Nervous Coach Norm out.

Norm Parker is not going to Arizona this Sat. He checked into the hospital last Sat. for diabetes issues. Norm has been a staple for our defense for a long time, its time for Ferentz and company to step it up, the guy isn't getting any younger. Best of luck to coach Parker and a speedy recovery. Arizona has a great passing attack, run O is kind of weak. I think we are going to play well. I would love to have Coach Parker on the side lines. Go Hawks!
Although there is no doubt they are better X's and O'x wise with Parker around, I don't think there will be any drop, maybe even an emotional boost without him there. There is so much continuity among the coaches, that I don't think the gameplan will suffer at all. I think he was in the hospital last Thursday and Friday so he pretty much missed all of the walk-throughs leading up to ISU and the game itself.
Cool thank you for the update. I agree with you. I hope hes ok for his own well being. Football is not as important as his health. Best wishes to Coach Parker on a speedy recovery. Thats great news about the program and our progression amongst the coaching staff. I figured that would be the case eventually.
For all of those of you who don't remember, Norm missed the trip to Arizona State in 2004 and the Michigan game the following week. Iowa's defense got creamed in both games. Norm's absence was identified as a contributing factor in both games.

He came back and Iowa's 2004 D became somewhat legendary.

Now, this is much further down the line. We have to think that guys like Phil Parker, etc., have been being groomed to take over. KF almost said as much when he talked about the team's planning for the event of Norm not being available. Clearly KF doesn't want a repeat of the 2004 situation. We will see if the adjustments he has made are as effective as the other adjustments that have been made, such as Bowl preparation, etc.
on the positive side, we don't do exotic stuff anyway, and when we do try to get fancy we aren't as good, so I think we'll be OK
I really hate to say it and I sure don't want it but Norm may have to step down soon. His health has been a bit problematic in the last few years. I am sure that KF and the program knew this could become an issue and his health is more important. Maybe keep him around as a consultant but maybe not day to day operations. A great man that I have met on several occasions. For his own good he should ease up, take care of himself and enjoy life.
With all due respect to Norm, we thrive by successfully operating the system, not because of Norm. The defense has been immersed in the system for many years now.

Which is a tribute to Norm's ability to teach/mentor the system to others.

We'll be fine defensively.
Iowa's defense is known for making adjustments in game and at the half. 2008 & 2009 PSU, both games started with PSU's offense basically doing what it wanted, Iowa adjusting & dominating.

I would guess that Norm is the brains behind those adjustments. For me this is a huge concern.
Iowa's defense is known for making adjustments in game and at the half. 2008 & 2009 PSU, both games started with PSU's offense basically doing what it wanted, Iowa adjusting & dominating.

I would guess that Norm is the brains behind those adjustments. For me this is a huge concern.

Penn St did not start out dominating on offense in 2009. They had one huge play where Spievey got burnt, after that Iowa had no trouble stopping them, there were not huge adjustments to be in that game.
On their 2nd drive they stuffed it down Iowa's throat all the way into the red zone before Iowa stopped them.

Are you sure you watched the game? Statements like that hurt credibility.
On their 2nd drive they stuffed it down Iowa's throat all the way into the red zone before Iowa stopped them.

Are you sure you watched the game? Statements like that hurt credibility.

They stuffed it down their throats all the way to a FG on a drive without a single play longer than nine yards. Iowa always gives up drives like these if the other team is patient. Penn St then had four straight three and outs before halftime. What big adjustments did they have to make at halftime? Either you don't know when have time is or you didn't watch the game.
Norm wasn't with the team for the ISU game either. We still dominated that game.

Yes, it sucks we won't have Norm there on the sidelines or in the booth helping us out, but this is a very good team, with good coaches.
They stuffed it down their throats all the way to a FG on a drive without a single play longer than nine yards. Iowa always gives up drives like these if the other team is patient. Penn St then had four straight three and outs before halftime. What big adjustments did they have to make at halftime? Either you don't know when have time is or you didn't watch the game.

I know when halftime is. I have to admit, I don't know when "have time" is. It is exactly 30 game minutes after the game starts.

I didn't say Norm's adjustments are made only at halftime. If you read my original post, I said "in game adjustments" too.

Those PSU games were just some examples. If you don't think Norm does a fantastic job of in game coaching, be it during the game on the sideline or in the locker room at halftime, I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree.
Can't he call in from wherever he is? I assume he'll be watching on TV and have access to an instant communication device, aka "phone." If even only for suggestions.

Surely they have planned for this contingency.
Can't he call in from wherever he is? I assume he'll be watching on TV and have access to an instant communication device, aka "phone." If even only for suggestions.

Surely they have planned for this contingency.

this! if coaches are making changes that aren't working, you bet your *** norm will be on the phone telling them what to do.

norm will pretty much be in arizona, just not physically
As I stated previously, It didn't appear as if their contingencies in 2004 worked, or that they had planned appropriately.

Those of you that are saying non-factor, you have short memories, or you are just a little challenged historically.

That being said, KF is a master of not getting burned by the same thing twice and stated in his presser and the on-the-side that they had prepared extensively over the last few years to deal with Norm's absence over a week, a month, or a year.

Basically, things are different now. I would expect that some of game day responsibilities have been delegated before now, and the game planning responsibility may have been delegated.

Would be nice to have more detail on these changes. For instance, we know KF doesn't let his players go home for Christmas during bowl prep anymore.

Also, for those of you that think Norm can watch on TV and call in. Put down the beers and think. You get at most 20% of the field in any television telecast. Also, you have to let your coaches on sight do the coaching. If KF hasn't forced some delegation of these responsibilities by now, it is on him. So, you know he has.
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Parker not there, the heat, time zone changes, a game from 7 years ago.

It sounds like far too many people are already grasping for excuses should we lose.
Parker not there, the heat, time zone changes, a game from 7 years ago.

It sounds like far too many people are already grasping for excuses should we lose.

Actually, on the contrary. I expect that it will just be another example of how great a coach KF really is. He won't get burned by the same thing twice. It should also give us a clue as to the future of Hawkeye football.

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