Miller: Ferentz Under Siege

I've been pretty critical of Ferentz at times but for some of these guys to say that he doesn't care about his players is just crazy talk.

I don't agree with how he handled this particular situation. I believe he should have come back to IC, even if it was just a quick stop for the presser and to see the players in person. Just my opinion.

But for Forde or anyone else to question Kirk in this way is simply a case of reporters failing to do any research at all. Just a bunch of guys spouting off nonsense.

As far as Jon's article goes, I wish he would have challenged Forde to a fight or called him a big POS. Then ESPN would have put the column of its front page. No drama = no play from the drama queens at ESPN.
Well done Jon...proud of you and the article! When people like Gregg Doyel, Pat Forde and Matt & Miller wonder why Hawkeye Nation had the audacity to run to Kirk's defense in droves, your article might shed some light as to "why"...

I remember when the tornado took out Parkersburg a couple of years ago and Kirk and his players went up to help out with the clean up, with no fanfare...hell, outside of those who were up there with them, we didn't even hear about it til wasn't done because Kirk wanted his team to get some good pub, it was done because he and they "cared"...

So when guys like Matt and Miller want to spend 3 days bashing a good man and then another 2 days bashing Iowa fans for running to his defense (or "sticking their heads in the sand" as they put it), understand why! He has a proven track record of caring! It's you guys who sit up in the bell tower with your sniper rifles and a holier than thou attitude, who are the real, uncaring d-bags.

Ok, done with the soapbox...NEXT!?!?
Well done Jon...proud of you and the article! When people like Gregg Doyel, Pat Forde and Matt & Miller wonder why Hawkeye Nation had the audacity to run to Kirk's defense in droves, your article might shed some light as to "why"...

I remember when the tornado took out Parkersburg a couple of years ago and Kirk and his players went up to help out with the clean up, with no fanfare...hell, outside of those who were up there with them, we didn't even hear about it til wasn't done because Kirk wanted his team to get some good pub, it was done because he and they "cared"...

So when guys like Matt and Miller want to spend 3 days bashing a good man and then another 2 days bashing Iowa fans for running to his defense (or "sticking their heads in the sand" as they put it), understand why! He has a proven track record of caring! It's you guys who sit up in the bell tower with your sniper rifles and a holier than thou attitude, who are the real, uncaring losers.

Ok, done with the soapbox...NEXT!?!?

Edited for accuracy.
Well played, Mauer...proud of you and the article! When people like Gregg Doyel, Pat Forde and Matt & Miller wonder why Hawkeye Nation had the audacity to run to Kirk's defense in droves, your article might shed some light as to "why"...

I remember when the tornado took out Parkersburg a couple of years ago and Kirk and his players went up to help out with the clean up, with no fanfare...hell, outside of those who were up there with them, we didn't even hear about it til wasn't done because Kirk wanted his team to get some good pub, it was done because he and they "cared"...

So when guys like Matt and Miller want to spend 3 days bashing a good man and then another 2 days bashing Iowa fans for running to his defense (or "sticking their heads in the sand" as they put it), understand why! He has a proven track record of caring! It's you guys who sit up in the bell tower with your sniper rifles and a holier than thou attitude, who are the real, uncaring d-bags.

Ok, done with the soapbox...NEXT!?!?

Edited again ;)
Amen Jon,

It's truly an upside down bizarro world when a guy like Ferentz takes this kind of crap...while the true jerkoffs get a free pass.
Well done, Jon. Let me summarize my own view of the matter pithily:

Kirk Ferentz has earned the benefit of the doubt.
WHAT!!! do you mean to tell me that kirk isn't a win at all costs scumbag that forde and clown fans make him out to be?
Jon - great job writing (and you already know that from the comments and posts you received). But, NOW. If you want to have the impact on this that you are capable of, take this to a larger forum. Here, it simply (not so simply, really) says what we feel. But to have its greatest significance, plant it somewhere where it has its intended impact. Someplace where it can reshape impressions. Otherwise it's just in an echo chamber.
(But thanks for writing it - it's wonderful. A gift you have.)
Jon - great job writing (and you already know that from the comments and posts you received). But, NOW. If you want to have the impact on this that you are capable of, take this to a larger forum. Here, it simply (not so simply, really) says what we feel. But to have its greatest significance, plant it somewhere where it has its intended impact. Someplace where it can reshape impressions. Otherwise it's just in an echo chamber.
(But thanks for writing it - it's wonderful. A gift you have.)

There is really nothing I can do about that, other than post it here, twitter and facebook. It has already been retweeted by Gregg Doyel. It guess it can be picked up by others through organic google searches.

That being said, it's not really my role to do that. I have written what I feel on this subject and used the forums at my disposal to share those thoughts. If others want to take it other places, more power to you. I just don't think that should be me.
There is really nothing I can do about that, other than post it here, twitter and facebook. It has already been retweeted by Gregg Doyel. It guess it can be picked up by others through organic google searches.

That being said, it's not really my role to do that. I have written what I feel on this subject and used the forums at my disposal to share those thoughts. If others want to take it other places, more power to you. I just don't think that should be me.

I got so worked up after reading Jon's blog I sent such a bad email to doyel I might be in jail tomorrow...... oh well nice blog Jon ... bail me out...!
"The parent said that one player was told he had sustained 20 to 30 percent loss of kidney function and that the damage may or may not be repaired." -ESPN

this right here is something that is extremely serious. And regardless off what anyone's opinion of ferentz is, when he is running the show and something unfortunate like this happens, in the end it is his responsibility. Ferentz might be a wonderful individual, and those of us who live in eastern Iowa know that, but that is neither here nor there. being a good character guy doesnt mean that one is incapable of using bad judgement. Kirk is now facing the consequences of something that he allowed to happen on HIS team.

this is one of the articles that many hawkeye fans (and jon who mentioned it in his article) appear to be taking issue with:

maybe I'm not reading it right, but it sounds to me like someone who isn't afraid to rain on the hawkeye football love fest we have here in Iowa is just willing to call a spade a spade. fact of the matter is that there was gross irresponsibility on behalf of individuals within the Iowa coaching staff. someone needs to (and likely will be) held accountable. who that person is remains in question.
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