Nice try Rob....

Please leave the politics out of it, Big D. It does nothing but cause problems and I'm guessing you know it's a rule around here.

And I'm not suggesting or predicting anything. I am writing that these last three games are important in terms of attendance and recruiting moving forward into next year. Not everyone has given up or wants KF gone. To those that do, that's there prerogative, as I wrote. But there are others waiting to see how this season plays out before deciding what to do with their money next year. There are recruits looking at how Iowa finishes. That's the point of the column and what I write about.

I get that people are pissed and done. But not everybody is in that camp. If they were, nobody would be at Kinnick Saturday.

Amen! I will be there and ready to watch them. Not saying Iowa will win, but what IF they do. Anything is still possible. We aren't going to the Rose Bowl or Title game, but the players deserve our support. I do hope there is one coaching change in particular at year end, but for now I am good. I'm good with Kirk too.
Rob - And your comments on my two thoughts? Never mentioning NC's, and not being expected to recruit like other coaches making his bank....or a the very least, TRYING to recruit better. Rather than relying on "coaching up" 2 stars, acquiring walkons, and converting positions.

It doesn't bother me that KF doesn't publicly talk about national championships. He talks about Big Ten championships, which most years puts you in the national championship discussion.

I would say KF and his staff are trying to recruit the best players they can. They do weigh factors like fit in the program, but I think most coaches do that. They offer four- and five-star kids. Go to any of the recruiting sites and you can see they have. Most years, the bulk of those four and five star kids end up at a small group of select schools. The rest are spread out.

On the current roster, per Rivals, James Daniels, Ryan Ward, Jaleel Johnson, Tyler Wiegers, Jay Scheel, and Faith Ekakitie all were four stars. Matt Nelson was a high three star who chose us ahead of Notre Dame and Stanford. It's not all two-stars and walk-ons.

Recruiting is an inexact science. I don't think we'd throw Jewell back because he was a two-star.

I do agree that winning puts us in better position to pick up more prospects we target. And that's what's most important to me.

If you want a coach here that's going to beat Alabama and Ohio State for prospects on a regular basis, KF definitely is not your guy. But, I'm not sure who could do that here.
The last three games are important....important if people are going to re-up for tix next year, support the program, cry for or against the pending renovation, and/or if the fanbase is going to continue to hemorrhage and be polarized or be semi-unified with some sense of future hope.

That's the point of the column. I appreciate when people read after the headline. :)
This is what it going to get extremely frustrating with the toxic crowd. They live in a lala land where 30 million buyouts don't mean anything, they actually think that Iowa is just gonna buy that out. Instead of looking for improvements or hoping for the best, they set the line at National championships or NOTHING!!! It is like complete and total crazy takes over in some when the losses start mounting.

I'm as disappointed as everyone else, I just fight off the crazy better it seems. If you expect NC level, just switch who you root for now. Nebraska will never win another NC in the current FBS landscape, and they have a tradition and recruiting advantage that we will never have. If you need to win a NC in order to enjoy college football prepare to be disappointed forever, and I suggest you just give up college football for your general health and well being actually.
I don't spend a ton of time on the site, but I certainly haven't seen very much of the "national championship or bust" sentiment that you're mentioning. The OP suggested that the mere mention of a NC as a goal would be something he would appreciate...maybe I'm misinterpreting that. I think in the old 'perception is reality' vein, I think most of "toxic crowd" want to see Ferentz look like he actually gives a rip about something/anything. I think it's obviously disingenuous to think that he doesn't care, but he doesn't do himself any favors in that regard. Nor does he need to because as you mentioned, unless the big spenders get that impression, he's not going anywhere unless it's on his own accord.
This is what it going to get extremely frustrating with the toxic crowd. They live in a lala land where 30 million buyouts don't mean anything, they actually think that Iowa is just gonna buy that out. Instead of looking for improvements or hoping for the best, they set the line at National championships or NOTHING!!! It is like complete and total crazy takes over in some when the losses start mounting.

I'm as disappointed as everyone else, I just fight off the crazy better it seems. If you expect NC level, just switch who you root for now. Nebraska will never win another NC in the current FBS landscape, and they have a tradition and recruiting advantage that we will never have. If you need to win a NC in order to enjoy college football prepare to be disappointed forever, and I suggest you just give up college football for your general health and well being actually.

I'm not expecting a National Championship but I am done with Ferentz. The game has passed him by and he will never be able to capitalize on any success he might have. We should have known going into this season it was going to be a flop because that's what he does with high expectations. Next year expectations will be low and he will probably win 8 games and get everyone interested again and then lay an egg the following year. Rinse and repeat. I didn't watch the Penn State game and I won't watch Saturday either.
Please leave the politics out of it, Big D. It does nothing but cause problems and I'm guessing you know it's a rule around here.

And I'm not suggesting or predicting anything. I am writing that these last three games are important in terms of attendance and recruiting moving forward into next year. Not everyone has given up or wants KF gone. To those that do, that's there prerogative, as I wrote. But there are others waiting to see how this season plays out before deciding what to do with their money next year. There are recruits looking at how Iowa finishes. That's the point of the column and what I write about.

I get that people are pissed and done. But not everybody is in that camp. If they were, nobody would be at Kinnick Saturday.

Rob, you are wrong on several counts. 1. Going to Kinnick for many is a way of life. Showing up doesn't mean no pissed. 2. What on earth makes you think that Iowa has a possibility of finishing strong? 3. A column implies reporting. You do not report. You blog. You act like the marketing arm of the U of I Athletic Dept. You throw up softballs and vanilla pudding. I'm not saying anyone has to be pissed and angry. Truth and realism could be helpful? 4. The rules mean little as they are not enforced. The calling out individual players as well as just outright insulting posters is ridiculous.

Disagreeing and pointing out flaws in a program that is going nowhere except for 1 year since 2009 is not being trashy and negative necessarily. Why are you so afraid of KF and Barta? I don't just watch Iowa football, but you just don't hear announcers say some of the things they say (albeit politely) about Iowa and KF. The contract is basically obscene as well. Still you keep dishing vanilla pudding. There is a difference between just being negative and telling the truth. Have the guts to tell the truth.

I also understand that PSU is getting better as was Stanford. But why is it that they save their best for and Iowa playing their guts out? That latter is sarcasm.
Have to agree to disagree with the notion KF doesn't care.

I would never suggest, imply or think KF doesn't care.
I truly believe the passion and efforts are there.
I believe every coach out there is passionate or else they wouldn't subject themselves to the 'business.'
To suggest otherwise is naive IMO.

However, the results don't belie the efforts. And that is KF's pattern. There's enough data points that support this notion. Skill player development, following up on a previous year's successes, sustaining decent play on the field, etc are obviously not happening in the program. And that's a coaching issue.

I'm not asking for yearly NC banter. I'm not asking for yearly B1G West champ banter. I am 'asking' for sustained decent play on the field. Unfortunately, that is not happening.
This is what it going to get extremely frustrating with the toxic crowd. They live in a lala land where 30 million buyouts don't mean anything, they actually think that Iowa is just gonna buy that out. Instead of looking for improvements or hoping for the best, they set the line at National championships or NOTHING!!! It is like complete and total crazy takes over in some when the losses start mounting.

I'm as disappointed as everyone else, I just fight off the crazy better it seems. If you expect NC level, just switch who you root for now. Nebraska will never win another NC in the current FBS landscape, and they have a tradition and recruiting advantage that we will never have. If you need to win a NC in order to enjoy college football prepare to be disappointed forever, and I suggest you just give up college football for your general health and well being actually.

Dean, when I first started coming here you were one of the most toxic posters period. You were just plain out rude. I just don't see very many being as nasty as you were (albeit you were being nasty about those who disagreed with you be it pro KF or negative KF. I enjoy football. I usually enjoy Iowa football, heck I became a fan before HF. What's happening is disappointing, but it's not my life and I suspect a lot of other dissenters. What get's old is the insinuation that to be not happy with KF and the direction of Iowa football is not having a life.

Think about this. I started as a Hawkeye Fan in the mid 70s as a little kid. No one else in my home followed the Hawks. I did it on my own. Iowa football was awful between when I started and HF arrived. I won tickets in a football context on WHO and was elated. Yes I Iowa lost and it was a great experience. For kids that started watching the Hawks in 2010 or later actually went through a longer period of time of irrelevance that what I did. 2015 was great, though the ending left a taste. This team has a good shot at finishing with a losing record and has a 4-5 record against the P5 since last year. The 3 wins are over Rutgers, Purdue, Iowa State and OK a decent win against Minny.

There is no Calvary coming next year. It looks long term. Get off your new found high horse. That contract was smelly and there is nothing wrong with complaining about it.
The last three games are important....important if people are going to re-up for tix next year, support the program, cry for or against the pending renovation, and/or if the fanbase is going to continue to hemorrhage and be polarized or be semi-unified with some sense of future hope.

So, yes, in a sense, the last three games are vital for future support.

As far as propping up/sustaining support/caring for *this* year's team, player and coaching development, sadly, that horse has already left the barn.

The last 3 games are important for ticket sales. But that's about it. Normally you'd think it would be good for recruiting but with Iowa I don't think it does. They'll get the class they usually get win or lose and that's not a good thing.

Even if Kirk pulls off a miracle Saturday, runs the table the best of the way, and gets a decent bowl win, I think a lot of fans, including me, would have a hard time buying it. Because we've all seen the resurgence before and we get our hopes up. Then comes the fall back to reality of the last 7 years.

For many fans, it isn't about the last 3 games. The only thing they want is heads to roll. Davis fired. Hell, probably the entire offensive staff should be fired and an OC brought in that has complete control over the offense. Many people probably want a new DC as well and I don't blame them.

Basically regardless of what happens in the last 3 games, unless mass changes are made, support for KF will be tenuous at best unless he makes wholesale changes. Even that might not be enough.
I'm really not trying to be all doom and gloom, but I just can't see it any other way. We are going to be very bad for the next 5 years at least. There is not hope for the future. Everyone said Iowa got lucky last year. It's still quite an accomplishment to go 12-0. We could've followed it up with 8 or 9 wins and respectability. Instead we look as horrible and boring as ever. Not many great recruits are going to want to be a part of this. If we are starting guys like Bower and Snyder, there isn't anyone coming up behind them that is going to make an impact. And they are so bad. I look at the last 3 games look like this:

Michigan: "Hide the women and children" this is going to get ugly
Illinois: A frustrating game with bowl eligibility on the line. We could win this one, but if we don't torches and pitchforks will be out in full force.
Nebraska: We will have some chances to win, but offensively we will fail over and over and they will pull away. Those Iowa fans who still cared, won't by the end of this one.

Rob, there is nothing you can write. You are doing your job and you have to try to keep people interested. Unfortunately, this staff lost whatever edge they had last year. The team is disinterested, the fans are mad but that will soon turn to apathy, and the coaching staff will cash all of their checks from the 1 good season they've had since 2010. It is what it is, and it's not changing anytime soon.
Rob, you are wrong on several counts. 1. Going to Kinnick for many is a way of life. Showing up doesn't mean no pissed. 2. What on earth makes you think that Iowa has a possibility of finishing strong? 3. A column implies reporting. You do not report. You blog. You act like the marketing arm of the U of I Athletic Dept. You throw up softballs and vanilla pudding. I'm not saying anyone has to be pissed and angry. Truth and realism could be helpful? 4. The rules mean little as they are not enforced. The calling out individual players as well as just outright insulting posters is ridiculous.

Disagreeing and pointing out flaws in a program that is going nowhere except for 1 year since 2009 is not being trashy and negative necessarily. Why are you so afraid of KF and Barta? I don't just watch Iowa football, but you just don't hear announcers say some of the things they say (albeit politely) about Iowa and KF. The contract is basically obscene as well. Still you keep dishing vanilla pudding. There is a difference between just being negative and telling the truth. Have the guts to tell the truth.

I also understand that PSU is getting better as was Stanford. But why is it that they save their best for and Iowa playing their guts out? That latter is sarcasm.

Gold, I cannot possible police everything that goes on here. I try my best and point out when I see something. It would be nice if posters helped by following the rules, but I know emotions win out sometimes.

A column is my opinion. I report also when I write news stories, features, etc.. I'm not sure you have a handle on journalism but I'll say you're not alone.

If people show up to the stadium pissed, they're still showing up. The money still goes to the athletic department.

I did not say Iowa would finish strong. I said it's important that they do for attendance next year and recruiting. I don't know how many times I've written that so far in the last 24 hours.

You want me to roast this program, the coaches and the players. I get that. Anything else is vanilla or softballs for the athletic department. I write how I feel and what I believe. While I hope everybody reads what I write, I'm not naive and I know what I publish isn't for everybody.

Lastly, you don't know me and coming on here anonymously charging that I'm gutless and afraid of KF and GB is lame and predictable. Don't expect me to take time responding to you in the future if you can't be civil.
Amen! I will be there and ready to watch them. Not saying Iowa will win, but what IF they do. Anything is still possible. We aren't going to the Rose Bowl or Title game, but the players deserve our support. I do hope there is one coaching change in particular at year end, but for now I am good. I'm good with Kirk too.

Supporting someone who doesn't help the players with effective preparation - schemes - strategies - gameday management - isn't supporting the players. It's supporting someone at the expense of the players.
Gold, I cannot possible police everything that goes on here. I try my best and point out when I see something. It would be nice if posters helped by following the rules, but I know emotions win out sometimes.

A column is my opinion. I report also when I write news stories, features, etc.. I'm not sure you have a handle on journalism but I'll say you're not alone.

If people show up to the stadium pissed, they're still showing up. The money still goes to the athletic department.

I did not say Iowa would finish strong. I said it's important that they do for attendance next year and recruiting. I don't know how many times I've written that so far in the last 24 hours.

You want me to roast this program, the coaches and the players. I get that. Anything else is vanilla or softballs for the athletic department. I write how I feel and what I believe. While I hope everybody reads what I write, I'm not naive and I know what I publish isn't for everybody.

Lastly, you don't know me and coming on here anonymously charging that I'm gutless and afraid of KF and GB is lame and predictable. Don't expect me to take time responding to you in the future if you can't be civil.

Rob, I've been very civil. I can disagree and that doesn't make it not civil. Using words like vanilla pudding is pretty accurate toward KF. Maybe missed something but I haven't seen you really analyze the contract. I never said I wanted you to roast the program. There are some very positive things about the program. However certain things have been well below standard in Iowa football since 2009 and should be addressed by a writer. I'm a public figure in my one area of writing and I do understand criticism that goes along with it. I can and I do get criticisms in the area I chose to write about. You did choose to do what you are doing, just like I have done. You certainly know that writing about sports, especially about a sport program that is going poorly is going to bring criticism. You aren't being fair to use the "anonymous" call out.

Your articles are very easy to read and that is terrific.

You love the Hawks and that is a positive.

You update articles often and that isn't easy to do.

It would be nice to see 1 article critiquing the contract in light of the results this year.

It would be nice to see an article that digs deeper into the failures of this season with so many returning players. That article doesn't have to be a roast, just an assessment that breaks things down including weakness (and strengths) of the coaching staff other than Greg Davis. I've actually never once harped about GD. When a team gives up 1 shy of 600 yards to a team that ranks:

59th in Total Offense Yards (almost 200 yards over average) (they jumped up from 96th after Iowa).
38th in scoring Offense

PSU came in ranked 129th in passing yardage, but yet had a 210 Passing Rating for the game.

PSU came into the game ranked 90th in rushing yardage (with a very good RB none the less) and ran for 359 yards against Iowa.

Iowa scored 14 points on a team that is ranked 50th on scoring defense

PSU did this all while losing their best offensive lineman for the season several weeks ago.

I didn't just roast Iowa. I stated facts. I did an analysis.

I also understand you can't police everything. I doubt you don't know about Icke.

This is what I am referring too: "By all means, do what you can to see that one of the greatest coaches in program history finishes up as a Hawkeye. Most reasonable Hawkeye fans can live with the raise and even the extension. The buyout seems exorbitant, however."

OK we disagree. I've made my point and ready to move on.

This is what I am referring too, "
This is what I am referring too: "By all means, do what you can to see that one of the greatest coaches in program history finishes up as a Hawkeye. Most reasonable Hawkeye fans can live with the raise and even the extension. The buyout seems exorbitant, however."

and "Fortunately for Barta, Kirk Ferentz provides him with a great resource. He knows what it takes to win with the Hawkeyes. He can help transition from his regime to the next one.

In the past, Ferentz has asked for market value and he’s been fairly and handsomely compensated. He and his wife Mary have, in turn, given back to the community.

If everybody involved wants what it best for the program, they’ll take the necessary steps to do the best they can to make sure this deal does that. It shouldn’t be that hard."

OK we disagree on what a critique is. I've made my point and ready to move on. Go Hawks....
Did you read my first column when I recommended that it be a one or two year rollover contract? That was my opinion then and still would be.

I also have been critical of the buyout after the fact. You can extend a contract 20 years as long as you have the right buyout in case things don't work out.

I get it. You don't like KF and my critiques aren't strong enough for you. However, we write critical, objective pieces on this site. To say we don't is disingenuous and, frankly, wrong.

I'll tell you what. Since you're a writer and have strong opinions here, work something up and we will run it on here. You have to use your real name, though.
But the only thing that is still on the line is more Fools Gold....and my ass is tired of that played out scenario. I know what Ferments is, and I know what this program is and will be in the future....and I want change.
Sadly I agree with a lot of this. Barring a miracle Saturday, it's been a real boring season. If we could put KF in a spot where he was in a contract year every year, the results would probably be different. When this team has high expectations, I'm almost the opposite. When no one picks them to do anything, amazingly the motivation and results pick up.
I'm not expecting a National Championship but I am done with Ferentz. The game has passed him by and he will never be able to capitalize on any success he might have. We should have known going into this season it was going to be a flop because that's what he does with high expectations. Next year expectations will be low and he will probably win 8 games and get everyone interested again and then lay an egg the following year. Rinse and repeat. I didn't watch the Penn State game and I won't watch Saturday either.

I get that you are mad as helll and aren't going to take it anymore. I won't blame anyone for being done with the staff, many things have been pretty indefensible this year.

Here's where you lose me though, you didn't watch last Sat and you are watching this Saturday? I don't get that. There's a good chance we'll get smoked on Saturday, and KF/GD/PP ar going to upset a lot of people at likely multiple points in the game..... But i'm gonna watch, cause I am a fan of Iowa Football, even when we suck.