New Michigan Coach

My understanding is that he doesn't have the best relationship with Michigan. Upset at how players are treated after graduation--i.e., they are utilized by the fans, donors, and university on Saturdays, but are not offered jobs after graduation.

Obviously, that doesn't mean that he won't be the next coach, however.
I hadn't heard that before. Thanks for sharing.
Isn't Mack Brown in his 70's

Makes no sense to bring in a coach who will get his system started and than retire. Michigan needs a coach that can come in and build it up and then stay and succeed for years to come. One of the Harbaugh's is their best bet if they can sway one of them..
Who knew that one loss to App State would throw Michigan's entire program into a decade-long tailspin?
I think Harbaugh will stay in the NFL...maybe Oakland. They like the Bay area. I think Miles is a better guess. He might be ready to get out of LSU ahead of the posse after this season, which could result in 4 losses or more. Evidently there is a feud between Carr and Miles, so who knows?
Take a look at ol' Kirk, it would be so sad to see him go but we will try and get over it. We will throw in his son and GD for free.
Mich might have to look for someone who had head coaching success at G5 level or maybe a power 5 school with a lower budget.

Maybe Paul chryst at Pitt, Diaco at Uconn, Golden at Miami, FL., mullen at Miss. ST., Mendenhall at BYU
I wonder if John Gruden would every be interested in a HC position at a P5 school? He does have some experience at the college level and did win a Super Bowl in the NFL. He grew up in South Bend and played for Dayton. Every recruit in the nation would know who he is so he could be a hell of a recruiter. He's only 51 and might be getting tired of the TV thing.
I wonder if John Gruden would every be interested in a HC position at a P5 school? He does have some experience at the college level and did win a Super Bowl in the NFL. He grew up in South Bend and played for Dayton. Every recruit in the nation would know who he is so he could be a hell of a recruiter. He's only 51 and might be getting tired of the TV thing.

Honestly, unless his gut is literally on fire to do it, he would be a fool to leave what he's got now.

Seriously--All aboard the gravy train!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think Harb. would be a bit combative and likely ruffle some feathers at UM. He may be right for the job but the Big Wigs fancy themselves as little Jerry Jones at UM.
Honestly, unless his gut is literally on fire to do it, he would be a fool to leave what he's got now.

Seriously--All aboard the gravy train!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is a sweet gig he has. He does a good job on TV and I really liked his QB show. Just wonder if he will get the "itch" again.
Ha these answers are hilarious. Brown is out to pasture. He's made theut o big bucks he's old and now has his cushy tv gig he's toast he's the next Lou Holtz but less annoying. The Tressel reference is awesome. I'd love to see OSUs reaction to that announcement. That alone would make that worth it. Too bad there's no chance of that. It's Harbaughs job till he turns it down... He's gotta be their first call. I think Miles is as entrenched at LSU as a coach can be. Weather all the smoke around Harbaugh and his job security with the 9ers is true or not we'll see. But that'll be the biggest coaching shakeup by far after the season. I don't think Michigan is dumping Hoke before the end of the year. It's already a lost season. Unless it gets toxic and fans boycott (and they might) I just don't see it.
I think Harbaugh will stay in the NFL...maybe Oakland. They like the Bay area. I think Miles is a better guess. He might be ready to get out of LSU ahead of the posse after this season, which could result in 4 losses or more. Evidently there is a feud between Carr and Miles, so who knows?

I think you're right. Harbaugh has Oakland written all over him. The fans would eat that up like a Paul Rhoads speech in Ames.
Urban Meyer protege', Dan Mullen would be a good choice. A Pennsylvania native, Mullen developed Alex Smith for Urban at Utah
and was the OC for him at Florida. Starkville, MS is a sh*t hole so he would crawl to Ann Arbor.
Take a look at ol' Kirk, it would be so sad to see him go but we will try and get over it. We will throw in his son and GD for free.

Maybe Kirk and Greg, I'm not sure about Brian. You have to remember James and Steve will need jobs once their playing careers are over.

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