Miller and Deace This AM.....Really?

Could Robinson's record setting weeks be because Michigan has absolutely no one else on offense to rely on? Could Rodriguez be riding Robinson into the ground because he knows Robinson is his only chance to keep his job because they have no one else offensively and their defense is horrible? Will Robinson still be in one piece after he plays the likes of Wisconsin, Iowa, and Ohio State this year?

If you're going to talk about this, maybe we could keep the dramatics to a minimum and possibly analyze it more than, "He's the greatest ever!" "I've never seen anything like it in college football!" I thought I was listening to my teenage daughter describing the latest dreamy boy at school.

I have never seen any football player, ever, do what Robinson has done.

I don't think he will do it all year and it will be interesting to see what he does in B10 play. But that does not minimize the history we are seeing.

I don't mind people posting that they want to hear something else, or criticisms of the show...and if people turn the channel from time to time, that is fine because I do it can have monster ratings, which we do, and 90% of the people are still listening to other shows. That's the biz...two hours of content is not going to appeal to everyone for two hours.
As of right now he is the only heisman candidate, that may change next week, or a month from now, but today, he's the only one in the conversation.

You can say all you want about the quality of the D's he faced, but the fact of the matter is I don't think anyone has put together back to back games this impressive in the history of college football. Think about that for a second. The best 2 game stretch EVER!

And last week Kellen Moore was a leading heisman candidate and all he did was take a week point is this changes from week to week. I will lay odds to anyone wanting to take Robinson to win the heisman. Greenberg was ready to give him the trophy this AM, its week two
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And last week Kellen Moore was a leading heisman candidate and all he did was take a week point is this changes from week to week

Of course it can change week to week. But I don't base my show today on what could happen in four weeks, I base it on what's in the news now...unless its spring or summer, then I talk about anything remotely interesting :)
Mike Greenberg is an idiot...this was my favorite line: "Robinson has to be the leading heisman candidate, in fact hes THE ONLY HEISMAN CANDIDATE!"

Are you saying DRob isn't a Heisman candidate? He has nearly 500 rushing yards and has accounted for 5 TDs in two games. It probably won't last because he'll get hurt, but I wouldn't call Greenberg an idiot for saying that...
I have never seen any football player, ever, do what Robinson has done.


This is the KEY concept here people. He is doing things NO ONE HAS EVER DONE EVER. Has the competition been great? No. But Teabow never did anything close to this againt DIAA cupcakes. Did Tommy Frazier do this against Troy State? No. Did Donavan Mcnab do anything close up in Syracuse, nope.

Ohh and the teams he did it against aren't exactly pushovers. No one is going to confuse ND or UConn for top 25 programs right now, but ND did beat a B10 team in week one, and UConn managed to eak out a 62-3 win in week 2.

Again he has done something against 2 legitimate D1 schools that NOONE else has done against anybody, EVER.
I have a 50 minute commute to work. Today, I made sure I was in my truck, driving by 5:50, so I could get some good recap of the game from Saturday. I sat through several minutes of S.A.S. talking about sexual harassment, and how it's the chicks fault for how she dresses.... BLAH.... I usually don't leave until after 6 so I don't have to hear him speak. Well, the whole drive into work was NFL. Which is ok, I like the NFL, but this is the state of IOWA that does not have a NFL team. We do have 2 Division 1, major conference football programs in this state. 90% of the listening audience wanted to hear about this game.

All the angles are there.... Has Iowa learned from it's fast starts to get on the throttle right away? Is ISU going backwards in the defense dept? Does CPR now understand what this game means to ISU? Do we realize that Arnaud has 1 TD/9 Ints against Iowa in 3 games? Does rotating backups this past week give Iowa the much needed experience that they will need through the end of the season and going into next year when we lose key guys?

I was disappointed in the choice of topics to cover in the first hour.

I understand when you talk about that game for HOURS this weekend, but when this is what your audience wants, it doesn't matter if you are tired of talking about it, obviously in this college football state, it's what we still want to hear.

I didn't hear the 2nd hour, so I don't know how much it was talked about there, but man, I expected good wall to wall coverage of it in the first hour.
I'm scared to see what DR will do against Iowa. Last year he had no problems moving the ball on Iowa's D until he gifted an INT near the end of the game.
Are you saying DRob isn't a Heisman candidate? He has nearly 500 rushing yards and has accounted for 5 TDs in two games. It probably won't last because he'll get hurt, but I wouldn't call Greenberg an idiot for saying that...

I would agree with Greenberg. Right now, it's not even a race.

I am not saying he isnt a heisman candidate - he definitely point is that its week TWO! The heisman race hasnt even started.

And If ND had won (which they shouldve) DR probably isnt talked about nearly as much. In sports we tend to overreact from week to week and this is a pretty good example of that
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I have a 50 minute commute to work. Today, I made sure I was in my truck, driving by 5:50, so I could get some good recap of the game from Saturday. I sat through several minutes of S.A.S. talking about sexual harassment, and how it's the chicks fault for how she dresses.... BLAH.... I usually don't leave until after 6 so I don't have to hear him speak. Well, the whole drive into work was NFL. Which is ok, I like the NFL, but this is the state of IOWA that does not have a NFL team. We do have 2 Division 1, major conference football programs in this state. 90% of the listening audience wanted to hear about this game.

All the angles are there.... Has Iowa learned from it's fast starts to get on the throttle right away? Is ISU going backwards in the defense dept? Does CPR now understand what this game means to ISU? Do we realize that Arnaud has 1 TD/9 Ints against Iowa in 3 games? Does rotating backups this past week give Iowa the much needed experience that they will need through the end of the season and going into next year when we lose key guys?

I was disappointed in the choice of topics to cover in the first hour.

I understand when you talk about that game for HOURS this weekend, but when this is what your audience wants, it doesn't matter if you are tired of talking about it, obviously in this college football state, it's what we still want to hear.

I didn't hear the 2nd hour, so I don't know how much it was talked about there, but man, I expected good wall to wall coverage of it in the first hour.

No offense to Miller and Deace because I think they're both good at what they do, but I feel like they've gotten pretty lazy with their analysis lately. Maybe Jon's getting burnt out with all the sports stuff he's a part of now (Soundoff, HawkeyeNation, Big Ten Network, Miller & Deace), but the passion and the good analysis just isn't there. point is that its week TWO! The heisman race hasnt even started.

This is very wrong. The Heisman race starts about 2 weeks before the season starts. The only reason that a certain Iowa RB doesn't have a Heisman is because he didn't show up on the nations radar until about week 6. If the Heisman race really started mid season SG would have been on that podium.
This is very wrong. The Heisman race starts about 2 weeks before the season starts. The only reason that a certain Iowa RB doesn't have a Heisman is because he didn't show up on the nations radar until about week 6. If the Heisman race really started mid season SG would have been on that podium.

Lets check back at point is some teams have only played once and the conference season hasnt even started. You can give DRob the heisman today if you would like but I'm will wait to see how it plays out.

I would equate this talk right now to the polls. Oklahoma barely beats Utah state so they suck and get dropped. Then they dominate FSU and they are great again and leapfrog Iowa.

I have no problem with DRob being discussed but some people are already giving him the heisman.
All I have to say to anyone, is when you only have one player on your offense who can do anything, you will get the ball to that guy and he will have hugely inflated numbers. Robinson is an athlete no doubt and he definitely has conditioning, but you have to look at it from the perspective that he has 885 yards passing/rushing to the rest of the team having around 123 yards so far. It is a one-dimensional attack. You take away his running and Michigan cannot move the ball. He will not make it through B10 play, just my opinion. The two defenses he has played are pushover defense's. UCONN only returned like what 6 or 7 guys tops I think and ND's is just horrible this year. Tebow and the rest of the guys in the past had a balanced attack of good running backs and receivers their numbers weren't close to this, because they moved the ball around.
I chuckle at the untied shoe laces bit everytime I hear it.. Because they are VELCRO SHOES. Seriously give it a rest.

The man they call "Shoelace," and who actually wears Velcro, left footprints all over the Notre Dame defense Saturday, ripping off the longest run in Notre Dame Stadium history (87 yards) on his way to a 502-yard day in total offense and his official entrance into the Heisman hyperbole.
I can't comment on the show because I never listen to it(sorry Jon, they frown upon listening to radios in class). But if you're not impressed with what Robinson has done these first two weeks, it must take a lot to impress you. Forget about the stats for a second. I've watched him two weeks in a row fake a hand off to a back, start to run down the line like it was an option play, and then stop on a dime and throw a perfect pass to a receiver on a crossing pattern. Both went for touchdowns. I don't claim to be a defensive genius, but that is a play that is next to unstoppable. Defensive coordinators must be getting ulcers all across the Big Ten.This guy is more of a threat than Randle El was. And we all remember how much of a fit he gave our defense.

We are going to have to outscore Michigan to have a chance in the Big House.
If Denard Robinson is the only Heisman candidate because of the numbers he's put up in just two games, then we need to throw in Dante Warren's name. He put up 433 total yards against Minnesota. Given the fact that South Dakota is an FCS school, that's pretty impressive. Would anyone do that? No, because there have only been two weeks of college football played and Minnesota is terrible. We have no idea how good UConn and ND are without being at least half-way through the season. Let's wait and see.
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Will the BTN give the same percentage of time in their overall programming to Michigan QB story this week? No, because there is other news within the conference and Mr. Deace is not present to steer the conversation.

The fact that this topic of discussion may have lasted 20-30 minutes today is not a big deal unless it turns into the weekly "what's new with the Wolverines" show.

Kind of reminds me to some degree of the old Jim and Jim show where Walden would go off on one of his favorite subjects, the Washington State Cougars.
I'm sorry, but I fail to see what the big deal is with Robinson.

Michigan has run 149 total offensive plays in 2 games. Of those 149 plays, Robinson has either run or passed on 119 of them. For those that are math-challenged, that is 80%. Let me say that again......80%. Name me another college football player who has been the primary ball-carrier/passer for 80% of his team's plays. With that many opportunities, I'd hope he would be putting up ungodly yardage.

It is obvious to anyone what is going on here. Rich Rod is in a fight to save his job. The rest of his offensive players are average, at best. Therefore, he is going to ride this horse until it falls down dead and hope that that doesn't happen until about week 8 or 9 when he's locked up a winning record and a bowl invite. But make no mistake about it.....if Rich Rod continues having Robinson involved in 80% of the offensive plays, Robinson WILL get hurt and hurt bad.
First, Michigan still only scored 30 points against a bad UCONN team and 28 against a brutal ND defense. So what if they guy gets 500 yards, if it doesn't show up on the scoreboard. I mean one player has 500 yards and that only accounts for 28 points? That should be a topic of conversation!

Come on, if Ricky threw for 240 yards and Iowa ran for 250, we would expect to see at least 35 points on the board.

Remember Iowa has scored more than Michigan has in the first two games. But I guess scoreboard doesn't count anymore.

Now that being said, what the burKEY said about DR is significant. It basically sets the QB up one on one with the safety. If the safety comes up to press the run, the QB throws if the safety stays back, he runs. However, one way to address this is to do what we did to GTech and blow up the line. It will also be important to play disciplined.

While Robinson's passing has greatly improved. I still think you go with the odds and try to keep him in the pocket and throwing over big linemen. Take your shots at him when he runs rather than selling out on the pass rush that could end up in an open running lane.
Dude's next 3 games are against uMass, Bowling Green, and Indiana. By the time he faces Iowa he may have over 1,000 yards rushing. The Heisman talk will be almost unbearable at that point. It would be great if Iowa could derail those hopes.

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