New CyHawk Trophy Revealed

That piece of garbage makes the old trophy look like The Statue Of David.

It amazes me how crap like this and the "Hero's" and "Legend's" gets approved.


Exclusive video of Delaney shortly after signing off on the much contimplated "Hero's and Ledgend's" division names ....

[ame=""]Caspa Gilito - Scrooge.mpg - YouTube[/ame]

Iowa didn't even feel the need to send Football Herky, that's how disappointing this is.
Why is the ISU womens Bball coach there? Is this for the football game or the stupid CY/Hawk Series that they have for all sports and academics.
Well, they have finally done it. They did something that could bring Clones and Hawks together in unity and put their differences aside. Both sides agree that this the biggest p.o.s. trophy ever. They might as well get my clay pinch pot I made in art class in elementary school, it relates the same way to a football game as this does.

ClownFanatic is in just as big of a meltdown over this. Their thread is virtually a reflection of this one.

New CyHawk Trophy - CycloneFanatic
This could easily be the one trophy that no team ever wants to win simply because they don't want to look at it all year. Could they possibly award this trophy to the losers so that they have to stomach the site of it as a final kick in the nuts for losing the rivalry game.
Too bad Hy Vee didn't still sponsor this game, they could have just made a statue of Curtis Stone and it would be better thatn this abomination. I wonder if there is any chance of them changing it after they hear the public's reaction?
I have a room in the basement, my wife has a room on the main floor of our house. This trophy looks like something she would decorate with in her room. It looks like those dumb willow tree figurines on top!

I have an idea.....make up several trophy designs and the the Iowa and Iowa State fans vote from the best trophy???

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