Miller: Iowa's PR Decisions Raise Questions

Great article.

Over the years I have gotten to know quite a few Iowa football players. And every single one of them, at one time or another, mentioned to me about how Ferentz doesn't do a good enough job relating to his players. And that he treats the Iowa job a little too much like an NFL gig. Ferentz needs to fix this deficiency. And fix it now.
Working at UIHC, I completely understand the need to keep private health information private. Unfortunately, when you trot out a doctor, a parent of one of the kids and a representative of the football team that no one has any idea who he is, the perception for those who aren't fans is one of not caring. That's damaging to the reputation and not easily repaired.

It's pretty disappointing that there was no Ferentz, Barta, Doyle or Phil Haddy. One of those men really should have been there.
Nice opinion piece there Jon.....I guess. Could you have possibly thrown any more "I'm disgusted" material in there for further dramatic effect?
It would seem Kirk has probably been doing a little damage control. I imagine he chose to address his parents and potential recruits prior to media....which I can't disagree with. Just because those people have formed strong opinions and presented them on the internet in front of thousands of readers do not make them valid or necessarily accurate. Do the have all the facts to make those statements? I would like to know. Obviously, it is not good PR. I venture to say a lot of them would have been barking regardless of who showed up for the press conference. Barking gets readers.
I'm guessing th trainer or whoever was supervising them could be in a liability situation, potentially. I'm no attorney, but I would guess that most would tell him not to speak.

We all get so used to having info at our fingertips immediatley. We are not entitled to this info, nor is the media. The players and families immediately involved is who is entitled and is where the attention should go (from the staff), I imagine that is being done. Everyone needs to chill out and let the process play out...the negative nancys will be there either way. (Quit feeding their sites)
No doubt I'm in the minority, but I'm with you Easton! PR shouldn't drive all of what we do. I guess if a kid changes his mind due to this....bad PR...then so be it. I think we want kids solid in convictions, not swayed by trash stories on the internet or rumors passed around.
I do too, Joe. I mean, c'mon, we're just talking about 13 young men who had kidney issues bad enough to warrant hospitalization.....what's the big deal?!?! Obviously the more pressing issue is that we get a kick-a$$ recruiting class and hope that all this negativity doesn't ruin that!! :rolleyes:
AND to this point do YOU know why they were there?
NO you don't because its has not been talked about so get off your holier than thou soap box and let things play out.
THEN you might have a point to make, not before.
Nice opinion piece there Jon.....I guess. Could you have possibly thrown any more "I'm disgusted" material in there for further dramatic effect?

Yeah, I could have thrown in another 15 or so comments from national writers that were probably tweeted out to 50,000 people around the nation, and who knows how many more retweets.
Yeah, I could have thrown in another 15 or so comments from national writers that were probably tweeted out to 50,000 people around the nation, and who knows how many more retweets.

Sorry Jon, but that's weak. Reminiscent of a Geraldo hatchet job. You could have waited for the facts, aside from the hospitalization, to come out, which hasn't happened as of yet. Instead, you chose to jump on the national "opinion" bandwagon you just referenced and indict Iowa. Nice.

There are a few things that have come out so far:

1. Per numerous quotes from past Hawkeye football players, this workout has been routine for years, yet this is the only time these hospitalizations have occurred. Sounds like an anomaly to me.

2. The hospitalized players have expressed their desires to get back to the Hawkeye winter practice session as soon as possible and none of them have expressed a desire to get rid of the squats.

3. You, and many of the others on this forum and nationwide have, for years, praised Doyle and the exact same system you are criticizing him for today.

4. You have also shown no hesitation in criticizing Barta and KF for not being in town today when you have absolutely no idea where they are or what they are doing.....even though they may very well be working hard to resolve this issue from other directions.

They deserve the benefit of the doubt until the full story has been heard. You have chosen not to give them that.
Here is where Barta was, per Mike Hlas' column

Barta left Iowa City Wednesday to go to Naples, Fla., where an annual University of Iowa Alumni Association fundraising golf event will be held Friday. He couldn’t have adjusted his travel plans? Really?

“He made the best decision he could make based on what he needs to do,” said Iowa senior associate athletic director Jane Meyer, who didn’t flinch from taking questions herself after the press conference.

I am going to break one of my own rules, but thankfully I will save myself.

Are you ******** me?
Here is where Barta was, per Mike Hlas' column

Barta left Iowa City Wednesday to go to Naples, Fla., where an annual University of Iowa Alumni Association fundraising golf event will be held Friday. He couldn’t have adjusted his travel plans? Really?

“He made the best decision he could make based on what he needs to do,â€￾ said Iowa senior associate athletic director Jane Meyer, who didn’t flinch from taking questions herself after the press conference.

I am going to break one of my own rules, but thankfully I will save myself.

Are you ******** me?

Gary Barta completely messed this one up and not an excuse in the world is good enough. He should be ashamed right now.
Here is where Barta was, per Mike Hlas' column

Barta left Iowa City Wednesday to go to Naples, Fla., where an annual University of Iowa Alumni Association fundraising golf event will be held Friday. He couldn’t have adjusted his travel plans? Really?

“He made the best decision he could make based on what he needs to do,â€￾ said Iowa senior associate athletic director Jane Meyer, who didn’t flinch from taking questions herself after the press conference.

I am going to break one of my own rules, but thankfully I will save myself.

Are you ******** me?

This puts GB in a very bad light. He couldn't be at the PC because he had to attend a golf outing?
I have no problems with people criticizing what I say or write. Goes with the territory. But the door swings in both directions, and I seriously question your reading comprehension skills. To wit...

My criticisms have everything to do with Iowa choosing to hold a press conference at a time when Kirk Ferentz was en route back to Iowa City. I have no problem with him recruiting the last two days. Biff Poggi said he had spoken with Ferentz at least 4 or 5 times on the phone. I said repeatedly that Kirk cares a great deal for his players, and that it's a family over there.

THEY are the ones that said, at the beginning of the press conference, that Kirk was on his way back to Iowa City. We learned after the presser from Rob Howe that Kirk was in Ohio today. That's no more than a 2 hour plane ride. Hold the presser at 6, or 7 or wait until 10am the next morning, just make sure that Kirk is there, or Gary Barta.

As per your point by point:

1. Per numerous quotes from past Hawkeye football players, this workout has been routine for years, yet this is the only time these hospitalizations have occurred. Sounds like an anomaly to me. JDM: 13 players is not an anomaly. 1 or 2 is. 13 is not. When I wrote what I wrote last night, I certainly felt like these workouts were not out of the ordinary based on the former players I spoke with. However, I did say that the number of players begs a few questions, and still does. 13 is not an anomaly; it's damn near an entire men's basketball roster.

2. The hospitalized players have expressed their desires to get back to the Hawkeye winter practice session as soon as possible and none of them have expressed a desire to get rid of the squats. JDM: No where in anything have I written or said Iowa needs to make big changes to what they are doing. They might make tweaks, but they always are doing things like this. Not sure to whom you are replying here.

3. You, and many of the others on this forum and nationwide have, for years, praised Doyle and the exact same system you are criticizing him for today. JDM: No where have I criticized Chris Doyle for anything, other than wondering why he wasn't there today as well, since he is the face of the S&C program. I have not question his methods, and until there are facts produced that support those changes, I will not.

4. You have also shown no hesitation in criticizing Barta and KF for not being in town today when you have absolutely no idea where they are or what they are doing.....even though they may very well be working hard to resolve this issue from other directions. JDM: Did you even read it? Kirk was in Ohio talking with Tedd Ginn Jr about Class of 12 prospects. As it relates to Barta, I don't know where he is. I know they have jobs to do. But Kirk was on his freaking way back to Iowa City. Postpone the damn press conference until he can be there. Its more symbolic than anything, so that the national talking heads can't rip the program more than what they were going to anyway. Kirk not being there makes it more of a national thing now. That is the crux of the entire piece; you don't hold that presser without Kirk being there, especially when he was en route to Iowa City when you were holding it. That is a PR failure, IMO, by Iowa. One that could sting and one that was self inflicted.

Lastly: They deserve the benefit of the doubt until the full story has been heard. You have chosen not to give them that JDM: I am not convinced you read what I wrote. Because your replies are going in all sorts of directions I didn't even go.

Jon, I went back and read the article again and stand corrected. I saw the "Doyle should have been there", "KF should have been there", etc and completely missed you pointing out that the University should have scheduled the press conference at such a time when they would have been able to be there. My apologies Jon.
everything looks bad, and i am getting to this party late, but having known multiple former players - winter workouts were always dreaded but almost understood at the same time. either way the event is an anomaly, but if what happened with poggi was true (being pretty much inactive since the bowl) - then i am sure that the majority if not all of the players implicated with the illness were in similar shape. This exercise program is meant to "shock" the body back into shape - it worked a little too much this time. I would argue the handling of the situation was far worse than the actuall "infraction" -if you want to call it that.
Jon, you are 100% right on here. Our handling of this has done nothing but fan the flames of the irresponsible people in the press. Describing the handling of this as amatuerism would be an insult to a high handicap golfer!
So, Barta was golfing in Florida, Ferentz was recruiting for 2012, and the team doctor was on a "business trip" to Costa Rica while 13 players have spent several days in the hospital?
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So, Barta was golfing in Florida, Ferentz was recruiting for 2012, and the team doctor was on a "business trip" to Costa Rica while 13 players have spent several days in the hospital?

Yes. Thanks for condensing that for us. Jon is right to be appalled. I am appalled and so are others I have spoken with.

I really question not just the bad PR but the wisdom and sincerity of what is going on over at the football offices.

I am still scratching my head over the PC addressing the DJK situation where it was learned from Barta that our "outside" consultant in charge of the university's drug testing program is a staff pyschiatrist AT the UNIVERSITY OF IOWA! And the people responsible for collection of samples are medical and pharmacy students. FELLOW students of those being tested! And Barta acknowledged they suspect athletes had found a way to circumvent the testing program. Really? But hey, he kept reiterating they spend over $70,000 annually to run the program. Like that really means anything.
As a communication consultant for a Fortune 100 company, having dabbled in responding to media inquiries, Jon was spot on. Kirk should have been at this press conference. Sending three "no-names" to the conference in place of any coaches sends the wrong message and creates even harsher criticism for the program.

Kirk should have been present, as well as Doyle, Barta, and the doctor. In the world of media relations you have to have your ducks in a row because the media is always looking for answers and you have to be prepared to address the questions you know are coming your way.

I agree the press conference should have been delayed, or the U of I should have done everything in its power to have Kirk, Gary, Doyle, and the doctor in attendance.

When you don't have that representation you just leave the door open for more scrutiny. By having no coach at the press conference you project the image (even though we know that is not the case with Kirk) that you don't find this topic important enough to address in person.

Right now we have heard more about the players' facebook comments or comments from parents instead of hearing straight from Kirk or Doyle.

Iowa dropped the ball here. Big time. They really did. I am only speaking from my experience in communications and media relations. Ferentz, Barta and Doyle should have been in attendance. They could have addressed the media and we all could have moved on. Instead, you now have the national media taking shots at our program and the media is still left with unanswered questions: Like how did this happen? Has this happened before? Why do they think so many players were impacted at the same time? As a program, how will they address this issue?

Don't leave it open for speculation because when you do that you are shooting yourself in the foot.
I think it's pretty clear our PR guys know what they are doing. Iowa has gotten more publicity than just about any other college team over the last two months. We've been on the front page of ESPN's college football section for one thing or another almost continuously since the season ended. We're keeping our name out there, you know what they say, out of sight, out of mind. Iowa's PR guys know what they're doing.

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