My column on Ferentz/Willies/Beathard & Cracks in Foundation

Too bad about Willies. If he would have gone to ISU, he would be a star. Not only would he play more, but he would be thrown to 8 times a game by a much more talented QB.

and that pisses me off!
Willies had 4 catches, and Lazard has 29 for 329 yards. So yeah, you're pretty much right on. And yeah, that's pretty disgusting.
Oh its obvious there is two different opinions on allot of things going on here. Davis obviously wants Beathard, as does most everyone else.

This situation has been a mess since KF hired Davis.
One of the first things Davis mentioned when becoming Iowa's OC was there wasn't enough speed at WR. So, he recruited some WRs with speed. So initially, GD either wasn't told to have a game manager's offense or initially, GD rebelled against being told to have a game manager's offense (and lied to recruits about the offense). I don't see any scenario where Davis survives any days in Ft. Kinnick if he rebels.

I know information flows pretty freely from the top to the bottom on a football team. For example, some player(s) would've commented about this non-traditional offense Davis was implementing for Iowa. Heck, players practiced the plays. At least, his proposed plays had to be submitted to higher ups for approval. Davis' intentions of a down the field offense weren't closely guarded secrets. Davis' intentions of a down the field offense were implicitly agreed upon. Davis' intentions of a down the field offense were implemented.

KF exerts control over the offense with his selection of the QB. Davis has to call a game that's comfortable for Jake/KF. We get more passes to TEs and RBs. We get the horizontal pass that gains 3 yards because Jake doesn't throw that pass fast enough or quick enough. And there's Jake's check downs.
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Too bad about Willies. If he would have gone to ISU, he would be a star. Not only would he play more, but he would be thrown to 8 times a game by a much more talented QB.

and that pisses me off!

C'mon dude lets not go overboard with this.
He would be star? SR is better than JR, but he isn't Aaron Rodgers. You are letting your frustration get the best of you.
C'mon dude lets not go overboard with this.
He would be star? SR is better than JR, but he isn't Aaron Rodgers. You are letting your frustration get the best of you.

ISU throws to their talent. Iowa doesnt. He would be much better off in that offense.
It was. But he is young and that is part of it. My immediate reaction was it was an "oh, yeah? Forget this this place. I don't believe you any longer" kind of a reaction. This really is abnormal, even by today's standards. The action feels like a metaphoric middle finger to someone or some people.

It was apparently "the norm" this week at several places. Some schools had multiple players "leave the team" this week. O$U had a senior RB leave the team.
Losing to bad ISU teams more than half of the time has already done so.

For you, maybe. Personally, I remember 3 losses in a row from 1980-82, and 5 in a row from 1998-2002. 1999-2001 one could certainly argue ISU was "better" than Iowa.

But...adding in losses to directional Michigan teams certainly adds to it.
I know this article is a couple days old, but I wonder how much "communication" or lack thereof goes on between players and coaches? You hope channels are clear and wide open, but as someone who works with young people, I'd say the majority of them find someone else to complain to and can't figure out why change never happens. If KF didn't know of any problems with Willies, then whose fault is it? Or maybe no one is to blame?
I know this article is a couple days old, but I wonder how much "communication" or lack thereof goes on between players and coaches? You hope channels are clear and wide open, but as someone who works with young people, I'd say the majority of them find someone else to complain to and can't figure out why change never happens. If KF didn't know of any problems with Willies, then whose fault is it? Or maybe no one is to blame?
I have no idea what is going on in the locker room. I have heard things like "split locker room" thrown around, but who knows if it's true. The point is, every locker room needs some leaders to unify the group internally and squash any negativity. Maybe the guys KF look to be the leaders in the locker shouldn't be getting as much playing time as they are?? Like I said, all just speculation.
I have no idea what is going on in the locker room. I have heard things like "split locker room" thrown around, but who knows if it's true. The point is, every locker room needs some leaders to unify the group internally and squash any negativity. Maybe the guys KF look to be the leaders in the locker shouldn't be getting as much playing time as they are?? Like I said, all just speculation.

DJL, We should find out this Sat. if we have leaders. Talk about a challenge huh
DJL, We should find out this Sat. if we have leaders. Talk about a challenge huh
Absolutely. This game will tell us a lot about the mental state of the program. The best way to shut everyone up is to come out and **** pound the purple cats. If that happens, then we will know we have leaders in this group. If we have another sleepy performance, we know we either lack leadership, or have too many guys who have given up on the coaching staff and refuse to be led.
Lots of kids transfer from Iowa. Most accomplish very little after leaving.

In most cases, leaving says more about the player (lack of dedication/loyalty, wrong priorities, poor decision-making, inflated ego, etc.) than the program being deserted.

If Willies doesn't want to be here and thinks his talents will be better utilized elsewhere....odds are pretty good that he's wrong about that. But, best wishes to him.
DW's thought bubble?

"when they said they were going to open up the offense I thought they meant open up the offense to the faster, big-bodied, good hands WR (like me).

talk to some coaches? what am i thinking? what's to talk about. i'm out."
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