More game day changes coming?

Absolutely there is someone to blame for this, and yes they probably lean left, but this has absolutely nothing to do with ideology, regulating commerce, or suppression of the free market.

It’s pretty simple really. A group of voters with influence in the community don’t like it when drunken tailgaters urinate in their petunia’s and chuck half eaten turkey legs in their back yards which their dogs gnaw on and choke on. They also don’t particularly care to look at Game Day Iowa’s half a block long circus tent that houses just a fraction of their 30,000 items in inventory all day Friday and Saturday. So those voters do what voters with nothing better to do with their time do everywhere, they write really angry letters filled with capital letters and lots of exclamation points to city counselors. Then the city counselors do what city counselors everywhere do, they pretend to take the issue and the nut job complaining property owners seriously while calculating which side of the issue wins more votes for their re-election.

They may eventually decide to try and restrict vendors along the street but it won’t be because it furthers their goal of establishing a social and economical utopia in the middle of eastern Iowa, it will be because they decide the votes of the local neighborhood nut job folks outweigh the votes among the mostly drunken 100k Hawkeye fans (many from out of town) that descend on Iowa City 7 Saturday’s a year.

But don’t let that stop you from furthering the two goals of conservative radio talk monkeys everywhere.

1) Continue to brand the word liberal as a swear word
2) Blaming everything you can on them damn liberals

Oh, two more things. I’m not a liberal and you lost your bet.

Duffman FTW!


So you claim not to be a liberal and you bash conservatives. What does that make you? Apathetic? I would wage that you are more liberal than you care to admit. Which I wouldn't blame you for not being proud of that if that were the case. You know the famous quote, "if you're not a liberal at 20, you don't have a heart. If you're still a liberal at 30, you have no brain." ;)
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So you claim not to be a liberal and you bash conservatives. What does that make you? Apathetic? I would wage that you are more liberal than you care to admit. Which I wouldn't blame you for not being proud of that if that were the case. You know the famous quote, "if you're not a liberal at 20, you don't have a heart. If you're still a liberal at 30, you have no brain." ;)

Still crazy.
I'm socially liberal and lean libertarian. I don't "bash conservatives", I bashed conservative talk radio and their followers. Not that any of that has a damn bit of relevance here.

OF COURSE THIS IS ABOUT MONEY. Unfortunately for your argument money hungry politicians and city governments come in both liberal and conservative forms.
It's all about money. It's my opinion 80% of laws in this country are about bringing in money. The way they changed the drinking law was just extra fines they could put on people and bring in money.

The vendors may help the economy as a whole, but the city isn't making money directly. They're probably doing this so that the vendors fight it. Then they'll give it back, but make them pay huge fees to sell, or higher fees if they already do.
It's no so much your opinion as a FACT, that 100% of the laws are about either growing the gov't or reducing someone/groups freedom. No gov't in the history of humans has ever secured liberty - THAT has only been accomplished by individuals banding together with the will to shed blood. Several of the founding fathers predicted that EACH generation would have to engage in revolution as they assumed liberty was unnatural to the human spirit and would whither and die every 20 years.
Kinnick was the best place to see a game, but it has become very common and corporate anymore. Tickets are silly high, the atmosphere is messed with by the powers that be every year. What these guys want is you to buy their high priced tickets, donate donate donate, keep your head down and remain quiet at games , and leave immediately. This is why I didn't go last year and won't this year either. Wished there was something I could do.
Kinnick was the best place to see a game, but it has become very common and corporate anymore. Tickets are silly high, the atmosphere is messed with by the powers that be every year. What these guys want is you to buy their high priced tickets, donate donate donate, keep your head down and remain quiet at games , and leave immediately. This is why I didn't go last year and won't this year either. Wished there was something I could do.

Agree completely with this. There is a reason they keep bringing that stupid train in year after year even though it results in a net loss for them. They want you to pay your money, take the train in, watch the game, and then get the hell out.
they are claiming zoning? come on, I personally know 3 ppl down there who own houses and all 3 own the house specifically for parking and food stands. I'm are a huge majority of ppl there do the same. not to mention that its been going on for yrs, did zoning change? no. come on IC.
they are claiming zoning? come on, I personally know 3 ppl down there who own houses and all 3 own the house specifically for parking and food stands. I'm are a huge majority of ppl there do the same. not to mention that its been going on for yrs, did zoning change? no. come on IC.

I don't think you understand 'zoning'.
Kinnick was the best place to see a game, but it has become very common and corporate anymore. Tickets are silly high, the atmosphere is messed with by the powers that be every year. What these guys want is you to buy their high priced tickets, donate donate donate, keep your head down and remain quiet at games , and leave immediately. This is why I didn't go last year and won't this year either. Wished there was something I could do.

You are aware there are people that park their RV's in the lots after 5PM on Friday and don't leave sometimes until Sunday morning right?

In the non RV lots people show up at 5-6AM for a 2:30 game and don't leave until 8 or 10PM, I wouldn't really say that a full 12 hours plus of drinking and eating= leaving early.

You also don't have to donate a cent to do the above or to even by a ticket to the game, and you should be thankful to those that do donate, donate, donate they allow Iowa to buy the nice new things they need to compete on the National stage and oh by the way pay for almost all of the remaining sports in the Athletic Department.
I wonder if the end result in this will be the city making them have a special permit but make the cost so high they can't make any money to have it. Thus ending the vendors but still being able to say hey we gave them the opportunity to stay.

Also right now the parking is off the table but I get the feeling sometime in the future that will be attacked also. The association isn't going stop with just the vendors. If they wouldn't have complained there would not have that special committee look into this.

Another thing, about the gas line being struck why are we just hearing about this now?
You are aware there are people that park their RV's in the lots after 5PM on Friday and don't leave sometimes until Sunday morning right?

In the non RV lots people show up at 5-6AM for a 2:30 game and don't leave until 8 or 10PM, I wouldn't really say that a full 12 hours plus of drinking and eating= leaving early.

You also don't have to donate a cent to do the above or to even by a ticket to the game, and you should be thankful to those that do donate, donate, donate they allow Iowa to buy the nice new things they need to compete on the National stage and oh by the way pay for almost all of the remaining sports in the Athletic Department.

And his point wasn't that people DO leave early. He's saying that's what the powers that be WANT to happen. I'm not saying they do or don't. Just saying that you aren't really disputing his point about the city/university's DESIRES.

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