My 2 cents from the PTLtonight


Well-Known Member
Hubbard-His jumper was off, but he impressed me with how quickly he became a distributor and set others up. After a couple of bad perimeter misses, he put his hard hat on and set picks for others, dished while driving and worked on the boards. He has some work to do defensively and I don't see him as a perimeter threat, but I do believe he can fill in at PG if needed. Really good court vision, unselfish and solid build. McCaffrey was right...he is a great teammate.

Marble: Was unstoppable at times and hit some incredibly tough back to the basket fadeaways. He also hit some 3's and was very disruptive on D. Excellent all around game for him. Tie with James from UNI for best player tonight IMO.

Archie: Yawn. Still can't catch, is virtually invisible on both ends of the court. Would rather have Rank or Oliver from UNI.

Only saw first half of this game and did not see Cartwright, Ogelsby, or Olaseni play, but I walked by Olaseni and he has a bigger frame than I envisioned.

White: Nice touch from 3, good passer, scraps down low, but has a thin frame and gets shoved around easily by more physical players. He was open a few times early, but Basabe was doing his best World B. Free impersonation and jacking up or trying to jack up everthing he could.

Basabe: The dude is one of a kind-- talking to himself, slapping his hands when he misses and smiling at them when he makes a shot. He was really forcing things the first 10 minutes and it took away from the game. Finally he settled down, hit some shots, had an awesome dunk and stopped driving into 3 guys while trying to put the ball on the floor.

McCabe: I just don't know what this dude can contribute outside of snagging loose balls and garbage buckets.....maybe that is enough, but he kept trying to drive against Basabe instead of taking open jumpers.

Gatens: Great first half consisting of hitting 3's, his driving bank shots, a couple of finishes at the rim, good D on Ali and some excellent passing. His shot looked effortless and he appeared very confident in it.

Others of note:

Washpun: Plays hard, hustles on both ends and had a tip in where I thought he was shot out of a cannon. Not much of a shooter, but I have to eat a bit of crow here and say we would benefit from having him on the team.

James / UNI: Coin toss between him and Marble for best player tonight. James hit clutch shot after clutch shot and carried his team while Hubbard struggled early. Really impressed me and will be a tough guard for us. UNI has some really, really nice players. For those predicting an Iowa win in Cedar Falls, I would not bet the mortgage.

Murphy: No idea if this dude has a shot at a walk on spot, but I hope he does. He plays his butt off and is a major irritant to the opposition. He finds guys in rhythm, understands who the shooters are and rarely makes bad decisions with the ball, despite going 100 mph at times.
Marble was phenomenal tonight. Had some great back to the basket moves.

Not quite sure what Basabe was doing tonight. He was hanging on the rim any chance he got and at times was very nonchalant. I had him down at about 7-22 from the field. Which is an improvement considering he started 0-8. Still needs serious work on the mid-range jumper and his dribbling skills. Basabe did have the highlight of the night though with a breakaway windmill dunk.

From the other game you didn't see much of it was apparent that Cartwright was a step above everyone on the floor athletically. Had some great double clutch lay-ups but did struggle with his shot at times.

Olaseni didn't play a whole lot and appeared to be somewhat soft at times. Definitely needs to add some bulk for the Big Ten schedule. I think he came away with around four points, and missed two free throws pretty badly. He did have some pretty solid blocks, however.
james is a great player. i would take him in a heartbeat. UNI has the luxury to take some under the radar kids, redshirt them to get them bigger and comfortable with their style, and they more often than not end up being studs.
I've heard a lot of great things about Devyn from several friends / contacts.

Crazy thing is, he's still just 18 years old.

As I've stated from Day One, I think he'll be the best player (in his senior year) of this recruiting class.
Ok, does Hubbard really need to work on D or could it be chalked up to it being the PTL and not "real" basketball?

Hubbard is not great on D end. His JUCO coach said it, and Coach Fran agrees. From what I was told this spring, he was good at on-ball pressure and was going to bring steals to this team (not sure that's the case in reality).

Needs to work on his footwork, positions, etc... remember, he hasn't played much organized basketball, so what he does know is on the offensive side of the ball.
Hubbard is not great on D end. His JUCO coach said it, and Coach Fran agrees. From what I was told this spring, he was good at on-ball pressure and was going to bring steals to this team (not sure that's the case in reality).

Needs to work on his footwork, positions, etc... remember, he hasn't played much organized basketball, so what he does know is on the offensive side of the ball.

Thanks Stormin...was hoping it was the "PTL" thing...
I've heard a lot of great things about Devyn from several friends / contacts.

Crazy thing is, he's still just 18 years old.

As I've stated from Day One, I think he'll be the best player (in his senior year) of this recruiting class.

I totally agree with you, Storm. This kid just seems to be special.
Great to hear Marble has progressed. With an improved shot, he could really be something and take some of the scoring pressure off Cartwright, Gatens and Basabe. Hope Basabe's outstanding freshman year didn't go to his head. Thanks for the updates, guys! Much appreciated!
Marble looked nothing like the sort of awkward, almost clumsy at times, player we saw last year. He came out and tore people up from start to finish and played with a bit of a nasty streak. He seems to have put a lot of work in on his game and is much more confident. Even the shots he missed went in and out vs. the make 1, airball or brick the next 4 we saw last year. With that being said, he is not going to be a high percentage 3 point shooter, so I would prefer the back to basket / slashing game I saw tonight. He did hit some 3's, but he will be a tough guard with his size and quickness if he puts it on the floor.
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Hub's limitations on D are not new news. He has only had two decent years of coaching in his life. His JC coach says he is pretty much lost on D. He will work hard, but is RAW.
Hubbard is not great on D end. His JUCO coach said it, and Coach Fran agrees.

I think I remember his coach, or maybe it was Fran, mentioning that his defensive shortcomings were all technique and not an effort problem.

Fortunately Iowa has a nice coaching staff to bring him up to speed.
From what I've personally followed on Marble, he seems to put a TON of time in the gym. Constantly working on his game, strength, speed, etc. He also watches TONS of basketball too, which is really good for helping him gain a better knowledge for the game. It'll be fun to watch him for the next few years.
I think I remember his coach, or maybe it was Fran, mentioning that his defensive shortcomings were all technique and not an effort problem.

Fortunately Iowa has a nice coaching staff to bring him up to speed.

Fran gets into this quite a bit in this interview. The entire thing is definitely worth a listen; didn't think I'd be able to stick with it and before I knew it it was over.

Thanks to the OP and the others for their updates from last night. Interesting reading. Keep 'em coming, if you can.
I've heard a lot of great things about Devyn from several friends / contacts.

Crazy thing is, he's still just 18 years old.

As I've stated from Day One, I think he'll be the best player (in his senior year) of this recruiting class.

I totally agree with you on this one Storm. I have also felt from Day One that Devyn will be a star. He will be a force on both ends of the court. He can do it all.
Two games and basically NO talk about Ogelsby.

This kid is going to play a role this year, and that role isn't going to shine through in pickup basketball games...

His role will be to play 7-10 minutes tops, and knock down three's. This is the PRIME TIME LEAGUE folks. Glorified pick up. Josh isn't going to be breaking people down from the top of the key off the dribble...that is not his game...and that is a lot of the PTL
Would love to be arguing about who is better in this class, Basabe or Marble, when they are seniors :)

As for defense, most Juco players get to the college level lacking a lot on defense. But its not like that can't be taught, or at least an acceptable level.
This kid is going to play a role this year, and that role isn't going to shine through in pickup basketball games...

His role will be to play 7-10 minutes tops, and knock down three's. This is the PRIME TIME LEAGUE folks. Glorified pick up. Josh isn't going to be breaking people down from the top of the key off the dribble...that is not his game...and that is a lot of the PTL

Rip Van Bawinkle 2.0.

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