National Boycott the NFL

Don't worry, I have anti-liberal memes too.

its not hypocritical at all, as a veteran I fully support their right to protest , in fact I encourage it. Just don't do it during the Anthem. Do it before the Anthem, do it at half time, hell do it during the kickoff, I don't care. When I see them take a knee it has the appearance of disrespect for our great flag and country. It shows a complete lack of respect for every person that ever wore a service uniform, to me its like a slap in the face. Maybe I've seen 1 to many kids come home in a flag covered casket to ever accept anyone protesting or burning our flag, but hey, to each his own right.

What I would like to know is when the military gained exclusive rights to the flag and the anthem. While it's true that you and many others fought for our flag and country, which I thank you for, the flag represents all of us, not just the military. These guys aren't disrespecting the flag nor the military, you're distorting that. They're taking a knee (which is usually a show of respect- if you've actually heard Kaep out, this was at the recommendation of a former US Army Ranger that he suggested he kneel instead of Kaep sit), because they don't feel that the flag, which is supposed to represent us all, is equally and fairly representing all United States citizens. Simple as that.

Requiring that all citizens stand for the anthem definitely feels Fascist to me. And North Korea makes it mandatory that all citizens stand for the anthem. Do we want to be like them in that regard? I thought we LOVED freedom here in 'Merika, but only when you agree?
To try to compare someone who inadvertently does something to those who are actively and consciously doing something is just dumb. Intent means everything. If some dude is shuffling through my row at a football game, and he loses his balance and spill his beer on me, that IS NOT THE SAME THING as someone coming up to me and dumping the beer on me purposefully.

You can't seriously ask for/demand respect, while being disrespectful yourself. I mean I shouldn't say you can't, but rather a certain portion of people will find your disrespect off putting and not back an otherwise good cause, because of the disrespect you are showing.
...You can't seriously ask for/demand respect, while being disrespectful yourself. I mean I shouldn't say you can't, but rather a certain portion of people will find your disrespect off putting and not back an otherwise good cause, because of the disrespect you are showing.
Damn fine post. Those entitled who demand respect while not giving respect are so entitled (they think). And some of these entitled make more than 1,000 times more money than me. Maybe the political forum has cropped up again?

This issue is not a racial thing it is a cultural thing. Fix it along cultural lines. Easy, should be easy peasy but the issue is a cultural issue.
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To the NFL and its players,

If I have brain cancer, I don’t ask my dentist what I should do. If my car has a problem, I don’t seek help from a plumber! Why do you think the public cares what a football player thinks about politics? If we want to know about football, then depending on the information we seek, we might consult with you, but even a quarterback doesn’t seek advice on playing his position from a defensive tackle!

You seem to have this over inflated view of yourselves, thinking because you enjoy working on such a large scale stage, that somehow your opinion about everything matters. The NFL realizes the importance of its “image” so it has rules that specify the clothes and insignia you can wear, the language you use, and your “antics” after a touchdown or other “great” play. But somehow you and your employer don’t seem to care that you disgrace the entire nation and its 320 million people in the eyes of the world by publicly disrespecting this country, its flag, and its anthem! The taxpaying citizens of this country subsidize your plush work environments, yet you choose to use those venues to openly offend those very citizens.

Do you even understand what the flag of this country means to so many of its citizens before you choose to “take a knee” in protest of this “country" during our national anthem?

You may think because you are paid so much that your job is tough, but you are clueless when it comes to tough.. Let me show you those whose job is really tough.




You are spoiled babies who stand around and have staff squirt GatorAid in your mouths, sit in front of misting cooling fans when it’s warm, and sit on heated benches when it's cold. That’s not “tough” that's pampered.

You think that you deserve to be paid excessively high salaries, because you play a “dangerous" game where you can incur career ending injuries. Let me show you career ending injuries!




You think you that you deserve immediate medical attention and the best medical facilities and doctors when injured. Let me show you what it’s like for those who really need and deserve medical attention.




You think you have the right to disrespect the flag of the United States, the one our veterans fought for, risked limbs and mental stability to defend, in many cases died for. Let me show you what our flag means to them, their families, and their friends.






You believe you are our heroes, when in reality you are nothing but overpaid entertainers, who exist solely for our enjoyment! Well, your current antics are neither entertaining nor enjoyable, but rather a disgrace to this country, its citizens, all our veterans and their families, and the sacrifices they have made to ensure this country remains free. You choose to openly disgrace this country in the eyes of the rest of the world, yet with all your money, still choose to live here rather than in any other country. People with even the slightest amount of “Class” will stand and respect our flag. Where does that put you? You want to see heroes… here are this countries heroes!






You can protest policies, the current government, or anything else you choose, that is your right. But when you “protest” our flag and anthem, you are insulting the nation we all live in and love, and all those who have served, been injured, or died to keep it free. There is nothing you can do or say that can make your actions anything more than the arrogance of classless people, who care about themselves more than our country or the freedoms for which our veterans and their families have sacrificed so much, to ensure you have the “right” to speak freely.. Our country is far from perfect, but if you can point to any other country where your freedom and opportunities are better than they are here, then you just might want to go there and show respect for their flag!
THEY ARE NOT PROTESTING OUR FLAG OR ANTHEM OR COUNTRY. Seriously. Please stop with that ridiculous and idiotic argument. They are protesting and drawing attention to the treatment of minorities by the police. It's the whiny white crybabies who don't want to admit there's a problem so they try and twist the narrative. It makes me laugh, but also makes me sad, how people are getting so offended by someone 2,000 miles away kneeling during the anthem. IT HAS NO AFFECT ON YOUR LIFE. STOP CRYING.
To the NFL and its players,

If I have brain cancer, I don’t ask my dentist what I should do. If my car has a problem, I don’t seek help from a plumber! Why do you think the public cares what a football player thinks about politics? If we want to know about football, then depending on the information we seek, we might consult with you, but even a quarterback doesn’t seek advice on playing his position from a defensive tackle!

You seem to have this over inflated view of yourselves, thinking because you enjoy working on such a large scale stage, that somehow your opinion about everything matters. The NFL realizes the importance of its “image” so it has rules that specify the clothes and insignia you can wear, the language you use, and your “antics” after a touchdown or other “great” play. But somehow you and your employer don’t seem to care that you disgrace the entire nation and its 320 million people in the eyes of the world by publicly disrespecting this country, its flag, and its anthem! The taxpaying citizens of this country subsidize your plush work environments, yet you choose to use those venues to openly offend those very citizens.

Do you even understand what the flag of this country means to so many of its citizens before you choose to “take a knee” in protest of this “country" during our national anthem?

You may think because you are paid so much that your job is tough, but you are clueless when it comes to tough.. Let me show you those whose job is really tough.

You are spoiled babies who stand around and have staff squirt GatorAid in your mouths, sit in front of misting cooling fans when it’s warm, and sit on heated benches when it's cold. That’s not “tough” that's pampered.

You think that you deserve to be paid excessively high salaries, because you play a “dangerous" game where you can incur career ending injuries. Let me show you career ending injuries!

You think you that you deserve immediate medical attention and the best medical facilities and doctors when injured. Let me show you what it’s like for those who really need and deserve medical attention.

You think you have the right to disrespect the flag of the United States, the one our veterans fought for, risked limbs and mental stability to defend, in many cases died for. Let me show you what our flag means to them, their families, and their friends.

You believe you are our heroes, when in reality you are nothing but overpaid entertainers, who exist solely for our enjoyment! Well, your current antics are neither entertaining nor enjoyable, but rather a disgrace to this country, its citizens, all our veterans and their families, and the sacrifices they have made to ensure this country remains free. You choose to openly disgrace this country in the eyes of the rest of the world, yet with all your money, still choose to live here rather than in any other country. People with even the slightest amount of “Class” will stand and respect our flag. Where does that put you? You want to see heroes… here are this countries heroes!

You can protest policies, the current government, or anything else you choose, that is your right. But when you “protest” our flag and anthem, you are insulting the nation we all live in and love, and all those who have served, been injured, or died to keep it free. There is nothing you can do or say that can make your actions anything more than the arrogance of classless people, who care about themselves more than our country or the freedoms for which our veterans and their families have sacrificed so much, to ensure you have the “right” to speak freely.. Our country is far from perfect, but if you can point to any other country where your freedom and opportunities are better than they are here, then you just might want to go there and show respect for their flag!

Didn't read, too long. But again, looks like you're (or whoever wrote this) distorting the reason for them kneeling. Do you understand that many of these NFL players have family and friends that have and are currently serving? If you, and others, would actually try to understand the root cause and issue for them kneeling, instead of automatically taking it as a slap in the face and show of disrespect, then maybe, just maybe we'll actually have some progress towards racial inequality and injustice. Or are you just going to ignore or deny that there's a problem?
THEY ARE NOT PROTESTING OUR FLAG OR ANTHEM OR COUNTRY. Seriously. Please stop with that ridiculous and idiotic argument. They are protesting and drawing attention to the treatment of minorities by the police. It's the whiny white crybabies who don't want to admit there's a problem so they try and twist the narrative. It makes me laugh, but also makes me sad, how people are getting so offended by someone 2,000 miles away kneeling during the anthem. IT HAS NO AFFECT ON YOUR LIFE. STOP CRYING.

This is the same false narrative that are being used. If you don't like people kneeling during the anthem, THEN YOU ARE WHITE CRYBABIES WHO DON'T WANT TO ADMIT THER IS A PROBLEM.

I know there is a problem, millions who don't agree with kneeling during the Anthem know there is a problem. People aren't objecting to raising awareness of the issue. People are objecting that others are kneeling during the Anthem. If the cancer society said, hey, lets raise cancer awareness by kneeling during the Anthem, the teams, the players, the people in the stands would all say, that isn't appropriate to do that.

Honest questions Stanzi or anyone else really. Why can't people kneel before or after the Anthem to raise awareness to the cause? I would join in on that, not a problem. I bet you would get millions more to join in on that before or after the Anthem than you get during the Anthem.
THEY ARE NOT PROTESTING OUR FLAG OR ANTHEM OR COUNTRY. Seriously. Please stop with that ridiculous and idiotic argument. They are protesting and drawing attention to the treatment of minorities by the police. It's the whiny white crybabies who don't want to admit there's a problem so they try and twist the narrative. It makes me laugh, but also makes me sad, how people are getting so offended by someone 2,000 miles away kneeling during the anthem. IT HAS NO AFFECT ON YOUR LIFE. STOP CRYING.
"I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag or country that oppresses black people."
Sure sounds like disrespect to me.
This is the same false narrative that are being used. If you don't like people kneeling during the anthem, THEN YOU ARE WHITE CRYBABIES WHO DON'T WANT TO ADMIT THER IS A PROBLEM.

I know there is a problem, millions who don't agree with kneeling during the Anthem know there is a problem. People aren't objecting to raising awareness of the issue. People are objecting that others are kneeling during the Anthem. If the cancer society said, hey, lets raise cancer awareness by kneeling during the Anthem, the teams, the players, the people in the stands would all say, that isn't appropriate to do that.

Honest questions Stanzi or anyone else really. Why can't people kneel before or after the Anthem to raise awareness to the cause? I would join in on that, not a problem. I bet you would get millions more to join in on that before or after the Anthem than you get during the Anthem.
Bingo, I thought when the Cowboys did it as team before the Anthem that just maybe they found a solution.
"I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag or country that oppresses black people."
Sure sounds like disrespect to me.
I agree damnfinn. The progressive narrative of police brutality to African-Americans is blatantly false. This is a cultural issue not a racial one. Oh, Dr. Ben Carson, for example, better watch out for police oppression. ..
I agree damnfinn. The progressive narrative of police brutality to African-Americans is blatantly false. This is a cultural issue not a racial one. Oh, Dr. Ben Carson, for example, better watch out for police oppression. ..
carefull Homer, they're going to bring out that R word
I agree damnfinn. The progressive narrative of police brutality to African-Americans is blatantly false. This is a cultural issue not a racial one. Oh, Dr. Ben Carson, for example, better watch out for police oppression. ..

This is satire, right? The numbers, ya know actual data, backs up that this IS indeed true and an issue.
Another serious problem that's swept under the rug...

"Two studies have found that at least 40% of police officer families experience domestic violence, (1, 2) in contrast to 10% of families in the general population.(3) A third study of older and more experienced officers found a rate of 24% (4), indicating that domestic violence is 2-4 times more common among police families than American families in general."
This is satire, right? The numbers, ya know actual data, backs up that this IS indeed true and an issue.
No. I issued the Ben Carson example to show and prove it isn't a racial issue.

Why are so many African-Americans 'harassed' by cops? Because of teachings in the African-American culture. Their inability to accept cops as authority. Their fear of cops. The fact that cops enforce laws and the African-American culture is somewhat permissive towards law breaking. The fact that African-American culture and community and progressives demands some sort of payback for slavery abolished, now, more than seven generations ago.

These are not generalities of African-American culture. African-American culture is tightly knit. If one African-American strays from these stringent guidelines, the community, the culture and progressives ostracize the African-American individual. See the Ben Carson example above. Now, Carson may be ostracized from the African-American community but he's not harassed by police and he is successful. IT IS NOT RACIAL.

First thing to ending police brutality towards African-Americans is to have the African-American community and culture and progressives allow each African-American to think for themselves.
For this to happen, a change in leadership in the African-American community will be needed. Change the culture, change the leadership and change the brutality problem. Or do they just want to blame and get paid off?

The NFL protests are disrespectful and misguided. The protests don't try to fix the problem of police brutality towards African-Americans (unless blaming the police and white folk and getting paid is the only solution).
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No. I issued the Ben Carson example to show and prove it isn't a racial issue.

Why are so many African-Americans 'harassed' by cops? Because of teachings in the African-American culture. Their inability to accept cops as authority. Their fear of cops. The fact that cops enforce laws and the African-American culture is somewhat permissive towards law breaking. The fact that African-American culture and community and progressives demands some sort of payback for slavery abolished, now, more than seven generations ago.

These are not generalities of African-American culture. African-American culture is tightly knit. If one African-American strays from these stringent guidelines, the community, the culture and progressives ostracize the African-American individual. See the Ben Carson example above. Now, Carson may be ostracized from the African-American community but he's not harassed by police and he is successful. IT IS NOT RACIAL.

First thing to ending police brutality towards African-Americans is to have the African-American community and culture and progressives allow each African-American to think for themselves.
For this to happen, a change in leadership in the African-American community will be needed. Change the culture, change the leadership and change the brutality problem. Or do they just want to blame and get paid off?

The NFL protests are disrespectful and misguided. The protests don't try to fix the problem of police brutality towards African-Americans (unless blaming the police and white folk and getting paid is the only solution).
There's nothing more to say or add that this photo
doesn't already say a thousand times better!



protesters in the NFL to put on
this uniform.

Then, they might understand WHY we stand.

This needs to be shared with the NFL players that take the knee during our national anthem. Let them
lift their particular protest at another time - in another place. NOT during the national anthem when
Americans gather to enjoy a sporting event that has nothing to do with their protest! Just do your job!!!