My column on Ferentz/Willies/Beathard & Cracks in Foundation

And a good rant it was. I think most posters on here are bi-polar (I'll include myself). We rant and rave about opening up the offense.........AND then our biggest complaint about the Maryland game is passing too much, and not sticking to the running game in the 4th qtr.
Two things about the comment in bold:

1. Give the fans some credit. They knew the weakness of the Maryland defense was their run defense. In a close game at the start of the 4th quarter, MW could have and would have done his best work when they were worn down. Did you see what Wisconsin did to them? So while typically fans ask to open things up a little bit, we all understand there is a time to pound the Jew.
2. The main reason we all complain about passing too much is because it's really not like passing at all. It's 3 yard outs to backs and tight ends. It's brutal to watch and horribly ineffective. So if you do that 45 out 50 times passing, fans are going to get very irritated
Two things about the comment in bold:

1. Give the fans some credit. They knew the weakness of the Maryland defense was their run defense. In a close game at the start of the 4th quarter, MW could have and would have done his best work when they were worn down. Did you see what Wisconsin did to them? So while typically fans ask to open things up a little bit, we all understand there is a time to pound the Jew.
2. The main reason we all complain about passing too much is because it's really not like passing at all. It's 3 yard outs to backs and tight ends. It's brutal to watch and horribly ineffective. So if you do that 45 out 50 times passing, fans are going to get very irritated

Indeed. That (the former which you're responding to) was a very "Ferentz-like" response. It's about knowing WHEN to do each. And that is precisely KFz's weakness as a coach. He's a great practice coach... god-awful once the ball is kicked off.

Sounds like a woman who when told by her husband to cook things a bit more spicy, puts cayenne pepper in a cake and then says "But you SAID you wanted things spicy....there's just no making you happy".
Two things about the comment in bold:

1. Give the fans some credit. They knew the weakness of the Maryland defense was their run defense. In a close game at the start of the 4th quarter, MW could have and would have done his best work when they were worn down. Did you see what Wisconsin did to them? So while typically fans ask to open things up a little bit, we all understand there is a time to pound the Jew.
2. The main reason we all complain about passing too much is because it's really not like passing at all. It's 3 yard outs to backs and tight ends. It's brutal to watch and horribly ineffective. So if you do that 45 out 50 times passing, fans are going to get very irritated

Indeed. That (the former which you're responding to) was a very "Ferentz-like" response. It's about knowing WHEN to do each. And that is precisely KFz's weakness as a coach. He's a great practice coach... god-awful once the ball is kicked off.

Sounds like a woman who when told by her husband to cook things a bit more spicy, puts cayenne pepper in a cake and then says "But you SAID you wanted things spicy....there's just no making you happy".

And a good rant it was. I think most posters on here are bi-polar (I'll include myself). We rant and rave about opening up the offense.........AND then our biggest complaint about the Maryland game is passing too much, and not sticking to the running game in the 4th qtr.

I think you guys missed this in my post....mostly for reasons DJL listed I included myself.
Indeed. That (the former which you're responding to) was a very "Ferentz-like" response. It's about knowing WHEN to do each. And that is precisely KFz's weakness as a coach. He's a great practice coach... god-awful once the ball is kicked off.

Sounds like a woman who when told by her husband to cook things a bit more spicy, puts cayenne pepper in a cake and then says "But you SAID you wanted things spicy....there's just no making you happy".

Here's the thing, though. Everyone seems to think KF is managing each game play-by-play, with NO input/action by position coaches and coordinators. It's a fair assumption on the surface.

But explain, then, why the offense looks so different under GD? Why do we blitz differently under Phil than we did with Norm? And does KF REALLY send in the players for each play or series?

It's either/or, it can't be both. So...if it's micro-management, I think we can ALL agree that he sucks at it. If it's laissez-faire for the coordinators and staff, then he sucks at managing his staff, because at least one of them is NOT making very many good in-game adjustments.

I have a hard time believing ANY head coach wouldn't listen to a coordinator who says, "Coach, I'm going to try shaking things up a bit", KF included. I also have a hard time understanding why, if we have two "perfectly capable" QBs, we don't see both of those "perfectly capable" QBs in a ratio approaching 60/40 or even 70/30. That just makes no sense to me, especially if doing so changes game-planning for an opponent's defense/staff.
College football has a funny way of slapping us all upside the head at times and reminding us that we aren't as smart as we think we are when it comes to predicting our destiny from week to week.........regardless of the events that have or are taking place surrounding a team.........actually it's why I like the college game above all others. I don't like a lot of things that have taken place regarding this team but hoping for that immediate U-turn for this year's team that just might still exist. I think it's how I keep my sanity as a Hawk fan during many seasons.

As I think about Beathard's comments I think that if there truly is some instability on the team right now that they would rally behind Beathard for his willingness to speak out. If Ferentz chooses to sit him or give him little playing time going forward I think the opposite would more likely play out.........especially if players view Beathard as the best QB. It would begin to look like Willies Part II if it hasn't already.

Do you really believe KF is that smart or that tuned in?

Plus I would guess his stubbornness knows no end.
So CJB is probably the #3 QB after this?

If Jake struggles again then, by halftime, he better be the #1 guy for the rest of the year.

BTW, I thought I saw on the ESPN scroll last week that Cody Sokol had like 426 yards, and 3 TDs for LA Tech. Granted, that league's more wide open with little defense but what might we have let go there?
This is so wrong!
The best players on the team like Scherff are the hardest workers. Sure there are good players that coast but the majority are hard workers. No one out worked Jordan. Willies has talent but he isn't going to be good anywhere if he doesn't put in the work.

Well said. There are many "game day players" but the best don't want to lose at ANYTHING, that includes practice!

We've got too many on here that think the so-called "gamers" only turn it on for Saturdays and don't care about practice time. It's like my brother, a long-time coach, has said many times: "Practice does NOT make perfect..... PERFECT practice makes perfect."
Here's the thing, though. Everyone seems to think KF is managing each game play-by-play, with NO input/action by position coaches and coordinators. It's a fair assumption on the surface.

But explain, then, why the offense looks so different under GD? Why do we blitz differently under Phil than we did with Norm? And does KF REALLY send in the players for each play or series?

It's either/or, it can't be both. So...if it's micro-management, I think we can ALL agree that he sucks at it. If it's laissez-faire for the coordinators and staff, then he sucks at managing his staff, because at least one of them is NOT making very many good in-game adjustments.

I have a hard time believing ANY head coach wouldn't listen to a coordinator who says, "Coach, I'm going to try shaking things up a bit", KF included. I also have a hard time understanding why, if we have two "perfectly capable" QBs, we don't see both of those "perfectly capable" QBs in a ratio approaching 60/40 or even 70/30. That just makes no sense to me, especially if doing so changes game-planning for an opponent's defense/staff.

I would love to know the behind the scenes relationship between KF and GD.

How well do they communicate? How well do they even like each other?

Is GD really this bad of an OC? Or does he do some of this s*** to spite KF? I have always found KF to be passive aggressive. Maybe GD trumps him. I can't believe KF would be OK throwing the ball as much as we did against Maryland especially in the 4th qtr.

I don't think Ruddock has ever been GD's guy. If he is ****** at Ferentz, it could all start and stop there.
GD has been on record, more than once and as soon as he arrived, that there should be an open competition at QB and you can only truly gauge a QB based on live game experience. Exactly Hayden's approach.

We all know this goes against KF's doctrine. Those decisions are made in practice.
I would also love to know how hard GD worked in trying to keep his guy Shimonek here. And if Willies had a conversation with GD??
I would love to know the behind the scenes relationship between KF and GD.

How well do they communicate? How well do they even like each other?

Is GD really this bad of an OC? Or does he do some of this s*** to spite KF? I have always found KF to be passive aggressive. Maybe GD trumps him. I can't believe KF would be OK throwing the ball as much as we did against Maryland especially in the 4th qtr.

I don't think Ruddock has ever been GD's guy. If he is ****** at Ferentz, it could all start and stop there.
GD has been on record, more than once and as soon as he arrived, that there should be an open competition at QB and you can only truly gauge a QB based on live game experience. Exactly Hayden's approach.

We all know this goes against KF's doctrine. Those decisions are made in practice.

That's what's so mind-boggling to me, the seeming disconnect between the two. If they really ARE on the same page most of the time, that scares bee-geezus out of me.
I would also love to know how hard GD worked in trying to keep his guy Shimonek here. And if Willies had a conversation with GD??

My guess is GD would either fight like heck...OR...bail and let "the program" take the blame (i.e., KF). As for Willies, I would think Kennedy would have been the guy that would've been approached first.
I would love to know the behind the scenes relationship between KF and GD.

How well do they communicate? How well do they even like each other?

Is GD really this bad of an OC? Or does he do some of this s*** to spite KF? I have always found KF to be passive aggressive. Maybe GD trumps him. I can't believe KF would be OK throwing the ball as much as we did against Maryland especially in the 4th qtr.

I don't think Ruddock has ever been GD's guy. If he is ****** at Ferentz, it could all start and stop there.
GD has been on record, more than once and as soon as he arrived, that there should be an open competition at QB and you can only truly gauge a QB based on live game experience. Exactly Hayden's approach.

We all know this goes against KF's doctrine. Those decisions are made in practice.

We have to remember, too, this isn't the first time KF has "stuck" with a coach WAY too long. But, part of HIS job is letting the staff do THEIR job. If he micro-manages every complaint a player has against his position coach, I doubt he--or ANY sane person--would WANT to be a head coach after two or three seasons.
What was Nic Shimonek told during recruiting because when he left Iowa he said he wanted to go where the offense was more wide open.

Was he mislead by GD? Or was GD mislead by KF before he took the job?

I can see a lot of miscommunication, a lot of reigning in of GD perhaps, a lot of micro-management by KF that has led to this confusing, erratic and pathetic offensive scheme/philosophy. Philosophy is too strong a word.

I am not saying KF should NOT have intervened. Who knows? But this relationship isn't working and I just wish KF would,

A) admit the hire was a mistake ("we had different philosophies"), or
B) admit he has micro-managed too much and it's GD's offense the rest of the way. (All in with his support).

But I ask you, when has KF took responsibility for anything?
What was Nic Shimonek told during recruiting because when he left Iowa he said he wanted to go where the offense was more wide open.

Was he mislead by GD? Or was GD mislead by KF before he took the job?

I can see a lot of miscommunication, a lot of reigning in of GD perhaps, a lot of micro-management by KF that has led to this confusing, erratic and pathetic offensive scheme/philosophy. Philosophy is too strong a word.

I am not saying KF should NOT have intervened. Who knows? But this relationship isn't working and I just wish KF would,

A) admit the hire was a mistake ("we had different philosophies"), or
B) admit he has micro-managed too much and it's GD's offense the rest of the way. (All in with his support).

But I ask you, when has KF took responsibility for anything?

<<But I ask you...>>

The abysmal reverse to Dominique Douglas in 2006 Alamo Bowl, and just about every loss. To his credit, I have NEVER seen/heard him say or discredit any miscue--even "execution"--without including himself. But even THAT gets old.

I have met Kirk. Spoke with him for about 10 minutes. He is everything the apologists/supporters say he is. Side-by-side vs. Nick Saban at Cap One luncheon, he stole the show both in terms of humor AND humility. As a "human being", few are in his class. Same--at one time--could be said about Jimmy Carter, too.

Being a "great guy" only goes so far after a while. I'm not ready to jump ship, yet, and admittedly, would prefer GD be a sacrificial lamb for now. But a couple more 6/7-win seasons--or worse--will taint any legacy or equity he has built at Iowa.
Agreed. This is what it accomplishes...which means way more than transferring at the end of the season.

Him nothing. But it shines a spotlight on the coaching staff not playing playmakers when they have them. By him transferring perhaps it will accelerate the time table to play other playmakers before they decide to leave.

In a way, his leaving is a sacrifice for his teammates who should be seeing the field more then they are. Will Kirk and company see it that way and actually put the best players on the field? I doubt it. Kirk will likely stay with the status quo.
My guess on Shimonek, CJ and other QBs who are disappointed that the offense isn't more open is this.

It's probably a combination of ..
1. Coaches leading them to believe we would be more open...only to have Ferentz revert back to his comfort zone...along with..

2. The fact that once inside the walls of Ft Kinnick it's even more "controlled" then they imagined. Many of us have taken a job, only to realize once inside, that things were different than we perceived. Perhaps these QBs are surprised once they're here...just how controlled the offense really is, compared to what they're used to.

I think we have some evidence of #1, as it's been widely reported that CJ was ready to transfer once he got "inside" and saw #2, but was talked out of it...perhaps with false promises.
Hey its the let's speculate everything and let the speculation become fact in our mind crowd.

As with 99.9999% of all conspiracy theory crowd thoughts these are easily disproved.

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