New Basketball Uniforms?


Well-Known Member
Iowa Basketball to Get New Nike-Designed Uniforms - Black Heart Gold Pants

Looks like Nike is trying to keep up with the ugliness of Adidas and their Golden state uniforms they came out with this year
caw-CAW! That's great. Thanks for the laugh, eyekwah. I'm looking forward to having the longest sleeves in basketball.
I liked it! Imagine how easy it will be for the team to shoot while the opossing team is laughing. You can't defend someone doubled over.
In today's era of gawd-awful uniforms, this wouldn't surprise me. Nauseate, yes. Surprise no.

Ditto. I know it's a joke, but I think a lot of the humor here is found in the fact that this is really not that far-fetched of a design for today's game.
Doesn't Oregon where shi+ like this? This may be a joke but turn that thing into a duck and it has OU written all over it.

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