Nebraska's new biggest rival?

I think it will wind up being Penn State, because I think the two teams will be in the same division, and I think they will end up playing the last regular season game of the year against one another. Now as for local nastiness, Iowa...which may wind up trumping the calendar.

Rivalries are interesting. Alabama and Tennessee are big rivals and they don't play each other at the end of the year (although they do play on a set date - the 3rd Saturday in Ocotber). That being said, to me, the biggest rivals are those that mutually hate each other the most, not just somewhat hate the other team. In this case, UT isn't Alabama's biggest rivalry - that belong's to Auburn. Auburn, in turn, has Alabama as it's biggest rival. Tennessee has many rivals, but it seems that each rival has an even bigger rivalry (e.g. Georgia/Florida Florida/Florida State, Georgia/Georgia Tech)

My point is there is no way that Nebraska and Iowa don't become rivals. PSU will likely be rivals, but not bordering Nebraska, I doubt that they will mutually hate each other in a superlative fashion - whereas I see that happening with Iowa/Nebraska. Like UT/Alabama, I think it'd be great to have a set date each year with Nebraska--the first Saturday in November, perhaps?
I will be thoroughly disappointed if the Big10 designates NU vs WI as a year end rivalry. Iowa or Penn St is much more intriguing.

Hey, you're the lowest on the totem pole. You'll be lucky if you get Indiana. Welcome to the Big Ten, newbie.

Enough said.

OK, I'll say more.

People can hypothesize all they want about potential reasons a rivalry might sprout between Nebraska and schools not named Iowa, but trust me, when Farmageddon actually happens, this rivalry is going to be over the top. It's the border, it's the proximity, it's the comingling of fanbases, it's the smashmouth brand of football shared by both schools.

There's a lot of Husker fans here, and there's a lot of Iowa fans there (especially in Omaha.) You never really heard much from them in either place because we didn't play each other consistently and we weren't in the same conference. All of that is moot now. When we used to play each other it was a novelty. Now its gonna be for keeps.

Just try to picture in your mind Nebraska running onto the field at Kinnick as a conference foe with huge implications. Think about what that moment is gonna be like. My God. Hyperbole fails.
As far as rivalries go, I don't think you can pick them they happen. They evolve over time. Saying that I do believe the two biggest rivalries that will develop will be Iowa and Wisconsin. I don't think this was posted yet but Barry Alvarez was not only a player but I believe a asst. Grad at Nebraska so a lot of Nebraska fans are looking at Wisconsin on that angle and they have same colors whatever that is worth.
Hey, you're the lowest on the totem pole. You'll be lucky if you get Indiana. Welcome to the Big Ten, newbie.

The Big10 isnt in the interest of losing money and I am sure they will take que's from what the Big12 did wrong. We may be a "newbie" but we certainly arent new to the national stage and that is precisely the kind of matchup the Big10 is going to be looking for when they setup the divisions.

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