Moving the student section...


Well-Known Member
Do it Gary and Fran.

If some donors want to leave because of it then thank them for all their contributions and wave goodbye. If they sat through the Lick era I highly doubt they will all just take their checkbook and leave.
I doubt they will ouster a bunch of big donors to make room for students who may not even show up.

Do you have any idea where the big donors sit? My guess is no...

And like I've said in another post, having some small to mid level donors move from one corner of the arena isn't going to make or break the athletic department.

And FWIW, a lot of those donors were giving away their tickets this season and rarely showed up to games.

I don't think it will happen, but the argument that it would be fair to the donors is stupid.
I would think that getting the students to show up for games would be a pre-requisite for moving the student section.
Do you have any idea where the big donors sit? My guess is no...

And like I've said in another post, having some small to mid level donors move from one corner of the arena isn't going to make or break the athletic department.

And FWIW, a lot of those donors were giving away their tickets this season and rarely showed up to games.

I don't think it will happen, but the argument that it would be fair to the donors is stupid.

Could they be bigger donors than at Duke? !! They don't seem to have
a problem with it!!
I know it would never happen but have it surround the floor like Penn State use to do it. That was sweet and intimidating!
Fran was just asked that and he said it was a great idea. The donors that were there applauded, as well.

I would have to think that anyone who donates any money at all to the basketball program would want an electric atmosphere when they attend games, I would want a home court advantage and would love to see the students going crazy along one side of the court and ON TV, if that meant that I would need to move to the other side of the court or a little higher up, so be it! But that's just me, I've sat court side and I've sat in the higher reaches not a bad seat in the house.
I hope it happens. I really think it's important to have the students more involved and having the student section close to the action is a good way to make that happen.
Do you have any idea where the big donors sit? My guess is no...

And like I've said in another post, having some small to mid level donors move from one corner of the arena isn't going to make or break the athletic department.

And FWIW, a lot of those donors were giving away their tickets this season and rarely showed up to games.

I don't think it will happen, but the argument that it would be fair to the donors is stupid.

I know where many of the big donors sit, yes. Roughly the first 8 rows from behind the Iowa bench over towards mid-court area. The seats are wider and are really great views. You can hear the coaches, refs, players, etc. Very cool to watch.

That being said, group all the big donors on that side of the court and let the students have the first say 15 rows on the other side of the court. That way the donors still get good seats while the students make more of an impact.

And while we are at it, lets paint the court gold again and get rid of Alford's black court. Back to the way it was on the golden days of Mr. Davis.
Agree with the gold court, but I think the students need to be behind the bench. When you watch a game and students are behind every shot of the announcers it looks great, and to get them behind the teams would be great for Iowa and intimidatingly loud for opponents. Put the donors on the other side. No big deal if they're still in the first few rows.
If it really is impossible to move the students to the sideline, I would suggest putting them in the first section behind each basket. That way you get them down by the court. Have all student seats general admission and have the students cue up before the game on each side of the arena. That would chase the students to get there sooner so they could make sure they were on the side with their friends. The students could then yell stuff back and forth during the game and disrupt the free throws from the other team no matter which way they were headed.
Could they be bigger donors than at Duke? !! They don't seem to have
a problem with it!!

Duke's arena happens to be uniquely suited to having students in the courtside bleachers. CHA isn't set up that way. Even at Duke, many of the students aren't able to sit courtside. Why do you think "Krzyzewskiville" exists in the first place? It's because not all of the students can fit in the courtside bleachers, so they camp out for days to get first shot at it.

In case anyone doesn't recall it, Iowa students once showed up in very good numbers with the sections currently assigned to them, and CHA was a pretty tough environment as it was then. The problem isn't so much whether the students have more of the best seats, its whether they care enough to show up in the first place.

The plan is already approved to give the students more courtside exposure, which is an act of faith given the very poor student turnout the last several years. Let's see if they start to show up before we move the Earth and sky in reliance on the mere hope that they will.

In the meantime, I do hope they do more price-cutting for students to get more of them in.
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As i posted in another thread about this i think the students need to prove they are going to show up consistently before they are moved. It would be pretty bad to put them on the court and only have 200 show up for every game

win 1st, then move the students
First they need to get rid of that ugly crap press box seating in the middle of the stands, damn things are hiddeous. It's dark in Carver they need to addmore lights to show who's there. Granted the last couple of years fewer people have been going, but can you imagine a gold out for a game and then have some of the loudest kids there having fun. If you add more lights the crazies can be seen, Carver could be rocking again. Always missed that after moved to Carver. To encourage the students to get season tickets offer discounted Football tickets if you can prove you got ticket for basketball as well.

Football will always be the money maker and giving a little more to basketball right now is the best move. Make the place rock like Kinnick and it would make the time between football seasons more enjoyable. Increase in basketball tickets would help make up for lost football. Especially with this years football team. Their making some money this upcoming year, no doubt.
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As i posted in another thread about this i think the students need to prove they are going to show up consistently before they are moved. It would be pretty bad to put them on the court and only have 200 show up for every game

win 1st, then move the students

I disagree. Why should the students need to prove anything? If anyone has something to prove it's the athletic department in trying convey a fan base that they are serious about restoring this program to where it once was.
I disagree. Why should the students need to prove anything? If anyone has something to prove it's the athletic department in trying convey a fan base that they are serious about restoring this program to where it once was.

Its been a good 7 or 8 years since the students have shown up in force. Why in the world would we move a group of 200 fans closer to the court? It would be embarrassing unles that number was 2000. It isnt like the current student section seats are terrible.
I disagree. Why should the students need to prove anything? If anyone has something to prove it's the athletic department in trying convey a fan base that they are serious about restoring this program to where it once was.

Totally agree!

Students will come en masse with entertaining basketball and a student section that looks like what they see on tv.

Student Section should also be general admission.

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