Newton Scandals

We publicize student's GPA's (whether good or bad)?

Actually we don't. We provide aggregate information to the NCAA that is required as a condition of athletic participation, so the NCAA can do oversight. We also provide information so that certain athletes can be eligible for certain academic awards. Nothing different from academic scholarship programs.

But FERPA (Education Right to Privacy) requires that the university protect the confidentiality of your academic record unless there is a legitimate academic reason or you give consent for the university to release those records. This is why your parents can't call up and get your grades in their own.
I hope the NCAA moves quickly in the investigation and at least tries to get a resolution before the end of the season ala Dez Bryant of last year and the UNC guys of this year. It is not like with USC where whatever they decide will not affect the outcomes of the affected players - what happens will directly affect the national title race
Why are the FL leaks violations of the Fed. privacy laws? To my knowledge, they didn't release grades. Is plagarism protected? I honestly don't know.

As for the computer, I see no reason, morally or legally, why he should be protected regarding stealing someone's property. That's a crime, not a school violation.
The real key here is if Cam is guilty, no longer is there a clear cut heisman. If Stanzi could turn in on huge these next three games he might be able to earn a trip to NY!! He won't win but it's good exposure...
Why are the FL leaks violations of the Fed. privacy laws? To my knowledge, they didn't release grades. Is plagarism protected? I honestly don't know.

As for the computer, I see no reason, morally or legally, why he should be protected regarding stealing someone's property. That's a crime, not a school violation.

Look he didn't steal the computer. He's just a bargin hunter who happened to get a great deal on a laptop. Maybe his biggest problem is that he's too trustworthy.
Knowingly buying stolen property is a crime. He has admitted the deal was too good to be true.

I'm trying to avoid making a rush to judgment on the guy, but a lot of "evidence" is piling up against him.
The computer thing and the grades are non issues b/c they were at florida. The HUGE issue is him and his dad saying it's going to take more than a scholorship for him to play football at your school. When asked about this, both of them admitted or denied the allegations. That to me is pretty sketch...
The computer thing and the grades are non issues b/c they were at florida. The HUGE issue is him and his dad saying it's going to take more than a scholorship for him to play football at your school. When asked about this, both of them admitted or denied the allegations. That to me is pretty sketch...

The cheating/computer stuff won't affect his eligiblity, but it will certainly have an impact on the Heisman race (which is why I have the sneaking suspicion that Florida leaked it).

The phone call with Cam saying a scholarship isn't enough could get Florida into hot water, too. I'm not saying he did get paid to go there. But if a scholarship wasn't enough to lure him to Auburn or MSU, then it's only logical to assume that it wasn't enough at Florida, either. There would be enough reason there to at least take a look.
The cheating/computer stuff won't affect his eligiblity, but it will certainly have an impact on the Heisman race (which is why I have the sneaking suspicion that Florida leaked it).

The phone call with Cam saying a scholarship isn't enough could get Florida into hot water, too. I'm not saying he did get paid to go there. But if a scholarship wasn't enough to lure him to Auburn or MSU, then it's only logical to assume that it wasn't enough at Florida, either. There would be enough reason there to at least take a look.

I would almost guarantee Urban Meyer has a hand in all of this. I really hope Florida beats SC on Saturday, I would love to see an SEC championship game between Auburn and Florida. There's going to be a lot of bad blood between Meyer and Chizik.
I would almost guarantee Urban Meyer has a hand in all of this.

I'm wondering now if perhaps Meyer did, and then to counter Meyer somebody else leaked another part of this - that there are different people leaking different things here.

The reason why is that Florida and Miss St could find themselves being investigated as well by these leaks, even with MSU being the one who turned stuff over to the SEC in what kick started this.

I mean, the kid was at Florida, and to have now Cam and his father allegedly saying that they wanted money from MSU, with the insinuation that Auburn paid more, then it makes you wonder what Florida paid in the first place. Unless Meyer is completely delusional (a possibility), then it's hard to imagine that he wouldn't think there was no chance that this could come back to haunt him by leaking stuff.

The fact that this has already dragged three SEC schools into it though just brightens my day.
I'm wondering now if perhaps Meyer did, and then to counter Meyer somebody else leaked another part of this - that there are different people leaking different things here.

The reason why is that Florida and Miss St could find themselves being investigated as well by these leaks, even with MSU being the one who turned stuff over to the SEC in what kick started this.

I mean, the kid was at Florida, and to have now Cam and his father allegedly saying that they wanted money from MSU, with the insinuation that Auburn paid more, then it makes you wonder what Florida paid in the first place. Unless Meyer is completely delusional (a possibility), then it's hard to imagine that he wouldn't think there was no chance that this could come back to haunt him by leaking stuff.

The fact that this has already dragged three SEC schools into it though just brightens my day.

There are just so many ties to Meyer in all of this. Dan Mullen, two of the reporters, Pete Thamel and Joe Schad, who have broken a lot of the reports on Newton. Plus I don't think anyone would say that Meyer seems above doing something like this.
An Auburn fan on my dad's message board said something to this effect: I'm not here to make excuses or defend it. In the SEC, the mentality is "Everybody is doing it, so you need to if you want to win. If you get caught, you get caught. Then you keep doing it and try not to get caught again."
An Auburn fan on my dad's message board said something to this effect: I'm not here to make excuses or defend it. In the SEC, the mentality is "Everybody is doing it, so you need to if you want to win. If you get caught, you get caught. Then you keep doing it and try not to get caught again."

lol This totally reminds me of the dupree 30 for 30 that aired last night....

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