I can understand your opinion...knowing what I know, and doing this sort of thing for nearly 20 years, and all of the texts and emails Rob and I exchange on a regular basis where we say we would feel comfortable posting what we have behind a paywall, but not on free boards for a variety of reasons, I disagree. But again, to each his or her own.

The paysite is probably a great idea, although I don't think I will be partaking (the opportunity-cost tied to the time I waste on this site is bad enough, I probably should not compound it by taking money out of my pocket). But I am curious about the idea that there is some information that you would feel comfortable sharing behind a paywall, but not otherwise. You said yourself that you hope that information will stay private, but you know that ultimately it probably won't. And when it comes out (e.g. on Twitter, your free site, a rival free site, etc.), it will still be attributed to you, which it seems to me could still result in burning your sources. So doesn't the end result end up being the same?

Feel free to answer or not; it is not a critique, simply genuine curiosity on my part why the paywall would make that much of a difference in this case.
Will there be any way to see what you would be getting for your money? As far as how many threads or thread titles or something? I don't know why I even care since I'm still paying 20 bucks a month for BTN plus because I'm too lazy to cancel. And don't even get me started on my gym membership.
I can understand your opinion...knowing what I know, and doing this sort of thing for nearly 20 years, and all of the texts and emails Rob and I exchange on a regular basis where we say we would feel comfortable posting what we have behind a paywall, but not on free boards for a variety of reasons, I disagree. But again, to each his or her own.

As for the troll free not happening on the pay board, I can tell you, that will happen. If people troll on that board, an have paid money to get in there, and they troll, they will be banned..and there will not be a refund issued.
I'll make a deal with you. Since the Sensitive Sallys can hide behind the paywall troll free, bring back the politics forum for the rest of us lowly freeloaders.
I'll make a deal with you. Since the Sensitive Sallys can hide behind the paywall troll free, bring back the politics forum for the rest of us lowly freeloaders.
Those cesspool boards belong on Reddit. There's a sub over there called r/HawkeyeFanPolitics just for that.
The paysite is probably a great idea, although I don't think I will be partaking (the opportunity-cost tied to the time I waste on this site is bad enough, I probably should not compound it by taking money out of my pocket). But I am curious about the idea that there is some information that you would feel comfortable sharing behind a paywall, but not otherwise. You said yourself that you hope that information will stay private, but you know that ultimately it probably won't. And when it comes out (e.g. on Twitter, your free site, a rival free site, etc.), it will still be attributed to you, which it seems to me could still result in burning your sources. So doesn't the end result end up being the same?

Feel free to answer or not; it is not a critique, simply genuine curiosity on my part why the paywall would make that much of a difference in this case.

No problem.

And I knew in advance this type of question would arise...I would ask it, too.

There are some things you hear and know that you would like to share, but you don't feel comfortable sharing with the world...but when you share it behind the wall of a premium forum, the 'risks' associated are much, much smaller....and you never post anything believing that it will stay 100% behind the know it will not. As much as anything, these can be rumors that you believe have legs, but you'd rather not post on the free boards because the next thing you know, it will be posted on another site saying 'Jon Miller is reporting x,y,z' when that is just not the case.

I hope that helps paint some color's still vague, but that's the nature of's one of those things where Rob and I have a hard time explaining what it is, but when we come across it, we know it, based on doing this for two decades.
Will there be any way to see what you would be getting for your money? As far as how many threads or thread titles or something? I don't know why I even care since I'm still paying 20 bucks a month for BTN plus because I'm too lazy to cancel. And don't even get me started on my gym membership.

LOL. I get that..I have to remind myself to unsubscribe from a lot of things. Monthly, it's $3.99. Annual, 35.99, or works out to just under $3.00/mo.

In a few weeks, I think I will be at a better point to 'show you what you are missing'. In fact, my idea is to do some of that each week...focus on some highlights from the previous week or two and let people see what they might experience...because if you don't know, then you don't know.
No problem.

And I knew in advance this type of question would arise...I would ask it, too.

There are some things you hear and know that you would like to share, but you don't feel comfortable sharing with the world...but when you share it behind the wall of a premium forum, the 'risks' associated are much, much smaller....and you never post anything believing that it will stay 100% behind the know it will not. As much as anything, these can be rumors that you believe have legs, but you'd rather not post on the free boards because the next thing you know, it will be posted on another site saying 'Jon Miller is reporting x,y,z' when that is just not the case.

I hope that helps paint some color's still vague, but that's the nature of's one of those things where Rob and I have a hard time explaining what it is, but when we come across it, we know it, based on doing this for two decades.

Thanks. Like you said, it is probably tough to grasp from our perspective, and obviously much clearer in your mind.
LOL. I get that..I have to remind myself to unsubscribe from a lot of things. Monthly, it's $3.99. Annual, 35.99, or works out to just under $3.00/mo.

In a few weeks, I think I will be at a better point to 'show you what you are missing'. In fact, my idea is to do some of that each week...focus on some highlights from the previous week or two and let people see what they might experience...because if you don't know, then you don't know.

Will it be auto renewing every year or will we get a reminder to pony up again? I can't remember what I'm supposed to be doing an hour from now.

Will it be auto renewing every year or will we get a reminder to pony up again? I can't remember what I'm supposed to be doing an hour from now.

Good question...I will check with our team who handles that aspect and ask
Also does trolling trolls count as trolling? I'm asking for Dean.

I won't need to troll on the pay board, as they will actually be moderated. I was kind of a vigilante on the free site, there was no law, so I took it into my own hands. I drove away Hawk5656 (CyTwins alt.) so I got the accomplishment under my belt.
Have you thought about offering a free trial so people can see the difference and decide if they want to go forward with it after that? I just created an account after browsing for years because this sounds pretty interesting.
LOL. I get that..I have to remind myself to unsubscribe from a lot of things. Monthly, it's $3.99. Annual, 35.99, or works out to just under $3.00/mo.

In a few weeks, I think I will be at a better point to 'show you what you are missing'. In fact, my idea is to do some of that each week...focus on some highlights from the previous week or two and let people see what they might experience...because if you don't know, then you don't know.

So what are we talking here? A 2 week free trial? How big of a taste do we get before we have to commit to the entree?