Most important...Win, graduate, or do things the right way?

This is the kind of stuff that's brought up when you aren't winning. Kirk Ferentz is being paid millions to win, bottom line. Multi million dollar TV contracts aren't being signed because of graduation rates. College football is a business, let's not pretend otherwise. The goal is to win football games and keep that $$$$ flowing in.
However if the choice is to cheat or do the right thing, then do the right thing. If it is not done honestly, then it is not worth doing.
Doing things the right way didn't prevent Kirk from winning in 2002, 2003, 2008, 2009. So this survey presents a false choice. And it's for a reason.

This is a weak attempt by Barta to spin things. ("So, do you want us to play by the rules...or would you rather sell out to win?!" "Don't you appreciate how honest Coach Ferentz is?")

Pathetic. Barta must go.
It appears our athletic dept. has lost its rudder as the deckhands are now apparently being given the opportunity to set the ship's course. Mr. Barta needs to reread his contract and be reminded that all three are his responsibilites.

Comes across as an admission that we can't do all three so pick your favorite. Someone in the media needs to ask him his intent in creating this question. Would love to hear his answer.
This is a loser mentality way to look at it. As a fan I would rather have winning. I expect the other two to be run anyway but as a fan we don't cheer in Kinnick stadium when they do it the right way or graduate. Those are fall back excuses if a program isn't doing well and everyone claims them.

By the way what is "doing it the right way" mean? Cheating? I dont think other programs cheat much more than Iowa as many fans want to believe they do
The athletic department apparently wants to know what's more important to you. These things shouldn't be mutually exclusive...IMO.

I'd say all the above: win, graduate, right way.

However, I get no joy out of doing things the right way and graduating players if the team doesn't win. Honestly, and just speaking for myself, I'd rather see the Hawks go 11-1 and maybe hear about some baggage, than go 6-6 "the right way".

I watch Iowa sports because I root for the team to win and to be entertained, not because of the good kids, etc. That doesn't mean I want Iowa to end up on probation and lose scholarships, etc. and of COURSE I'd like Iowa to be able to do it all cleanly and have good people on their team and staff, but I personally wouldn't be bothered if the program wins but isn't full of choir boys.

Watching mediocrity isn't very much fun.
I'd say all the above: win, graduate, right way.

However, I get no joy out of doing things the right way and graduating players if the team doesn't win. Honestly, and just speaking for myself, I'd rather see the Hawks go 11-1 and maybe hear about some baggage, than go 6-6 "the right way".

I watch Iowa sports because I root for the team to win and to be entertained, not because of the good kids, etc. That doesn't mean I want Iowa to end up on probation and lose scholarships, etc. and of COURSE I'd like Iowa to be able to do it all cleanly and have good people on their team and staff, but I personally wouldn't be bothered if the program wins but isn't full of choir boys.

Watching mediocrity isn't very much fun.

I agree 100%. Whoever thought this survey was a good idea needs to be fired, whether it is Barta, Klatt, or some entry-level marketing person.
Things like this survey are the reason stopped getting season tickets this year. The athletic department is completely tone deaf. Its like your giving the middle finger to the fans. It seems like they are trying to make us feel bad because we want to watch our team win.

The whole survey seems completely pointless unless their goal is to imply its not possible to do all three. There are a lot of programs out there that are winning games, graduating players and "doing it the right way". And what the f*** does "doing it the right way" even mean? Doing it the "Iowa way" doing it the "Ferentz way"? Cause neither of those ways seem to be getting it done anymore.
I'd say all the above: win, graduate, right way.

However, I get no joy out of doing things the right way and graduating players if the team doesn't win. Honestly, and just speaking for myself, I'd rather see the Hawks go 11-1 and maybe hear about some baggage, than go 6-6 "the right way".

I watch Iowa sports because I root for the team to win and to be entertained, not because of the good kids, etc. That doesn't mean I want Iowa to end up on probation and lose scholarships, etc. and of COURSE I'd like Iowa to be able to do it all cleanly and have good people on their team and staff, but I personally wouldn't be bothered if the program wins but isn't full of choir boys.

Watching mediocrity isn't very much fun.

I wouldn't want to be on probation for a couple of 10-4 seasons, but for a two year run of say one near playoff season 12-2 or so and one playoff win the following season, 13-1, I would gladly sign up for a few years probation and some vacated wins.
I wouldn't want to be on probation for a couple of 10-4 seasons, but for a two year run of say one near playoff season 12-2 or so and one playoff win the following season, 13-1, I would gladly sign up for a few years probation and some vacated wins.

I would rather have a 2002 season
I would say
Right way

The reason G is 3rd is that if you keep winning you will lose players prior to graduation.

Personally I would almost write a survey back. Winning, sending players to the NFL, or finding diamonds in the rough to make a good story.
This article is infuriating, because Iowa doesn't win, has a huge attrition rate, and has had a thousand players arrested. So garbar, does this survey count if Iowa does none of the above? Neither graduate, win or do anything right? Idiots.
This is apparently the first in a series of surveys. May want to stay tuned before you turn off the radio. In the meantime, I don't think GB can do anything that would be acceptable to some of the posters on this site. And, to those who do not place a high priority on graduation rates and following the rules required of football programs, I won't bother to listen to anything you have to say. Shame on you. And, just to be clear, I really want Iowa football to become relevant again and if that means KF should retire, I am fine with that.
This is apparently the first in a series of surveys. May want to stay tuned before you turn off the radio. In the meantime, I don't think GB can do anything that would be acceptable to some of the posters on this site. And, to those who do not place a high priority on graduation rates and following the rules required of football programs, I won't bother to listen to anything you have to say. Shame on you. And, just to be clear, I really want Iowa football to become relevant again and if that means KF should retire, I am fine with that.

Did you get the survey? I think that you are missing the point. It was a blatant attempt at corporate whitewashing. Barta, or the marketing department, appear to be completely tone deaf. The people that want to see a bunch of thugs not attending class while yet winning, are few and far between (that would describe a Clown fan...minus the winning, of course). The purpose of the survey is moot. It does nothing to improve the game day experience, it does nothing to improve the football program. The only purpose, as stated by other posters on the this site, and those on BHGP; is to provide cover for Barta to retain Ferentz should this year go badly. Predicted quote from next November: "He is doing things right", says Gary, "there are other things that are important besides winning".
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WTF is going on in the marketing department? Is it filled with freshman marketing majors?

This is from the same group that has given away poms in the color of the opposing team multiple times and thinks some free stuff from the concession stand will get people to buy season tickets.

Ya know what gets butts in the seats? It's not just winning. It's the whole game day experience for football. Quit jacking with the seating, quit trying to squeeze more and more money for a mediocre product, quit jacking with peoples parking, stop trying to kill tailgating.
This is apparently the first in a series of surveys. May want to stay tuned before you turn off the radio. In the meantime, I don't think GB can do anything that would be acceptable to some of the posters on this site. And, to those who do not place a high priority on graduation rates and following the rules required of football programs, I won't bother to listen to anything you have to say. Shame on you. And, just to be clear, I really want Iowa football to become relevant again and if that means KF should retire, I am fine with that.

He can, he just doesn't. He's done some things right, but the bonehead moves are piling up.
Just graduate baby! Now that we have the new facilities there is no excuse for us to not hang with the big boys like Yale and Harvard.