Well-Known Member
I'm on the fence of late baby boomer/early generation X. Things started to change in our generation. We still obeyed authority but were
the first to start to question it. And like you said, we are the ones raising the millennials, many of us with college educations.
I'll never forget my high school government teacher in 1983 telling us that in our lifetime, we would see a day when kids would no longer fear authority and that the parents and teachers would in fact fear the kids. And teenage kids would go on shooting rampages in high schools. We laughed at him. I have a fourteen year old, a seventeen year old and a twenty year old. I wish I was still laughing now.
There is a gap that is identified as neither boomers or really Xers. Those are the birth years where numbers really dropped. Those are the one's who started working in the early mid 80s which were terrible economic times arguably worse than 10 years ago. The don't have the privilege nor could they take advantages the changes of lower populations forced for those born later.
That age group obeying authority? Seriously? Not in my part of Iowa. Kids in my class dragged a deputy sheriff down the road. Threw bricks in teachers windows at their kids.
What we have today are kids who are the most well rounded ever and kids who get no help. The latter group is growing and the first group is finding things not so easy do to lack of economic growth.
When we were in school kids were afraid of teachers for real reasons not good.
Home ownership is lower than ever in modern times by younger people. The other thing that has changed and it is showing up in Iowa, if you don't buy a 300k house in many cities, your neighborhood probably isn't that safe. Buy one for under 200k in Council Bluffs or even Iowa City.
Some of you are totally out of touch with the real word we find ourselves in.