Miller: Iowa's PR Decisions Raise Questions

What is everyone so upset about? The fact that the kids were hospitalized due to the workout or the fact that the PC got screwed up? Which one is it? Or both?
Spot on - great post. I agree 1,000%

Agreed. And it's the job of the department of external affairs to correctly handle situations like this to prevent things from being blown way out of proportion by the blood sucking hacks (see Perrault, Doyle) who are desperatly searching for topics, especially any CF story (in Doyle's case...hell Perrault would try to sensationalize anything).
Re: You have to be kidding...

if you can't see the point of Jon's post and see how that is separate from the issue of the players' health.

Jon's whole point was that IF you are going to have a press conference, don't have it be an disaster where it just ends up raising more questions than it answered. And that is the fault of the UI, not the media. Good grief, think about if the news was that 13 players from "School X" any school not named Iowa were hospitalized. It WOULD be big news and as an outsider we would assume that they way they are running things at School X is a joke.

Point taken
When I opened up my chicago Tribune sports page(the paper of record for the Big Ten conference) I expected to see big headlines on this ''disaster'' for Iowa fb.
Much to my shock, there was no headlines,no story, and it was not until I got to the last page of the section,where all the boxscores and such tiny print stuff,i saw a 12 word sentence indicating that Iowa had determined the cause of the incident.

Thats it. One sentence.
As for all the internet knee-jerk columnists who think that people read them? The reality is that most people do not believe what they read from those types.
They are in a rush to condemn,like with the Cutler deal, and have no cred left. They are often wrong,and always Jon is here.
The truth? No one outside of Iowa one,cept for the hackneyed columnists on the internet trying to squeeze a column out in a dead period for college football.

How many people outside of CR read Hlas? Maybe ten. Relax,Jon...your provincialism is showing....not a peep in Chicago about this.

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