.
Cook has really lost his aggressiveness, he had a chance late up one to make a move one on one and chose to pass it out. That was a crucial play, I would have liked to see him shoot a jump hook or drive on that play as the defender was inside the circle where you can't draw a charge. That's where not having a short jump shot in your game really hurts. On the Fernado go ahead tip in you clearly see him hold off the Iowa player as he tipped the ball. No need for him to do that should have been called.
Haarms did the exact same thing to Morgan last night. But how many times does it get called?
We were running around like chickens with our heads cut off and Tyler put his hands up and signaled for everyone to calm down and reset the offense. I thought he played within himself and didn’t try to do too much. He and Moss are the 2 guys I trust most in these thuggish type games.
Several posters on here insist that the offense shouldn’t run through Cook and that he shoots too much.
Anybody watch TC on the game winning tip in? Not only did he not come and help he stood and watched the entire play
And if he comes to help at the rim, his man gets the pass or the tip-in. Kreiner and Wieskamp were there disrupting the drive. It worked. He missed. How is Cook going to disrupt it more?

The problem in last night’s game wasn’t Cook.

It was bad shooting (some props to Mary) and bad passing (lotta props to Mary).
Several posters on here insist that the offense shouldn’t run through Cook and that he shoots too much.
I understand. Those 4 shots last night were a lot...least of any starter. And he only made 3 of them...only starter to shoot over 30%. That’s not a typo. Moss shot 28.6%. The other 3 starters were each under 20%.

The Bench...52.9%...and some still say depth isn’t important.
I agree. I didn't say we lost game because of his bad play. But it is still frustrating. We are thin on the front line and he disappears on defense. He needs to be more aggressive. He still doesn't block out. Fundamentals and desire. Clay Hargrave was 6' 4"" and led the Big10 in rebounding.
Agree. Blocking out ect all can be fixed. Defense is Desire in my opinion. Feels like we are getting closer.Starts at Top. Small steps can turn into Big ones. 4th place not done. Defense Desire? Go Tough Hawks. Fri Nite Good Win.
Anybody watch TC on the game winning tip in? Not only did he not come and help he stood and watched the entire play
Yeah, I noticed that too.

The play I noticed more was early in the first half. The ball ended up on the floor under Maryland's basket and Cook could have pounced on it but just stood there blankly staring at the play. Did anyone else notice that play?

Cook's an athletic talent. No denying that, but, he's not one to sacrifice his body hustling for the ball.
So I guess drawing 8 fouls from the guys guarding him wasn't enough? And Fernando had 11 points - 7 of which came on free throws. We held him in check pretty much the whole game. We didn't lose this game because of Cook's bad play.

Our problems were on offense. As a team we shot 33% from the field. Garza 1-7, Wieskamp 0-5 and Bohannon 2-11 didn't help. Neither did Moss with 4-14. Cook was 3-4 (He also had only 1 turnover). When your starters shoot a combined 10-41 you know you're in trouble. I was amazed we shot so poorly and still had a shot at the end of the game.
If you miss a lot of open shots, you have a high percentage chance of losing. This holds true in grade school, high school, college, the NBA and the YMCA. And missing the front end of one and ones are the telltale sign of a team that will lose a close game.

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