Neb sports writer blasts Ferentz

The truth hurts.

With the clock stopping after first downs and two timeouts, that's an eternity in college football. Something the Iowa staff knows nothing about.
And WHAT did the writer say that was wrong?

Perhaps some are still drinking too much koolaid.

Execute better? Perhaps the staff should field a team that CAN execute, including the offensive and defensive coordinators.

Yesterday was the height of vanilla and ultra conservatism. I hope no bowl offers Iowa this year. They, especially the coaches, don't deserve a bowl.
You can offer all the apologizes for KF you want, look at the results. He consistently gets the least out of his teams year after year, despite putting multiple players in the NFL. If I could look back and say 'being conservative and playing not to lose won us this game', it would be different.
Just like in Iowa basketball, the team needs a serious upgrade in talent. Way too many walk-ons playing.
**** Nebraska, I hate them even more and their sportswriters should keep their mouths shut. Me and my fellow hawks fans may criticize Iowa out of love but **** anyone from the outside who does. Hawkeye Mafia.
I understand your thought and I'm all for rolling the dice but, you also could've thrown a pick six which would have essentially ended the game right there. QUOTE]

Well, at least then I would have had more of the afternoon to do what I wanted instead of suffering through that debacle.

I can only imagine the sex life of the frentz's. Would not doubt he carries this same approach into the bedroom as well.
I do not even get my hopes up anymore at the end of a half. It's like ever since KF got burned a few years ago going for another score against Northwestern that cost Iowa the game he refuses to take chances. I knew we were taking a knee with 28 ticks left, do I agree with it, absolutely not but it is what we get with KF as coach.

Vandenburg was all over the place with his throws, if KF would have went for it and he had thrown a pick we would have all been on KF for going for it. But knowing how poorly the defense has played all year and knowing the offense has to win these games for us, I would have still went for it and taken that chance. Perhaps he could have hit some receivers underneath and he could have went into halftime with a confidence boost.

But we can debate this stuff all day long, the fact is the better team won yesterday.
I'm OK with the kneel down but leaving two timeouts on the board is ?'able, especially when a young D tends to get gassed at times.

I've been a supporter thru thick-n-thin all these years with this coaching staff & haven't really said much & kept it real, BUT, I'm really getting tired of this $hit & hearing the same old complaints, including from other teams & now their press.

"You know what your going to get with Iowa, there not flashy & run the same crap every play (D)"

"KF will play conservative & not to lose. He's plays to the percentages. They don't give up big plays"
I do not even get my hopes up anymore at the end of a half. It's like ever since KF got burned a few years ago going for another score against Northwestern that cost Iowa the game he refuses to take chances. I knew we were taking a knee with 28 ticks left, do I agree with it, absolutely not but it is what we get with KF as coach.

Vandenburg was all over the place with his throws, if KF would have went for it and he had thrown a pick we would have all been on KF for going for it. But knowing how poorly the defense has played all year and knowing the offense has to win these games for us, I would have still went for it and taken that chance. Perhaps he could have hit some receivers underneath and he could have went into halftime with a confidence boost.

But we can debate this stuff all day long, the fact is the better team won yesterday.

Nevermind the one time they tried to score this year at the end of the half, they did.
This article offered up zero real facts outside of what he probably read on these message boards... His claim of conservativism is based on no "no huddle" and no gadget plays. This guy is just reading the common complaints on all of these major boards and spitting them back at Iowa fans to throw salt in the wounds.

How is this for conservative... throwing it three straight times when hitting the 40 on their first drive in the 2nd Quarter... How about splitting Coker out wide for the first time this year... What about dual interior slants with three wide to the left?

The fact that you guys are reading this guys crap is insulting to Iowans. I'm not claiming that Kirk is a god or that the playcalling was not to fault, but there were many new wrinkles in today's offense, the team just didn't execute. You can blame the lack of execution on the coaches but not conservative playcalling. I actually think going with one back is actually not conservative...

My two cents.

Not to mention the reverse, which blew up in our face as they all have this year.

Thanks for the sane post, but I'm afraid your facts are getting in the way of our rants.
This article offered up zero real facts outside of what he probably read on these message boards... His claim of conservativism is based on no "no huddle" and no gadget plays. This guy is just reading the common complaints on all of these major boards and spitting them back at Iowa fans to throw salt in the wounds.

How is this for conservative... throwing it three straight times when hitting the 40 on their first drive in the 2nd Quarter... How about splitting Coker out wide for the first time this year... What about dual interior slants with three wide to the left?

The fact that you guys are reading this guys crap is insulting to Iowans. I'm not claiming that Kirk is a god or that the playcalling was not to fault, but there were many new wrinkles in today's offense, the team just didn't execute. You can blame the lack of execution on the coaches but not conservative playcalling. I actually think going with one back is actually not conservative...

My two cents.
The fact that you don't understand how ultra-conservative and non-competitive KF is, is very insulting to the fans that have to sit through this crap week in and week out. Taking a knee with 27 seconds left and not taking a chance is typical. Hell, he would take a knee if there was a minute left. He constantly shows his players that he has no balls.
What more facts does wa1974 want? I think the facts laid out in the article stating that the Huskers have given up 29 to Fresno St, 38 to Washington, 27 to Ohio St and 25 to Northwestern at home are plenty. The only team Nebraska's D shut down all year at home was Michigan State which coincidently runs a very similar conservative offense.
Yeah, if a couple players catch the balls bouncing off *both* of their hands (on offense AND defense), if a TE doesn't fumble just as a drive is rolling into FG range, and if QB decides to throw it away on a scramble instead of lofting a lob into triple coverage...we certainly would have a different opinion about the *coaching staff* on this board.
Agreed about the game yesterday.....

Might not have won, but would have made a closer game to watch at any rate.....

What more facts does wa1974 want? I think the facts laid out in the article stating that the Huskers have given up 29 to Fresno St, 38 to Washington, 27 to Ohio St and 25 to Northwestern at home are plenty. The only team Nebraska's D shut down all year at home was Michigan State which coincidently runs a very similar conservative offense.

Irrelevant, as everyone understands the offense sucked yesterday. We're discussing whether the root cause was "conservative schemes" (and fyi Washington runs a similar offense to MSU).

Try to keep up, won't you?

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