Nice win....but,


Well-Known Member
Happy to have the win and it was nearly a complete game. Plenty of good things but also the same old nagging concerns - including losing Alvis.

We almost gave this game away AGAIN because this Offense (as usual) can't close out a game or put any opponent away.... get a flipping 1st down for heaven sake. They had two 3 out in the fourth that setup this game ending drama - that we could have easily LOST

Cant keep doing this and achieve your goals - its the symptom of our troubles over the last two years (and well before that I would add)

We won, we are happy but, honestly - who wasn't thinking 'here we go again' when we gave the ball to Mich for a potential game tying drive?
Completely agree. Kudos to the D, but the O needs to close the deal and help cover up a D that is prone to be...something less than good. Great work though, we survived.
Also that inexplicable squib kick with 2:00+ remaining in the 2nd quarter.. It took an INT at our own goalline to keep that from costing the team points.. That was a head-scratcher. Even the announcer said "WHY???" after calling a squib kick.

I agree on the offense - just get a freaking first down on 3rd and short and put the game away..

On the flip side, I need to give the D some credit today. They did a far better job against the run than I expected they would. It's what they had to do for the team to get a W today.
Yep, when it hit 24-9, only the truly delusional Hawk fans out there thought it might get to 31-9 or anything like that...even 27-16. I was hoping for a little KenO play action like he was lauded for on 3rd and 1 in the Insight Bowl last year.
Happy to have the win and it was nearly a complete game. Plenty of good things but also the same old nagging concerns - including losing Alvis.

We almost gave this game away AGAIN because this Offense (as usual) can't close out a game or put any opponent away.... get a flipping 1st down for heaven sake. They had two 3 out in the fourth that setup this game ending drama - that we could have easily LOST

Cant keep doing this and achieve your goals - its the symptom of our troubles over the last two years (and well before that I would add)

We won, we are happy but, honestly - who wasn't thinking 'here we go again' when we gave the ball to Mich for a potential game tying drive?

Couple things you need to ask yourself:

1) How did Michigan avoid ANY holding calls?!

2) How can the officials be SO "eagle-eyed" on the last 4th-and-1 situation, but TOTALLY miss the our DL got back "onside"?

Yes, we "gave up" some plays, but we also had to deal with some crappy calls.
so anyone who criticizes anything after a big win is a fair weather fan and isnt enjoying it? NEVER SETTLE BOYS
Happy to have the win and it was nearly a complete game. Plenty of good things but also the same old nagging concerns - including losing Alvis.

We almost gave this game away AGAIN because this Offense (as usual) can't close out a game or put any opponent away.... get a flipping 1st down for heaven sake. They had two 3 out in the fourth that setup this game ending drama - that we could have easily LOST

Cant keep doing this and achieve your goals - its the symptom of our troubles over the last two years (and well before that I would add)

We won, we are happy but, honestly - who wasn't thinking 'here we go again' when we gave the ball to Mich for a potential game tying drive?
u are a *********.
Wow, that didn't take long at all Joykiller. Do we just have a higher percentage than other teams, or does it just seem like it?

I can just see you watching the end of the same game. Arms folded. Hand on your face. And a guttural "harumph" when the final pass fell incomplete. Walking away from the TV muttering "they should have given Michigan another play...that was pass interference.....Ferentz sucks.....blah blah blah...they'll blow it next week....nonsense blah nonsense idiocy blah blah"

I am glad I am not you.
Enjoying the win doesn't change the fact the OP is right.

This. When we lose, it's just people jumping off the ledge, and we hear "Where are all these people when things are going good?".

Well, we're all happy about the win, but I had several of the same thoughts as the OP today. And you all wonder why nobody (or very few) dare to criticize after a win. At least after a loss, they fit in and don't just get told to shut up.
This win just makes last week all the more unacceptable. We should be 8-1, but poor coaching has us at 6-3. It's going to be another 8-5 waste of a season.
...but HawkeyeMike, can't you hear Barta already talking about accepting the bowl bid to the Bowl with a legitimate smile on his face?!?

Apologies to all for the sarcasm on what is otherwise a great day to be a Hawkeye, but it is frustrating to hear the powers that be accept borderline mediocrity. 7-5 is only good in the MLB and if you are the Tampa Bay Rays!
Yes. Thank god that robinson is such a terrible passer that the defensive philosophy was to make him beat us with his arm. He failed.
Thanks you for making this topic and shame on all the "shut up" posters. A win doesn't erase the problems we have.

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