Newton Scandals

What are the odds that some of the voters put Auburn behind BSU or TCU as a punishment because they know the NCAA will take to long? You can make an argument for it, kind of an unofficial punishment to keep them out of the national championship game.
What are the odds that some of the voters put Auburn behind BSU or TCU as a punishment because they know the NCAA will take to long? You can make an argument for it, kind of an unofficial punishment to keep them out of the national championship game.

I was thinking that same thing on my way home today...Boise and TCU have to be loving this.
Look he didn't steal the computer. He's just a bargin hunter who happened to get a great deal on a laptop. Maybe his biggest problem is that he's too trustworthy.

Yeah, he's too trustworthy. And he accidentally spilled water on the computer and that is why he threw it away...Not because the cops were looking for it. Everybody has this guy all wrong.
I wonder where that old Auburn fan that used to come around is. I really wish we could get his input on this whole thing as he was always very insightful. ;)
The cheating/computer stuff won't affect his eligiblity, but it will certainly have an impact on the Heisman race (which is why I have the sneaking suspicion that Florida leaked it).

The phone call with Cam saying a scholarship isn't enough could get Florida into hot water, too. I'm not saying he did get paid to go there. But if a scholarship wasn't enough to lure him to Auburn or MSU, then it's only logical to assume that it wasn't enough at Florida, either. There would be enough reason there to at least take a look.

"The solicitation of cash or benefits by a prospective student-athlete or another individual on his or her behalf is not allowed under NCAA rules."

So just having that conversation will make him ineligible so if there is hard proof these conversations went on then he definitely would be in hot water. And now with more and more people connected to Mississippi State coming out saying hi dad Cecil did exactly that solicit money for him and his son from MSU boosters.
"The solicitation of cash or benefits by a prospective student-athlete or another individual on his or her behalf is not allowed under NCAA rules."

So just having that conversation will make him ineligible so if there is hard proof these conversations went on then he definitely would be in hot water. And now with more and more people connected to Mississippi State coming out saying hi dad Cecil did exactly that solicit money for him and his son from MSU boosters.
Quote from Cecil Newton to his son in 2009: "Son, God has a plan. His plan was to put me in charge of a collection agency he affectionately refers to as a 'Church'. Then, in exchange for a cut of the profits God would give me you. And he gave me you, so you could give ME hundreds of thousands of dollars. And after you give me lots of money, I will give 10% to God, who happens to be way behind in his bills. It's called a win/win situation."
"The solicitation of cash or benefits by a prospective student-athlete or another individual on his or her behalf is not allowed under NCAA rules."

So just having that conversation will make him ineligible so if there is hard proof these conversations went on then he definitely would be in hot water. And now with more and more people connected to Mississippi State coming out saying hi dad Cecil did exactly that solicit money for him and his son from MSU boosters.

I think I remember seeing somewhere that Cecil was quoted as saying "it won't be free this time" or something like that. I hate FLA and Meyer as much as the next guy, but I don't think this part will hurt FL. Releasing the records that were not supposed to be released could be a different story though, but I don't think that would hit the football team.
I think I remember seeing somewhere that Cecil was quoted as saying "it won't be free this time" or something like that. I hate FLA and Meyer as much as the next guy, but I don't think this part will hurt FL. Releasing the records that were not supposed to be released could be a different story though, but I don't think that would hit the football team.

My dad told me that there was a rumor going around that a poster on a different board was talking about the cheating.....a couple days before the story leaked. The poster claimed to be the brother of Florida's video co-ordinator (or something like that). If that's true, the football program could get hit. I suspected something like that anyway. What does the school gain out of leaking his records? Nothing. What does Urban Meyer get (especially considering HIS team's mediocrity, Auburn's dominance, and Newton's Heisman candidacy)? The sweet nectar of revenge.