Most important...Win, graduate, or do things the right way?


Well-Known Member
The athletic department apparently wants to know what's more important to you. These things shouldn't be mutually exclusive...IMO.
The athletic department apparently wants to know what's more important to you. These things shouldn't be mutually exclusive...IMO.

run a clean program and graduate. Look at Florida State right now....they are in the press for cheating, assaulting female students and stealing crab legs. Are the wins really worth it if they end up being taken away for the academic scandal?
I answered this survey earlier today. To me it was just a diversion by the athletic department as in; "See we don't suck, look at our graduation rate, no NCAA problems". It was/is complete BS, as mentioned earlier the three are not, or should not be mutually exclusive. We should not need to state anywhere that our athletic programs do things the right way, and our athletes graduate. What winning program ever had the motto, "We Don't Cheat, and Our Athletes Go to Class"? How f'ed up is this administration?
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Shouldn't be? What's wrong with doing all 3?
I agree. We should be doing all of these things all the time. When you have kids that excel academically they also pick things up quickly in the sports they participate in. They know how to set goals and strive to be the best. Stanfoed, Duke, Notre Dame seem to be doing fine in all areas so why should we expect anything less from our University.
Got the survey, replied and pointed out that it was based on a false premise designed to "re-sell" Kirk. (that he "does it right" and graduates his players so you can't expect winning TOO. You must sacrifice one of the others, and of course nobody wants to admit that directly in a survey).

Nice try Gary.
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Got the survey, replied and pointed out that it was based on a false premise designed to "re-sell" Kirk. (he "does it right" and graduates his players).

Nice try Gary.

Is he trying to sale Kirk or himself? If this next season is a bust we will just delete the word sale from the previous sentence and insert SHOOT!!!!
Is he trying to sale Kirk or himself? If this next season is a bust we will just delete the word sale from the previous sentence and insert SHOOT!!!!

He's inexorably tied to Kirk, so yeah...he's trying to save both of their butts.
If it comes down to signing either a 4 star kid that clings to a minimum academic average, or a 2 star kid that excels academically, you take the 4 star kid and then have your support staff work like hell to keep him eligible and to eventually gain his degree. Taking almost only kids that are on autopilot, academically, isn't necessarily the best.

If said 4 star kid can't make it academically, then that is his fault. You let him go and start over. Each season, each recruiting cycle must be a singular event.
If it comes down to signing either a 4 star kid that clings to a minimum academic average, or a 2 star kid that excels academically, you take the 4 star kid and then have your support staff work like hell to keep him eligible and to eventually gain his degree. Taking almost only kids that are on autopilot, academically, isn't necessarily the best.

If said 4 star kid can't make it academically, then that is his fault. You let him go and start over. Each season, each recruiting cycle must be a singular event.

You have to take risks to be great, in anything. Kirk doesn't believe in risk. That captures it pretty well.
As a fan, all I care about is winning. So long as you do it without cheating or having a bunch of scumbags on the team. I really don't care about the graduation rate. It's all fine and dandy if it's good, but that's pretty much up to the individual players, and they have plenty of help to get there.
As a fan, all I care about is winning. So long as you do it without cheating or having a bunch of scumbags on the team. I really don't care about the graduation rate. It's all fine and dandy if it's good, but that's pretty much up to the individual players, and they have plenty of help to get there.

Agreed. A scholarship athlete has to try really hard to not stay eligible.
run a clean program and graduate. Look at Florida State right now....they are in the press for cheating, assaulting female students and stealing crab legs. Are the wins really worth it if they end up being taken away for the academic scandal?

I'll take the argument in that case that it is/was worth it. They aren't taking the trophy, wins, or money (from coaches) away from them. They have a great recruiting class and should be good this year.... So perspective can be everything...
All three are important, of course, but in real life priorities matter, too.

The only prioritized list that makes any sense at all in the Iowa scheme of ethics is...

1. Do things the right way
2. Graduate students prepared for life in the real world
3. Win games

Optimally, you'd like to accomplish all three but priorities are important.
Does anybody else see the similarity between this and the "Working hard beats talent when talent doesn't work hard" bologna? Why are all these things presented to us as either/or?

"Either you win by cheating, or lose doing things the right way." No.
This is just a way for Gary to get himself backed out of the corner he himself put himself in when he stated "7 wins is not acceptable" so that when Kirk and his team underperform yet again he can say, "The fans want players to graduate and do it right over winning. They showed that in this survey and our head coach does it the right way and his players graduate." Barta is either incredibly stupid or intelligent covering his ***.
I would love to have all three as our goal. But looking at that last point just a bit closer, what exactly is doing things the right way? To me that implies that Iowa doesn't cheat, the roster is routinely stocked with highly-rated recruits and wins 9-10+ games per year. Problem is the "right way" in the present way of doing things is simply a smokescreen for golly gosh gee whiz we're only Iowa. Take your 6-7 wins and be grateful.

Who has won the national championship or even come close without pushing the envelope in some way? If it's not bagmen getting recruits or coaches feasting on partial-qualifiers who hasn't won big by stepping as close to the line as possible if not flopping over it at times?