New entry way to the field??


Well-Known Member
I really think it would be a great thing to do something to update our entry way to the field at Kinnick. It's pretty bland "Iowa Football" compared to most other Big Ten teams and we all know that high school recruits love that kind of stuff. If you look at schools like Nebraska, the have a giant iron gate that the cheer leaders open up when the players come out and it says "NEBRASKA" in huge awesome letters above the entrance. Whoever makes these decisions must not be much of a visionary as we don't even have a tigerhawk at mid field and our press box has literally not one design on it whatsoever. I'm just thinking about these things to catch the eyes of potential recruits. What do you guys think about this?
Maybe someone inside can release a giant flock of Hawks out of the tunnel before the team comes out? They could gouge out the eyes of the oposing team!
I guess if we need gimmicks to get anybody to come play at Iowa, then we are in trouble anyway.

I remember the Alford era in basketball, where they would dim the lights for the starting lineup introductions in an attempt to jazz things up a little, and I don't recall top-flight recruits lining up to play for the Hawks.

Winning is the #1 way to attract good recruits IMO. And as Dexter said, I think the way the Hawks take the field is pretty cool anyway. Don't fix what isn't broken.
Not a "gate" necessarily, just something to spruce it up. I just feel like it is very plain.
Not a "gate" necessarily, just something to spruce it up. I just feel like it is very plain.

I don't know what to tell ya. If you're not feeling that rush of anticipation and bouncing up and down as the boys line up to hit the field maybe it's just not the thing for ya.

Jesus, Makes me excited just thinking about it.
I remember the Alford era in basketball, where they would dim the lights for the starting lineup introductions in an attempt to jazz things up a little, and I don't recall top-flight recruits lining up to play for the Hawks.

Really? Because I do.
I don't want anyone to change a thing about our entrance (except for the players waiting too long after Back in Black sometimes, but that was cleaned up for the most part last year). It's perfect the way it is.
Why dont we have Kirk lead the team out on a tractor while the players walk through cornstalks with Toby Kieth blasting in the background?
Such as? Ok, Horner & Brunner. But they were Iowans. I also remember a LOT of average talent.

Reiner and Worley. Evans and Recker.

The early years had talent. Never really took off though. Stevie knew how to recruit, but not how to coach.
Reiner and Worley. Evans and Recker.

The early years had talent. Never really took off though. Stevie knew how to recruit, but not how to coach.

Ok, yeah I guess the early years had some pretty good talent, but it did seem to dwindle more like 2003-04, etc. for whatever reason.

But back on point - what I was getting at though is that any good recruits that Alford got to come to Iowa (or wasn't able to get a commitment from), wasn't a result of any pre-game gimmicks, or lack thereof. Having a successful program and a coach who can recruit is what matters IMO.
I think Herky has a more majestic entrance than the team.

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