Miller: Ferentz 'Dead Serious' ; Is He Dead Wrong?

This guy has got to go. Even the poorest teams in college football can execute this simple play...a punt return.

If this is not incompetence... than the word no longer exists.
The problem is that it is just such a lazy response. I can see a teenager responding like this.

An active engaged coach would say, "Obviously we have a problem with our scheme or personnel. We have two weeks now to get this ironed out. That doesn't mean on the odd occasion we won't get beat, but it will no longer be the norm."
How could he ever say a thing like that?!! Disgusting and shameful. I don't want to live in a world where such awful things are said.
Come on, this is a joke right? I mean, I get it. The media has to use every angle to drum up a story, but your better than this Jon. Exactly how is this going to hurt recruiting? Its not. Everybody B--chs and moans that teams keep winning the fake aganst us. I get that, and now hes doing something to fix it, and you still Bi-ch and moan about that as well? As far as the recruiting being so down comments. 10-12 years ago, we went after recruits that not many others wanted, and look how those turned out. When we went for the flashy high end recruits, look how that turned out. Now it seems we are going back to going for the diamonds in the rough again, and all of a sudden we cant recruit? Since when did you all become experts in this field? Besides never.....
I forgot to add to my first post that I am really hoping this is some big joke by Kirk Ferentz to get a lot of media and fans wound up. Because if its not... wow.
Yeah, he's dead wrong! Why not do both?

Return the punt and protect against the fake. Every other college in the nation does it. I see no reason why we can't either.
Maybe Ferentz is saying this because he wants the opposing team to think there is no need to try a fake punt now, thus eliminating the possibility of getting fooled again by fooling the fooler. Genius, Ferentz. Genius.

I just don't think you say something like this. It does zero good. Even if it becomes your approach, don't say it
It's just show how big of a baby he is. "Just take your ball and go home Kirk" This just shows his total incompetence as a coach. Kirk has proven time and time again he is not a good game day coach. And his total arrogance in regards to making adjustments is old. He continues to point out that the players just need to execute better. Maybe HE is the one that needs to execute better.
It serves no purpose to say it. Again, he just looks like a pouty kid doing that. If it should ever, ever, ever happen again, then he looks like an even bigger boob than he does now.

Hell, I'd rather have him come out and say, "I will personally donate 1 million dollars to Heritage For The Blind if it ever happens again."
KF is sending a message to his players, another to his staff (including himself). Get over it folks, he isn't "serious" in the way you think. Nice try, though, Jon :)
As far as actually not returning punts anymore, that probably won't be used. "Don't go to Iowa because they don't return punts anymore."

However the comment itself was just dumb. As Jon basically said in his article, if you think that way fine, but don't say it. And that could be used something like this.

Opposing coach: "So who else are you looking at?"

17 year old: "Iowa has been down to see me."

Opposing coach: "Oh the school that can't figure out how to return a punt!"

Sarcastic tone, but that would be all that it would take.

This, in essence, tells all one needs to know about recruiting sleaziness. If you have to bad-mouth the other guy...
This entire situation is beyond silly. The single biggest factor in the type of return you can generate is not the blocking, but rather the type of punt the punter gets off (i.e. low line drive kick vs. a high hanging kick). The second factor is the raw ability of your return man to make the first guy miss. After that, one or two blocks may spring him for the touchdown.
He coaches scared. This is par for the course.

You would think a lifetime contract would give someone the mindset of taking chances, but he sees it the other way. He pines over every mistake ever made and coaches now to avoid them all.

We have "What About Bob" as our head coach now. Get used to it.