Miller: Time to Say Goodbye

You will be missed. Although I don't usually post anymore I am always following, listening, and reading your content since the early days. I had the opportunity to meet you once when I gave you a big poster of "The Catch". Good luck to your new endeavors!! You will be missed.
Jon, thanks for the memories. Since Zabel quit broadcasting, you have been the people's voice. Good luck in your next endeavor, and once a Hawkeye, always a Hawkeye.

Deace - enjoy your time broadcasting about Michigan.
Hey Jon....thank you!!! Blessings to you and your family on going deeper with this next season of your journey. Keep God the center of your business and His Blessings will travel with you. Praying for great news about how you're doing in the future. Enjoy this next phase as much as we've enjoyed you being a pillar of hawkeye sports for all of us.
This sucks.

Been listening to the podcast for nearly ten years. Listened to them while stationed overseas and always looked forward to the short time they could help take my mind off other things. Listened while working out, listened while on the road, and listened while I was just plain feeling down and just wanted to hear those familiar voices.

This my sound sappy, but I kinda feel like I'm losing a friend. Good luck to both Jon and Deace, will truly miss listening to you guys.

Jon and Deace - "thank you".
Thank you Jon for the years of entertaining us hawk fans. Your much anticipated podcasts w/ deace will be extremely missed while I’m sitting in Dallas traffic.
I'm REEEEEALLY gonna miss Jon's instant reaction podcasts. I've always looked forward to them after each and every game. I also enjoy Miller & Deace podcasts. Always lots of great content there.
Loads of respect to you Jon and honestly for anyone leaving a career they love, stepping away when they want and doing it all on their terms.

(cue up Sinatra's "My Way")

PS -
Hope you make a ton o' ca$h in this next new chapter of your life -
Also hope there's some fine print involved that might leave the door open for you down the road for a return.
This sucks.

Been listening to the podcast for nearly ten years. Listened to them while stationed overseas and always looked forward to the short time they could help take my mind off other things. Listened while working out, listened while on the road, and listened while I was just plain feeling down and just wanted to hear those familiar voices.

This my sound sappy, but I kinda feel like I'm losing a friend. Good luck to both Jon and Deace, will truly miss listening to you guys.

Jon and Deace - "thank you".
Where overseas were you stationed?
Huge thanks to John and Steve for the great conversations they let us listen to over the years. Definitely going to miss their analysis (even if Steve sometimes contradicts himself week to week ....Ohio St ). Seriously though thanks for everything guys! I know the Michigan podcast will be going strong on YouTube. Hopefully we can get another one going here very soon and the new crew can pick up where John and Steve left off.
Where overseas were you stationed?

Pretty much all over the Middle East and Central America, my friend...and these pods were there with me every step of the way - (sappy, I know), but I wasn't kidding when I say I feel like I'll be losing a friend.

Whoever takes over is going to have some big shoes to fill, as this the best Hawkeye podcast, hands down.
I moved to Des Moines about 3 months before Jon Miller started being a guest on Steve Deace’s radio show. There aren’t many pundits I’ve listened to for 20 years, but Jon has been one of them. In the classic broadcaster mode, Jon felt like a friend that I never met.

Best wishes on the next chapter Jon!
There is no better podcast than Miller and Deace. First Seinfeld, now the HN podcast. My world is collapsing.
It's been a great run Jon Miller! Thank you for providing this platform and your patience with many of us thru all the years. Good luck in all your future endeavors in the energy field.