Miller: Big 10 Home Field Factors

Even for big games? It was very noticeable on tv for the Iowa-Wisc game last year but I guess I don't remember what time the game started.

I know in 2008, the stands high in the southwest corner of Kinnick were empty all year. I went and sat up there because I could be left alone to watch the game in peace (I cheer, but I like to actually understand what's going on). There was a game or two that they were empty for the early portion of the game last year as well, and then people filtered in as the game went along.
Even for big games? It was very noticeable on tv for the Iowa-Wisc game last year but I guess I don't remember what time the game started.

No, not for big games, but if you're going to criticize the Wisconsin student section for being 1/2 full when the game starts (and just to make it fair, the Iowa/Wisconsin game was an 11 am kick last year), then you have to admit that the Iowa student section - especially in the end zone - is never more than half full for an 11 am kick.

Now, for the PSU, ISU, Wisconsin, and OSU games this year, I'll bet it's a different story. But for MSU and Eastern Illinois, the student section will have a lot of empty seats.
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I know in 2008, the stands high in the southwest corner of Kinnick were empty all year. I went and sat up there because I could be left alone to watch the game in peace (I cheer, but I like to actually understand what's going on). There was a game or two that they were empty for the early portion of the game last year as well, and then people filtered in as the game went along.

Hell, I remember even seeing a lot of gray for the Penn State game that year.
Hell, I remember even seeing a lot of gray for the Penn State game that year.

It was there. But to be fair, we were 5-4 going into that game, and the weather wasn't great. Students are the biggest fair-weather fans of everyone, IMO. A lot of them would rather just go and drink because "we suck" instead of going to the game. Again, that's when we aren't looking that great. Because for much of last year, the only reason to watch Iowa was to see Greene go for another 100 yard game.
No, not for big games, but if you're going to criticize the Wisconsin student section for being 1/2 full when the game starts (and just to make it fair, the Iowa/Wisconsin game was an 11 am kick last year), then you have to admit that the Iowa student section - especially in the end zone - is never more than half full for an 11 am kick.

Now, for the PSU, ISU, Wisconsin, and OSU games this year, I'll bet it's a different story. But for MSU and Eastern Illinois, the student section will have a lot of empty seats.

The top 6 or 7 rows of the student section at Kinnick will always look empty because in the first 30 rows they put about 75 people into a row that should only hold 40.

I'm not saying it is always full either as it isn't, but it will always appear to not be full just because of how they crowd each other at the bottom of the section.
Madison - They do not like visiting fans and they get drunk and sometimes a little out of hand. We were tailgating on Langdon St (which is where all the fraternity/sorority houses are at) and every time someone came walking down the street they all pretty much stopped what they were doing and started chanting...A$$HOLE...even when it was a family with children. Uncalled for with children present...probably. I also learned about the walk-of-shame in Madison. A chick came walking down the street wearing last nights clothes and makeup in heels and someone yelled out..."Too late for church...too early for the game...must be...the Walk of Shame". I thought it was pretty awesome and she seemed to appreciate the gesture.

Columbus - College students are college students and you have to know what you're getting yourself into. A friend and I went to the campus bars the Friday before last year's game...wearing Iowa gear...and as soon as we walked in they started yelling at us. My friend figured out that all you have to do is yell... F Michigan and everyone forgets everything and instantly loves you. We did find some really great locals who showed us around...gave us a ride back to out hotel room and we had a great time. Our experience on gameday was nothing different from what has already been mentioned. I loved the noisy atmosphere.

One that hasn't been mentioned yet was Soldier Field. It made for an awesome weekend...and I loved the fact that they brought in Busch products specifically for the Iowa fans. I talked to a beer guy who had been working there for years and said he had never seen them serve Busch products in the stadium. The stadium itself was nothing special and the game was rather blah...but the weekend experience in downtown Chicago made it worth the trip and then some.

The Dome - nothing new to add...there is nothing like taking over a rivals stadium and then taking their goalposts to boot.

What about Jack Trice - I've never been and I'm sure it's awesome for an Iowa game...what about non-Iowa games?
I went to Michigan in 2006 and it was a great experience. Very friendly, hospitable fans. We tailgated at the golf course, which is a great setting for a tailgate. We were lucky and were surrounded by Iowa fans. Great time. All the reports of the Big House being quiet are true, but it is a different site looking around at 100,000 people right next to you.

Illinois was the anti-Michigan. I went there in 2000 and I really never care to go back. Terrible pre-game atmosphere and the stadium was worse. I couldn't have been less impressed with that stadium. I'm sure it's better now since the renovations, but what a dump.

I loved the Metrodome, went there twice in 2002 and 2004. Storming the field in 2002 easily goes down as one of my favorite Hawkeye moments. Then the 2004 game was another good experience. Pre-game was nothing great, but I always loved the lack of home field advantage Minnesota had when playing Iowa.

I have been to Jack Trice for a non-Iowa game a couple of times in the mid 90s. Very boring. The best part was how easy it was to get to and from the stadium.
Drove to Penn State in 2007 & 2009. Great trips, both times. Sat amid friendly Nitt fans in '07 as they waxed us. Fans were friendly beforehand and during and after.

In '09, sat in Iowa section, with 2 obnoxious Nitt 20-somethings in our midst. Only a**holes we encountered the entire trip. Nitt fans were friendly at their pre-game tailgate, vowing revenge for '08 game, and they were rightly despondent post-game. Amazingly loud in '09, amazingly large and impressive both times.

Waitress chick at Texas Roadhouse told us before the game that Daryl Clark always overthrows short Evan Royster. Most prescient comment of the weekend (well, that and the rain forecast).
I've done the metrodome, The Shoe last year, Illinois, and this coming year I'm going to Evanston and Ann Arbor. The Shoe is a must see, what a place!! It gets deafening in there...After Vandenberg got picked that one time, I honestly couldn't even think straight it was soooo loud! and many people don't understand the UM-OSU rivalry...they hate each other ALL the time...people were singing about hating michigan, then a car went by painted in OSU colors...with a dummy dressed up as a michigan player sprawled across the hood.

Interesting OSU story, the two guys next to me left right after OSU scored to make it 24-10...two young Iowa kids, patted me on the shoulder and said "man we gave them our best shot it just didn't work sense in staying here to see a blowout.." then they left...I have said since this day I hope they didn't get out of the stadium before DJK housed the return...

Illinois was "interesting" not a bad stadium, but if you're under the upper deck it stinks bc your sight lines are sometimes impaired of the scoreboard and such.

The Metrodome was...well...Kinnick North :) nothing like going to an away game and having a tailgating atmosphere like Kinnick.
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I was at the psu and iowa game in 04 when coaches dad passed the same week, we won 6 to 4 but it was a great win. the night before was great down town state college big party, was with my wife from psu and had my iowa stuff on and got harassed all night along with many iowa fans, so goes the territory. over all great experiance. kinnick tailgating is much better, no comparison.
Indiana is about as bland as it can get
Illinois isn't much better
The Shoe is awesome. All that is college football
Camp Crazy is just that. If you don't listen to the vulgar, drunk 18-19 yr olds. Great party
Northwestern wouldn't even count if it weren't for the city
Michigan State was just ok
Humpty dome was awful
Never been to Purdue
Never been to Big House
Never been to PSU

Never been to Ann Arbor or PSU yet.

Indiana is way way off the beaten path and is sterile and bland. Terrible.
Purdue isn't much better. Area around the stadium is dead.
Now, personally, I like NW. Great area and a cozy arena. Lake view makes it.
Wisky was crazy. Kinnick's doppleganger. They party/rock hard there.
Illinois is bland, stuck in the middle of nothing. Great student sucks.
MSU...ehh....hard to say. Nothing stands out. OK place....I'm ambivalent.
GopherDome was awful for a football venue.

But best place by far is the Shoe. Been there twice and it's truly remarkable. Hiney Gate rocks and it's large....imagine Kinnick stadium with 35K more Hawkeye fans running around.
Been to all Big Ten stadiums except the new Minnesota but will take care of that this season. Kinnick is a a great venue for college football and always a great experience.

OSU is a great venue for college football certainly don't like the Buckeyes but they have a great stadium and tradition.

PSU is a great location and tradition as well difficult travel but worth it another great college venue.

Mich is a great location as well stadium not very loud but a great sports venue
MSU is a nice stadium and fans are very dedicated too Sparty
NU is great because it is in Chicago
Ill not that great fans only show when winning and stadium is ok better with new design
PU average fans are nice but everything else is just average
IU with new stadium design much improved still only average but southern Indiana is very nice for a great fall weekend
Wis great fan base and Camp Randal is a great experience very nice campus and great tailgate
Minn Humpy Dome was always great too the Hawks so I like it really great when 40,000 fans are at a road game felt like a home game.

Iowa fans Kinnick is a great venue and we can be very proud of our football team and fan base for sure only 120 days till Kinnick comes too life again GO Hawks!
I've been to every one of them except PSU. I'll probably go there next year. Oh, I also haven't been to the new Minny stadium, and I'll be there this year. I've been to some of them several times.

OSU is everything that people say it is. It's a shrine to college football. Really loud. I can see why teams go there to lose.

Cramp Randall is, in my opinion, not as high on the list as some might have it. It's a great venue, but depending on the time of the game, many fans are either quiet or not even there when the game starts. The stadium has some good seats, and some seats that are barely in Dane County. Having said that, I live in Madison, and I love seeing Iowa win in that place. Last year was awesome.

Ross Ade is okay. Kind of a neat old stadium. The "boiler up" chant gets really, really old. Particularly when Jake C is your QB. :)

Northwestern's a fun trip, because so many hawks are there. I'll be there this year. I used to live in Chicago, so I'd just take the "L" up to the game. That was really nice. NO driving.

Indiana is fairly lame but a person can make a nice trip out of it. Tickets are pretty easy. Haven't been there since they did the new addition in the end zone. They needed to add capacity to an empty stadium ? :)

Michigan is just what folks say it is. It's not that loud. It's a nice place to visit, but it doesn't "rock."

MSU's SPartan Stadium, I think, is good. The seats are pretty good. It's got at least 75k in capacity, and some of the better Iowa games I've ever seen have been there. It's a good trip.

I've never been impressed when I've gone to Illinois games in Champaign...for many reasons.

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