Nebraska or Arizona, who would you rather play in a bowl game?

Forget about which bowl it is, assume that doesn't matter. Who would you rather play. I know the revenge factor with AZ is your gut instinct, but after watching Nebby tonight God I want to play them THIS YEAR. My son asked me tonight why I didn't want them to win and all I could say is I don't know I just don't like them. It won't happen but I would love to see the Clowns take them down in L'Ames.

I hear you, but why would you want ISU to beat a future b10 school? I see the N hatred thing and all, but I prefer that the hated N beats everyone on their schedule this year as it exits the B12, starting with Texas. I actually hope that Nebraska destroys the clowns, but maybe that's just me.
I would rather play Arizona and shut them up. Like previously said... the better team did not win that night.

The only reason I'm not saying Nebraska is because their fans are too ignorant to admit Iowa is better than them even if we beat them by 50.

Although I am tired of them making comments like "Iowa is awful...Iowa is overrated" everywhere I go.
arizona. Revenge factor and the fact that Iowa gets to play nebraska every year pretty soon renders the point moot. Plus the big 10 plays a pac 10 team in the rose bowl.
I don't buy that. When the chips were down, and the game was on the line, AZ stepped up and Iowa withered.

The thing that upset me the most about that game was not the fact tha twe lost, but how we lost; Namely our stud defense got shredded for a long drive when they needed a stop, and the usually great Iowa O-Line turned into a screen door when we needed to give the comeback kid a chance.

They didn't win on a fluke or luck. They punched our defense in the mouth, then turned around and punched our offense in the mouth, both times when the game was on the line. That makes them the better team.

That being said, I would rather we play them again and redeem ourselves.

Uh, our D gave up a legit 13 points. They hardly "punched our defense in the mouth". You do realize we replaced nearly the ENTIRE offensive line this year, right? With only two cupcakes to prepare, we had no idea how good or bad our offensive line was.

And there is such a thing as "beating yourself".
Uh, that. NU does not run an "option offense." It's not 1997 anymore. Before you start typing, know what you are talking about.

Oh, well maybe you should tell their offensive coordinator that they aren't an option offense.

From the article linked below:
"When I first came here, everybody wanted to be an option team," Watson said a couple weeks ago. "Well, people, we are. We are."

Huskers finding magic with zone-read option
Uh, that. NU does not run an "option offense." It's not 1997 anymore. Before you start typing, know what you are talking about.

Oh, well maybe you should tell their offensive coordinator that they aren't an option offense.

From the article linked below:
"When I first came here, everybody wanted to be an option team," Watson said a couple weeks ago. "Well, people, we are. We are."

Huskers finding magic with zone-read option

To be fair, there is a WORLD of difference between the zone-read option and the option of Nebraska old. I've not seen much of Nebraska so far, so I might be way off on these comparisons. But Texas (in the Vince Young era) and Florida (Tebow) ran zone-read. Now if it were as easy to stop as the old option, then there wouldn't be as many top teams having success with it. Georgia Tech ran what is as close to the old option as there is out there. The zone-read is much different.
To be fair, there is a WORLD of difference between the zone-read option and the option of Nebraska old. I've not seen much of Nebraska so far, so I might be way off on these comparisons. But Texas (in the Vince Young era) and Florida (Tebow) ran zone-read. Now if it were as easy to stop as the old option, then there wouldn't be as many top teams having success with it. Georgia Tech ran what is as close to the old option as there is out there. The zone-read is much different.
Bingo, we have a winner. And GTs offense is more like the old OU option than the old NU option game. At least one or two of you can see the difference.
To be fair, there is a WORLD of difference between the zone-read option and the option of Nebraska old. I've not seen much of Nebraska so far, so I might be way off on these comparisons. But Texas (in the Vince Young era) and Florida (Tebow) ran zone-read. Now if it were as easy to stop as the old option, then there wouldn't be as many top teams having success with it. Georgia Tech ran what is as close to the old option as there is out there. The zone-read is much different.

Yeah, that's why I called it an "ignorant option offense." Zone-read option = Ignorant option.
Oh, well maybe you should tell their offensive coordinator that they aren't an option offense.

From the article linked below:
"When I first came here, everybody wanted to be an option team," Watson said a couple weeks ago. "Well, people, we are. We are."

Maybe you should actually watch a little football and learn before you post. The 3 offenses in question are all different. The zone-read option, the mid 90's NU offense, and GT's offense are not the same.

It's just like saying that every pro style offense is the same.
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Yeah, that's why I called it an "ignorant option offense." Zone-read option = Ignorant option.

Have we seen much of the zone-read under Norm? This is a serious question. I believe OSU incorporates it into their gameplans, even though it's not their default offense. But outside of them, who have we played that runs it?
Have we seen much of the zone-read under Norm? This is a serious question. I believe OSU incorporates it into their gameplans, even though it's not their default offense. But outside of them, who have we played that runs it?

Iowa State runs it.
Maybe you should actually watch a little football and learn before you post. The 3 offenses in question are all different. The zone-read option, the mid 90's NU offense, and GT's offense are not the same.

It's just like saying that every pro style offense is the same.

I never said that all those option offenses are the same. All I was trying to say is that the defensive genius named Norm Parker would have us prepared and we would shut down Nebraska's option offense, just like he had us prepared to shut down Georgia Tech's option offense. I wasn't trying to say they are the exact same type of option offense, but they are both option offenses nonetheless. Then you said Nebraska doesn't even run an option offense, then, as Hawkibert illustrated, I pwned you with a quote from Nebraska's offensive coordinator saying they are an option team. Now you're saying they run a zone-read option and trying to say that I was saying that all three (present-day NU, 90's NU, and Georgia Tech's) offenses are the same, which just isn't true. All I'm saying is that Norm Parker owns all option offenses... including NU's current zone-read (aka ignorant) option offense. Nothing I have written in this thread is incorrect.
including NU's current zone-read (aka ignorant) option offense. Nothing I have written in this thread is incorrect.
Actually, NU's offense is "multiple." Essentially, they run zone read (call it option if you want, this is the first time I have heard someone refer to it as "zone read option"), they run power, and the passing game is based on WCO principles. So, essentially, nothing you said is correct, and saying that Parker owns option offenses because he Iowa beat GT is purely conjecture.
Actually, NU's offense is "multiple." Essentially, they run zone read (call it option if you want, this is the first time I have heard someone refer to it as "zone read option"), they run power, and the passing game is based on WCO principles. So, essentially, nothing you said is correct, and saying that Parker owns option offenses because he Iowa beat GT is purely conjecture.

I refer you again to Nebraska's offensive coordinator Shawn Watson. If he says you're an option team, I'll take his word for it.

And it's not conjecture, Norm Parker owns ALL offenses. That's a fact.

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