MY FINAL (yes, FINAL) Big Ten Division Prediction

Nebraska / Iowa would be epic and people that are downplaying it obvioulsy have had no dealings with Nebraska fan.

It will be huge. HUGE!

Hopefully the big 10 dosent F it up!
Not in the case of Iowa/Nebraska. A shared border, two arrogant, obnoxious fan-bases (according to Clown fan), one team who was once great, one who is on the cusp. This rivalry has been debated in bars and living rooms for decades. For the two schools this is an instant cash cow. Nebraska didn't need to join the B10 to create this rivalry, its always been there.

you hit it on the head with this statement for years its been a debate on who the better team is and both teams have excuses every year. finally it will get settled
I do not think the season will end with Iowa-NU

I think the season will end with NU vs Michigan and PSU vs OSU...Iowa-MN to end probably continues.OOOOORRRRRR

Maybe have the first Saturday in October be the 'Protected Rivalry Game' week in the BTN?
why are nebbie and Iowa joined together?

it is a huge misconception to assume that you can simply create a rivalry over night.

Iowa/Nebraska wouldn't be creating one overnight, even though they have only played a handfull of times, the rivalry already exists. I know you as a clone fan wants Iowa to go East just so ISU doesn't become even more irrelevant in the State of Iowa but I have a feeling you won't get your wish.
I do not think the season will end with Iowa-NU

I think the season will end with NU vs Michigan and PSU vs OSU...Iowa-MN to end probably continues.OOOOORRRRRR

Maybe have the first Saturday in October be the 'Protected Rivalry Game' week in the BTN?

I would be ok with this as well, nothing like ending the season on a winning note and getting momentum for the bowl game.
I would love to be rid of Minnesota as a year end rival. It is usually a meaningless game and now it will be in very dicey weather so not nearly attractive as going to the comforts of the Metrodome and hauling the goalposts out the door. I don't know who I would want to replace them other than Nebraska, but Minnesota on November 27 does nothing for me.
you hit it on the head with this statement for years its been a debate on who the better team is and both teams have excuses every year. finally it will get settled

Really? Even when Nebraska was wiping the floor with everyone and winning nat. championships their fans were debating whether Iowa was better? I find that hard to believe.
Iowa/Nebraska wouldn't be creating one overnight, even though they have only played a handfull of times, the rivalry already exists.
I was going to make the same point. This rivalry has existed for a loooong time. Anyone who denies that needs help with their ability to perceive the obvious. It's a rivalry that just rarely has had the opportunity to be played on the field. That's about to change.
Iowa/Nebraska wouldn't be creating one overnight, even though they have only played a handfull of times, the rivalry already exists. I know you as a clone fan wants Iowa to go East just so ISU doesn't become even more irrelevant in the State of Iowa but I have a feeling you won't get your wish.
Actually, more than a handful, 31 times to be exact. Minnesota is the only Big10 team who has played them more often. Wisky has only played them 5 times, the latest being 1974, so I really can't see what claim they have to the upcoming rivalry game.
I like what I saw somewhere in regards to the final game of the year being:

It has all of the instate rivals and also the great (or soon to be great) border rivals..and then first week of oct could be the crossover rivalry games.. This also makes sense so there would be no way we could have rematch in back to back weeks for the Big 10 Championship game and some of those matchups could decide who wins their division (neb-ia.. psu-osu)
I do not think the season will end with Iowa-NU

I think the season will end with NU vs Michigan and PSU vs OSU...Iowa-MN to end probably continues.OOOOORRRRRR

Maybe have the first Saturday in October be the 'Protected Rivalry Game' week in the BTN?

I'm going to have an anneurysm
jon, the rivalry games aren't listed in italics. those are what we like to call parentheses, lol.

but overall i pretty much agree with these being the divisions. but i'm usually wrong
I do not think the season will end with Iowa-NU

I think the season will end with NU vs Michigan and PSU vs OSU...Iowa-MN to end probably continues.OOOOORRRRRR

Maybe have the first Saturday in October be the 'Protected Rivalry Game' week in the BTN?
That'd be great -

Just means that the year end clash between Michigan and Nebraska will be basically meaningless, because everyone will know Iowa will have the divisional title locked up by that point with an easy W over Minnesota coming.
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Really? Even when Nebraska was wiping the floor with everyone and winning nat. championships their fans were debating whether Iowa was better? I find that hard to believe.

Outside of Nebraska fans themselves- most people live in the now, and yes, it is debated now, especially over the past 10 years.
I hate to break it to you all, but 10 games in 70 years isn't a rivalry.

does it have the potential to become a good game, yes. but to anoint it as some great college football battle of the titans that rivals tOSU v Michigan a year before it even starts is a bit ridiculous.
I think you swap the Illinois and NW protected rivalry. Give Illinois IU and give Purdue Northwestern.
From Wikipedia:Furthermore, the Big Ten football schedule is set up with each team having two permanent matches within the conference, with the other eight teams in the conference rotating out of the schedule in pairs for two-year stints. Permanent matches are as follows:

Illinois: Indiana, Northwestern
Indiana: Illinois, Purdue

Illinois doesn't give a rats azz about its game with Indiana. Illini fans would be absolutely tickled to be able to play Iowa, Michigan, and Northwestern every year. Those are among the games that they tend to talk the most about.

I hate to admit it, but I think that Jon just converged on a pretty good divisional split.
Outside of Nebraska fans themselves- most people live in the now, and yes, it is debated now, especially over the past 10 years.

you mean the past ten years when the teams have payed once?

yes, i'm sure it's all that husker fans have been talking about since 2000
I hate to break it to you all, but 10 games in 70 years isn't a rivalry.

does it have the potential to become a good game, yes. but to anoint it as some great college football battle of the titans that rivals tOSU v Michigan a year before it even starts is a bit ridiculous.

I must have missed that post.

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